
A History of Survival

"Please don't hurt me, nature deity!" the little prince instinctively pleads out as he hangs helplessly from the ground.

"Why are you following me?" the deity asks again, shaking him.

The little prince can't help but cry now. He's never been picked up from the ground, and he's never been asked in such a deep voice. He's never been in front of a deity. 

The little price is scared, so scared that he is trembling, so scared that tears are falling from his eyes. He has never been is such a situation before, and now he is terrified. 

He should have stayed in his tower, he regretfully thinks as he cries. He should have listened to his siblings and stayed in his tower. 

"Why are you crying kid? Stop crying. Why were you following me?" the deity asks again.

"I'm sorry. I'm so sorry. Please don't get angry at me," the little prince pleads. 

"I said stop crying," the man's deep voice repeats.