

Jason spun through the air shooting off taser bullets to hinder the Justice League. "Sorry folks that's all for today," Jason said kicking Robin, or Dick Grayson in the face as Raven flew over them engaging in a battle with Starfire.

"Why are you doing this friend Raven," Starfire said struggling against Raven's shadow fist she had conjured. Raven didn't answer as she all of a sudden let go and a dark fire blast hit Starfire from the side.

"Finally..." Blackfire said breathing heavily as her clothes were ripped and she looked like she'd been through hell. With only a week of being here on earth, things had taken their toll and she was exhausted, but she had finally found her sister.

"Komand'r?' Starfire said freezing seeing her sister there as Jasper crashed close by them. Standing up the Ghoul dusted off his clothes and looked at superman.

"You know... Ghoul doesn't really cut it anymore with the existence of ghouls known to the public now... I should change my name" Jasper said as he dodged a heavy punch from the Kryptonian and smacked him across the face slamming him into a nearby alley wall. Jasper stepped forward and grabbed him from the cape and threw him in the air before kicking up and having Shadow magic slice toward the Kryptonian.

"Maybe..." Jasper started to say before faltering as Superman yelled and flashed down slamming into him and crushing his body under his hands. "That it?" Jasper asked popping his neck as he ignored the pain he had felt from dying.

"Far from it... but she'll take care of you while I kill Bruce," Clark said smirking as he turned away just as Jasper was hit in the chest by Diana's shield. "Truly an annoyance... you're lucky I need you later..." Jasper said holding the shield and flipping Diana into the air, slamming her into the concrete under them.

Diana coughed as the air left her lungs from being slammed around. Jasper had no mercy though, as long as he didn't kill them he could heal them and bring them to Apokolips right after this battle, which was actually his idea. Little did he know Darkseid was actually on his way to take over Tamaran in order to gain more soldiers to fight off the heroes of earth... he'd find out though.

Jasper slammed Diana repeatedly into the ground as he gritted his teeth from her determination to stay awake. "God damn it..." Jasper flexed his hand as the knife appeared in his hand and he sliced down into her flesh, deep enough to where she wouldn't be able to move recklessly.

"This should work against Clark now that I think about it..." Jasper said as he saw the results of the several fights that had broken out. Sarah was standing there waiting for the others to finish their own fights, Raven was watching the bloody sister fight of Blackfire and Starfire, which looked like Star would win.

Jason was coughing out blood standing over Dick's unconscious body as Stargirl and Wonder Girl were down for the count. Supergirl being Bruces last defense, even though he was slowly getting up ready to fight.

"Move..." Jasper said quietly and opened his palm causing a large black shadow orb to form. "I want to be called... Lights end... yeah that's pretty badass" Jasper said smiling as the orb flew forward at an impossible speed slamming into Superman's shoulder and flying through. This wasn't the end however as Jasper pointed using his fingers causing it to stop and turn flying back through superman, and then again from the left shoulder to the solar plexus, making its way through superman and causing internal damage to him.

"Shit... Jasper" Superman gritted his teeth as he looked at the standing form of Bruce, who was now ready to get back in the fight. Jasper saw this and spit on the ground next to him before flashing forward and putting his thumb on his forehead, getting rid of the magic.

"It's weird... you have something else inside of you... I can't get rid of it... I'll leave it for now..." Jasper said quietly to himself as Bruce's eyes gained their normal look and weren't clouded over.

"Glad to see you're aware of your crimes... but I have a deadline... I want to prepare for HIM" Jasper said snapping his fingers and forming a large portal above the, in another location The Titans and The Suicide Squad were being sucked up as well...

"To Darkseid..."

(2 months ago)

"ahhh!" Jasper yelled and lunged at Darkseid with his one arm remaining. Looking down he saw it was now gone and in the next second he was being launched into the atmosphere.

'Crap... no!' Jasper thought as a small sliver of darkness flew off attaching itself to Darkseid without him noticing, giving Jasper access to Darkseid's Location at all times...


In Tamaran-

"A king is nothing before me... you are even weaker than that boy I encountered a couple of months ago..." Darkseid said tossing the king of Tamaran and sitting on the throne.

He hadn't taken an offensive approach himself in quite a long time, so this showed how badly he wanted revenge on the Earthlings who'd humiliated him.

"Seems I won't even need to go to Earth... Kalibak... don't let me down... that goes for all of you, weaken the earthlings that just showed up and I'll show up to finish them... In the name of Darkseid."

The servants nodded as they all flew out of the destroyed castle...

"Woah... there are tons of Paredemons..." Red Robin said looking around as Starfire and Blackfire looked on at the events in horror.

