
The Offer

"Felix," I hear a familiar voice say. 

The hair on my spine rises, like a premonition of the bad luck that is to come. Ah, I really hate this feeling, a premonition that something is about to go very very wrong. 

That voice. I swear I've heard it somewhere. How do I put it? Where have I heard it before? Which dark crevice of this world has introduced me to that particular sound. I know it…I just know it….I know that sound. 

Frustrated with not being able to remember, I decide to turn and see who it is. 

How I wish I did not. Ugh, this man, he's so not worth my time right now. What a worst-case scenario to even encounter him today of all days. Yeah, I was really unexcited when I heard he was the one to lead this group of rag tags, all because I know what he'll be here to do. And now here is, doing exactly what I expected him to do.