
A High-level Solo Hunter Reincarnated As The Duke’s Son

A high-level solo hunter from his previous world died after his body failed to contain his mana. The next time he opened his eyes, he discovered he was in the body of a different person. Not only did he inherit this body, but also the memories of this new body. He learned afterward that his new body belonged to Klein Dorolt, the son of the Duke. However, he also learned that the previous owner was a bastard, who did some cruel things to other people. Because of his recent cruel actions, the academy punished him. He was sent into the Land of Trial where dangerous monsters were lurking. What’ll our MC do in his situation?

Fhrutz_D_Hollow · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
16 Chs

New skill

"Phew, that almost hit me!"

Using his arm, Klein wiped the sweat that trickled on his forehead.

If he was a second late in using his «Quick Step» skill, he would have gotten himself in trouble with those poison gas.

"Mana Blade!"

Klein shot a barrage of flying sharp blades at the closest Void Worm. The blades flew straight and hit it but failed to penetrate its iron-like body. They broke into pieces upon contact, as though glasses crashed into a boulder.

Despite his «Mana Blade» skill being max level, it still could not penetrate the enemy's defense. It wasn't surprising actually, seeing his level was way below that of the enemy.

The result was within his expectations. His real intention wasn't to kill it with that attack but to buy more time to think of solutions on how he'd get rid of them. Of course, if the attack had succeeded in hurting it then that was much better for him.

Although his attack did not succeed, he saw something that could be a solution to take down these two agile Void Worms.

His attack was able to stop it for a few seconds!

Because of their agile movements, it is difficult for him to hit their weak spot. But if he could impede their movement for even a second or two, he would be able to hit their weak spot.

When he saw the opponent's movement obstructed by his attack, it was precisely a good opportunity, but his «Mana Blade» skill was in a cooling down state when the chance presented itself. Regrettably, he cannot use it redundantly. He has to wait first for the countdown to finish, which is 3 seconds, to use it again.

However, after two seconds only, the monster had recovered and it resumed its movement again, attacking him.

He ran. His bare stomach wriggled furiously. Under his breath, he shouted, "Sheesh, give me one more second! You fucking fat—"

He was about to cuss it, but he realized it was like shooting at the enemies but the bullet bounced back to hit him.

There is one second left to use the «Mana Blade» skill again.

For him to defeat them, he needs to stop them without using his «Mana Blade» skill as the impediment so that he can immediately use it once their movements are obstructed.

If only his «Gravity Control» skill was high level, they were already over long ago, he thought.


Klein stopped thinking and took a sudden step sideways. He successfully avoided getting rammed by the monster's tackle.

The second Void Worm also attacked him. He immediately used his «Quick Step» skill which happened to cool down at that moment.

The battle turned to chasing and evading. The monsters were relentlessly chasing after him.

What's good about his situation is that his mana seems unlimited. 


He found himself cornered. His sweaty back was on the wall.

The two Void Worms raised their whiskers. Their intention was clear.

However, there was a grin on his face instead of worry.

Suddenly, he aimed his hand above, then using his «Mana Blade» skill, he fired a barrage of blades to the ceiling. There was trembling and a loud noise up above. Then came a rain of sharp stalactites, directly hitting the two Void Worms.

The ground shook and dust and smoke rose up.

"Oyaahhh!" He shouted while flexing his arm.

When the smoke and dust cleared, he grimaced. 

Two silhouettes could be seen standing, surrounded by rubbles, their skin glinting a metallic luster.

"Fuck! It didn't even hurt them!"


They shouted in unison, clearly furious.

When they were about to charge at him, the two Void Worms found themselves couldn't move. They were restricted.

Just then, a grin once again appeared on Klein's face.

The two giant worms found themselves trapped in the rubble and couldn't move.

"Now be good and wait for my Mana Blade to cool down, hehe," he laughed.

The giant worms tried their best to break free, but it was a futile effort. Three seconds wasn't a long wait. It is as short as three breaths.

When his Mana Blade skill was finally available to use. He immediately executed them. And then he leveled up. Finally, Level 10. A new skill appeared as he expected.


"It's not the Elementalist skill?!" He exclaimed in shock.

He rested for a while. The battle exhausted him. This body doesn't have much stamina. While at it, he was pondering about his new skill.

"Chain Casting, hm…"

The details said everything he wanted to know about it. According to it, when activating the Chain Casting skill, he could use multiple skills at the same time, even bypassing the cooldown of the skill. The number of skills that can be used in the skill combo depends on the level of the Chain Casting skill.

"Damn, it's pretty interesting!" His eyes lit up in excitement.

He immediately recovered from being disheartened. This new skill was just as useful, or more useful even.

"With this, I can use a combo of skills!" He stood up all of a sudden, his bare stomach wobbled.

Later, he experimented with his «Chain Casting» skill. He tried it on lower-level monsters around. There weren't only giant worm monsters in the lair. There were also common monsters like low-level kobolds and other species like furry creatures. There were even undead warriors sometimes.

He didn't restrain himself from using the kobold as his first subject in the experiment.

Noticing the hairless creature, the bipedal wolf-like kobold immediately rushed towards him, raising its light pick weapon in the air.

He calmly aimed his hand at the approaching wild creature. His body suddenly emitted light, indicating the use of «Chain Casting» skill. Then he spoke the name of his next skill, "Shield Conjurer!"

The kobold looked confused. Its face bumped into a light shield that appeared out of nowhere. Before it could do anything, a sword stabbed its mouth. 


He used his Mana Blade skill to materialize a sword.

Sticky blood dripped down as life left the kobold's body.

He kicked it and freed his sword. He looked at his hands in amazement. Wielding a sword and a shield in his hands, he said excitedly. "Great, it took the only drawback of the Shield Conjurer skill, which is to wait five seconds before casting another skill once using it."

Now he didn't need to wait five seconds and could directly use his second skill even if the Shield Conjurer skill is active.

He raised both the shield and sword in the air and roared.