"This... is your fault!" Blackfire yelled jumping toward the shocked and frozen Starfire before being stopped by Jasper.

"They're coming... focus your anger on them and not your sister rivalry... You are strong! So get it together! Take revenge!... good luck... I can't bother myself with these small fry... and don't touch Bruce Supes... we can figure everything out after this final battle..." Jasper said walking forward before disappearing as Steppenwolf, Mantis, and Kalibak all landed in front of the Earthlings.

No words were needed as Superman rushed forward, needing a stress reliever as he had nearly killed Bruce. As he rushed forward he was met head to head with Kalibak.

"I can't waste time, the father will be mad," He said slamming his fist into Superman's side as the Kryptonian flew to the left at supersonic speeds.

And just like that, the battle began as a different type of battle was going on near the palace...


*Huff* *Huff*

"You thought to come for revenge with this sorry amount of power?... How unfortunate" Darkseid said with Jaspers head in his fist as he looked down at the bloodied Ghoul... who wasn't healing from the omega beams he'd been shot with.

"Shut up... I'm not done yet," Jasper said looking into his eyes before widening his own as a fear-stricken expression planted itself on his face. "Are you... afraid of me?" Darkseid asked his eyes narrowing as he threw Jasper into the throne.

"N-Never..." Jasper said stuttering slightly as his blood ran cold, very clearly afraid of this man. 'Hah... the one in control is scared?... how pathetic" A voice said as Jasper was summoned into the weird mind realm and looked at his other selves...

"Shut up..." Jasper said covering his ears as they stood above him. "Shut up Shut up Shut up Shut up Shut up Shut up Shut up Shut up Shut up Shut up Shut up Shut up Shut up Shut up Shut up Shut up SHUT UP! SHUT UP! SHUT UP! SHUT UP! SHUT UP! SHUT UP! SHUT UP! SHUT UP!" Jasper yelled causng them all to be quiet as he stood up.

"You don't know... none of you... that feeling of defeat I'll never forget... the feeling..." Jasper started to choke up as his anger rose even more, "That feeling of total helplessness... as if you're worthless in front of him... Yeah... I'm afraid..."

Jasper opened his eyes in the real world as he looked at Darkseid calmly, "So fucking what... I'm still gonna kill you" Jasper said calmly as he twisted his head and bit into Darkseid's hand jumping back.

"Argh!" Darkseid grabbed his hand before shaking it and looking at Jasper who seemed a little different, "WE... are going to kill you" Jasper said as the astral image of 4 others like him stood behind him staring Darkseid down.

'Somethings changed about him... why is he looking at me like that... a few seconds ago it was fe-' Darkseid wasn't given the liberty to finish that thought as Jasper, still with his completely calm and downright emotionless state, appeared in front of him in a blink with his hand through his chest.

"You did this to me 2 months ago... just small revenge," Jasper said as he ducked dodging the Omega beam from Darkseid's eyes, who jumped back and wiped his clothes, acting like the attack from Jasper didn't hurt, even though it hurt more than the Kryptonians attacks.

"Missed me," Jasper said from behind as his arms wrapped around Darkseid's neck-breaking it as Jasper twisted it violently. Darkseid wouldn't die from this though, so he jumped back and waited for his next opportunity.

'It's like... I've become perfect...' Jasper thought on the inside as his outward appearance still showed the same emotionless expression as The Ghoul looked down on the much stronger being... but strength didn't matter in this fight.

"Don't get too cocky" Darkseid said rushing forward and grabbing him by the head and quickly ripping it off of his body."A human is so fragile..." Darkseid said kicking Jaspers body away and shooting an Omega Beam and destroying it, thinking he was done.

"Good thing I'm not human..." Jasper said as the flying head regrew his body instantly and he flipped over with his legs around Darkseid's neck as he fell backward and flipped at the last second slamming him into the ground face first.

"Get up... I'm not naive enough to think this is enough," Jasper said finally Ghouling ot with his mismatched eyes and 4 red tendrils as well as his two centipede ones. Darkseid was now starting to get annoyed with this boy. He should have been dead those years ago, so being here was already annoying enough. The thing Darkseid was even more annoyed about is the fact he was actually daring to think he would win this fight... there was no way...

Darkseid put his hands behind his back and looked down at the man who thought he had a chance in near disgust. "I hate leeches like you..." He said turning as Superman dropped in front of him, bloody and defeated as Kalibak landed in a kneel in front of his father.

"I have done it, father... you can kill him easily now," Kalibak said before looking back at the emotionless Jasper. "Would you like me to take care of this one as well father?" Kalibak said standing up and standing in front of him.

