
A hope in a dystopia

Communism and capitalism wage a seemingly endless battle for control. Beneath the facade of these opposing forces lies a hidden truth – an intricate web of power and manipulation, led by a secretive oligarchy clinging to feudalistic traditions. The world stands on the brink of collapse, haunted by the constant threat of a nuclear Armageddon. Will Lucian and his “twin brother” 虚字 save the world from the hands of a dystopian society? Or will the world be destroyed in a nuclear armageddon?

EIsForE · Action
Not enough ratings
11 Chs


It has been 7 years and 4 months since he was born

"Come on Ms Clara! Let me play with your phone, hmph"

He pouted and acted cute to make her trust him even more.

"I'm sorry, I can't do it Ahdria. He told me-"

His eyes began to be filled with moist

"all right all right!"

The brunette finally gave in and gave him her phone.

"but only for 10 minutes okay?"

He ignored her and just kept playing with her phone.

'he's really cute

she thought to himself. She never had a crush on her boss, so why? Why is she instead having a crush on a guy that is supposed to be in elementary?

"Can I see what you are doing?"

He quickly leaned his back on the wall to prevent her from seeing what he was doing.

"come on!"

He didn't respond to her request so she just gave up. She just watched him play happily on her phone for the entire time until she finally took it and placed it inside her handbag

"Sorry 10 minutes is up, and I have to submit the reports"

She stood up from the bed she was sitting on and left his room while humming. As she left, his smile quickly left his face. He might not feel disgusted due to the age difference, but he knows it is disgusting.

a fusion reactor that powers 10 facilities just a few kilometers away huh? This makes it simpler.'

"Ahdria, have you seen my phone?"

He just shook his head to indicate that he doesn't know where her phone is

"Perhaps you left at the office?"

"yeah fair point, I'll be right back"

she turned around and walked away from him

"don't forget to bring me some sweets!"

he shouted in her direction, she didn't slow down. She just continued walking away. Did she hear it? Definitely. Will she bring sweets? Who knows.

"1841891 or rather Ahdria, when should I deactivate the cameras?"

A voice whispered at him. Another clone of his came out of hiding while holding her phone in his hands

"When she is near you, and when I am at the office with him"

"1841891 the director come to the office"

A voice came out of the speaker commanding him to go to the office

"There, you know what to do."

He turned around from his clone and began walking away towards the office. It didn't take long for him to reach the office and a guard opened the door for him. He entered the room and was greeted by William who was sitting on his chair.

"I know what you have been doing 1841891." He stayed calm, he couldn't know what he had been planning. "You should know that as the masterpiece, you should act with dignity. I am terminating her contract. You will no longer be able to see her again"

He thought that 1841891 had begun to feel emotions, and he wished to eliminate it. But he was wrong, none of the clones have any emotions since they came from him directly. He didn't care

"Also, why are you so addicted to mobile-"

He stopped questioning him, stood up, and turned around to the workers that have been panicking.

"What is the problem?"

"Sir! The cameras have been disabled"

William began to massage his forehead due to the frustrations of corruption. He was wrong, there was no corruption involved. The malware that was put in by him was simply far too deep to remove.

"then use the external backup"

"that too has been deactivated"

Another worker said in response to his command

"what? Then that means, all cameras on all facilities are useless. CLOSE THE FACILITY IMMEDIATELY, THERE MIGHT BE A TERRORIST ATTACK"

Fearing for his life, he shouted at his employees at the top of his voice. There were no terrorists, but rather two monsters that were already inside the facility.

Clara was dead, and beside her was the one who murdered her in cold blood. Holding her bloodied phone which he used to smash her head several times, he threw it away. He reached for her chest took her ID from her corpse and left the scene. He did it so perfectly that there was no blood in his clothes or hands. As he was walking around, every door began to close. He quickly ran towards the next room and as planned, he was at the cafeteria

"what are you doing here?"

A guard who was holding a fork asked

"oh! I know you! You are Mr Heinrich. You have a really pretty fiancé. Blonde hair?"

That deeply troubled him. 'how did he know?' 'why does he know?' 'is there a problem?'. These thoughts

"What are you doing here? Go back to your rooms!"

A guard reprimanded his actions. They were supposed to be taking a nap right now. He just ignored him and searched the room. He suddenly pointed towards a man that he remembered was talking to Heinrich's wife whom Heinrich brought with the facility.

"I saw a pornographic video on the Internet with him and your wife"

The crowd stayed silent. They immediately believed the obvious lie the clone told. Why? Because of two reasons. The first was that they immediately began suspecting their wives of cheating, that is due to their wives previously liking to talk with him. And the second was that they thought the clones were not capable of lying.

The clones never had a history of lying. Thus they immediately believed they were genetically made to not lie. That was false. The clones never really had a reason to lie, so why lie?

They didn't even question how he was able to see pornography without a phone. They were just out for blood. Multiple of the guards who were muscle heads immediately ganged up on the poor guy and began beating him to death.

Amidst that chaos, some people decided to settle some personal scores. Brutal fighting was rampant. The scientists that were in the cafeteria tried to stop the infighting. But it was ultimately useless when the first bullet was shot.

The man who everybody was beating up took hold of his gun and shot Heinrich. There was a moment of silence until everyone just started shooting each other. Some bullets missed the target and instead hit a random guy, who then shot a bullet as an act of revenge. The scientists in despair due to not being able to do anything just ran to the door and tried hacking it to open.


He muttered silently, picked up a handgun, and shot at the scientists. They quickly turned around and started shaking with fear. A flight response.

He smiled at the scientists with a hint of sadism

"Isn't it a shame that you guys are prohibited from bringing guns to this facility? If only you guys who are at least capable of thinking can bring guns, then this nightmare would've been avoided"

One guy reached out for his pockets and took a key. He began running towards him with the intent to stab him. It was of no use, he just shot him in the head.

"Such a shame that only one guy is on the fight response eh?"

He began shooting at the scientists once more until he ran out of bullets. He took out the magazine and reloaded it in front of them. He started shooting once more until all the scientists were dead. Noticing it had been somewhat peaceful, he turned around and saw only a few people still alive, 4 exactly who were bloodied and active due to the adrenaline. He removed the magazine of the gun and only found 3 bullets left.

He ran to a guy he picked, and with extreme accuracy he shot a single bullet to every person's head that wasn't the one he was running to. The man immediately heard the bullets and aimed his gun at him. But just before he can hold the lever, he throws the gun at his head.

The gun hit his head and he pulled the trigger in an accident. He, predicting where the bullet's trajectory would move, moved his body before he could press the lever. He barely dodged the bullet, but he didn't stop. He jumped towards the man and hit his throat with his fingers.

He choked and released his hands off the gun to hold his throat. Using the opportunity to strike, he caught the gun just before it could reach the floor and shot his chest 2 times.

He fell to the floor in pain.

I was of no use to shoot his head, he would still from blood loss.

While walking towards the kitchen, he reached for an automatic rifle just lying on the floor and strapped it on his back. He also put some ammo on his chest and strapped them. In the kitchen, he took a butcher knife and was planning to search for an oscillating saw. He abandoned it when he found a bottle of gallium in the kitchen.

He was confused about why a liter of gallium was in the kitchen but decided it was not the time to think about such things. He took the gallium and butcher knife away from the kitchen and entered the cafeteria. He kneeled to a corpse, cut off its hand, and took a key card. He just put it in his pockets not caring about the blood dripping.

Knowing how the doors were made up of aluminum he pumped some gallium to the door, and it easily broke. But due to gravity not being on his side and the door being thick, he did it 4 times again.

Finally, he broke free from the cafeteria. He stored the bottle of gallium in the bag he stole from a guard, and began walking to the office. As he was walking to the office, he encountered some guards walking around the facility, he shot them immediately. His walking turned into running as he raced for the office to meet up with Ahdria.

He saw some of his fellow clones just casually sitting on a chair, he shot at them. He didn't care. That was their plan, to destroy everything.

I was just sitting calmly looking at the people stuck with me panicking. I then heard a bang on the door. A sound of something breaking, like a crunch. The panic was at an all-time high. A hole in the door was then formed. Oh yeah, weren't all doors made up of aluminum? He must have found a lot of gallium.

The people around me including William stayed silent in shock. A small figure entered the room and it was him smiling sadistically. I walked up to him to greet him

"So you do have emotions unlike us. I have a new plan, kill everyone, except William… for now. Just shoot him in a place where he can survive and move for a bit"

I whispered to his ears. He nodded and began shooting everyone. Everyone in the room died except William who was breathing heavily.

"William, it is time for the world to start anew"

Ahdria said to him in an emotionless tone.

"And how do you plan on doing that?"

"Nuclear armageddon. It's like not this world can't be fixed, the question is… Why should it be fixed? Human intelligence is a plague that must be destroyed."

Ahdria walked up to him, took his phone, and using his appearance, unlocked it

"To think we have the same fingerprints, eyes, and face. You were a fool"

Andria turned around and faced him

"Do you have the 2 phones?"

Ahdria asked him. As a response, he shows him the phones.

"Good, transfer the money stored in this phone to those phones."

Ahdria gave William's phone to him

"Should I create a new account for us?"

"Later, let us focus more on escaping. Let's go."

The two left the office, and William was full of despair. But, he couldn't let it win him. Using all of his strength, he pulled himself up and opened the computer. Every clone has a brain chip inserted in their brains meant to record their memories. He deeply regretted not putting a kill command on those chips. He thought he could trust them.

The problem was Ahdria due to being the original, never had the chance to put a chip on him. But that would be taken care of due to the other clone with him spending a lot of time with him.

" next week Wednesday, exactly 12 pm. That is the exact time when the stock market will be at its highest."

He muttered to himself. He stopped himself from doing what he planned to do but then decided that since he was still going to die, he'd just do it.

Next week, on January 1, 2076, Wednesday, all of his assets would be transferred to Aureus. He might not be the richest man, but his wealth is still so immense. After all only a few people in this world hoard this much wealth. And those people have 99.9 percent of the wealth. He is included in that.

'Maybe the people will revolt against their overlords if such an inflation occurs? I hope so'

He began regretting using nuclear power plants as the facilities' energy source, and on top of it all, the control center for the energy is in the nuclear power plant. The facility could not control how much energy it was being given.

He fell to the floor, but with all of his strength, he pulled himself out of the floor and ordered a facility in Switzerland to produce the last generation. Around 50 of them would be made. But unlike the rest of the clones which had their minds to be edited to save the world. The new clones' order would be to first kill the two clones that defected while saving the world is second.

After finishing the modifications, he ordered some guys in the facility to take the new clones and spread them all over the globe.

But as he finished it, he lost control over his legs, and with an immense headache. He could no longer do anything, his end was nigh

I literally can’t think of a way. The way they escaped is so bullshit

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