"Hehehehe... how weird... I was sucked out of my dimension... and I see my entertainment in the best seat I could find... Bravo Bravo... Jasper... would you mind telling me why I'm here?" A man said standing off to the side and looking at them in interest.

"W-Who..." Jasper said stuttering as he realized, 'What!?... I was supposed to have a week!' Jasper thought to himself as every fiber of his being felt fear at this moment.

"How dare yo-" Kalibak started to say before he disintegrated to ash with a yawn from the man. "How dare you think you can simply talk to the King of Sloth... I may be weaker but i'm still stronger than you... weakling" The man said yawning as he looked at the situation with half-closed eyes.

"Well... I think it's pretty obvious you want to fight me right?... I'll fight you... right after you kill this stony guy... I'll also give you that one week you kept shouting in your head" The King of Sloth said smirking slightly as he did a peace sign and disappeared.

Jasper wasted no time rushing forward and slamming a fist into the confused God Like being in front of him. This was his chance to destroy the man who basically used his life as a fuckery tool. Jasper couldn't let this slide.

"Who was that man? You seem to have gotten so energetic all of a sudden" Darkseid said slapping Jasper away and then spinning in the air and slamming his foot into his face. "Never... I can't fucking lose... damn bastard" Jasper said as his earlier emotionless expression returned and he twisted out from under Darkseid's foot and slammed a knee into his chest.

"A futile attempt at sur-" Darkseid stopped his sentence as he grabbed the side of his head in confusion. "This was given to me to kill the man you saw earlier... it'll kill you no problem..." Jasper said holding the tiny knife with no expression as Darkseid's body separated from itself.

"In the end... you won," Jasper said seeing Darkseid's frozen surprised expression at dying so suddenly. Jasper knew he had only won because of this knife... but it also gave him a false sense of confidence, causing him to make this last mistake.

"Sloth!! I don't need a week... I'll kill you right now!" Jasper yelled and a few seconds later disappeared in a flash of light...


"Why are you so eager to die?... and that Dagger... It all makes sense now... god that fucking Sage... always thinking of revenge... he even used my plaything to try and get a stab at me... that pisses me off!" Sloth yelled as an arena appeared with Jasper in the middle looking at him with an emotionless expression.

Instead of waiting he immediately summoned his avatar to fight with him, he wasn't going to take the chance of this god defeating him as easily as Kalibak, and he also hoped to be able to get the killing blow with the knife.

"Nope... not fun," Sloth said appearing behind him as his avatar disappeared in black shadow shards. "What the hell?" Jasper asked turning around and kicking towards Sloth's head. Sloth lazily blocked it before kicking him away.

"Do you see now?... The Sage was desperate to pick someone he sold for freedom..." Sloth said slapping him away with a small smile on his face. Jasper hit the ground hard, 'N-No way... I... got tricked?" Jasper thought as he stood up, desperately holding the knife.

"I... refuse to give up..." Jasper said as blood ran down his wrist from how hard he was holding the knife, Jasper lunged forward slicing the knife down with as much power mixed in along with his shadow magic mixed in as well, using as much as he could muster at this time...


"We... fucking won..." Jason said lying on the ground surrounded by the dead bodies of the Paredemons and also the dead bodies of Darkseid's army.

(before Jasper disappeared)

"To the right!" Jasper yelled pointing his gun and shooting causing everyone to attack that way as Steppenwolf appeared in that exact location getting hit by the multiple attacks. "Mantis up ahead!" Raven yelled opening a portal and causing a large tentacle monster to snatch the said person and slam him into the ground.

"There... all yours's Diana," Jason said as Diana jumped up with a sword in her hand. The sword glowed as it aimed for these two immortals who were lined up. Stargirl flew forward as well shooting off her energy towards them same with raven, these three ultra-powerful heroes attacks hit the two immortals head-on, surprising them as they felt their life force start to leave.

"How!?" Steppenwolf said as they dropped over dead, he felt something was wrong... he didn't think it was their attack that had killed them... little did he know that all of Darkseid's followers were feeling the exact same thing as they dropped dead.

"We... fucking won," Jason said plopping on the ground...


3 weeks passed after the battle, Blackfire and Starfire took over the planet and became queens, together instead of apart as they took care of the problems and also their little brother.

Everything on earth returned to normal, people felt safe now that the Justice League had informed them of their 'Invaders' demise. Batman was taken into custody and put into Arkham Asylum for his crimes... and Dick became the new Batman... but there was one person missing from everything... Jasper.

He had up and disappeared, something that, when hearing, caused Rize to fall into despair as she now spent her nights crying...

"Where are you fucker..." Raven said holding her knees as she looked in the sky... hoping he would return...