
A Gamer in Dragon Ball

"Who would have thought my death was just the beginning?" A man given an opportunity to live a new life. Watch as he grows stronger to face new challenges. Note: I do not own the cover, let me know if you want it removed.

Mr_Dumpling · Komik
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9 Chs

Close call

Sirius looked at the incoming ki blast coming towards him from above and retaliated with his Kamehameha. The collision of the two beams sent shockwaves through the air, devastating everything around them. 


A skill has been created 

"Not now, game" Sirius muttered as he turned off the notifications to focus on the battle. 

"God damn! I did not think it would be this strong," Sirius thought as he struggled to overcome the beast's ki blast. Sweat began to drip down his face as he saw the yellow ki blast inching closer and closer. His eyes widened in shock. "Is this where I die?" 

"Screw you! This is not where I am dying!" he shouted with all his might. 

"HAAHHHHAAA!" A green aura intensified around him as he poured all his ki into the Kamehameha, making it bigger and stronger. 

Seeing its attack getting pushed back, the beast growled and intensified its own energy, making its blast even stronger. The clash between these two attacks became even more intense as spider-web-like cracks started to appear in the ground, and the trees began to uproot. The two beams struggled to dominate each other for a while. 

However, this did not last long as it reached its climax, creating an explosion in midair where the two ki blast collided. 


-30 HP! (350/380) 

HP Regen Skill Active 

-Current speed: 0.1% max health per minute. 

-30 HP! (320/380) 

-35 HP! (285/380) 

-40 HP! (245/380) 

-45 HP! (200/380) 

The explosion blast sent both of them flying in opposite directions, destroying everything in its path. 

-18 HP! (182/380) 

-20 HP! (162/380) 

The once forest place filled with dense vegetation was now completely destroyed. The explosion had left a significant scar on the landscape, though it was just a small section of the vast forest. No trees or animals could be seen there. 


"Haaaa.. Haaa..." In the destroyed ground, Sirius tried to catch his breath as he struggled to get up. His whole body was a mess. Brusis all over him, showing how much damage he took. 

'That was too close for my liking. I don't even want to imagine what would happen If I took the direct hit.' Sirius shivers at this thought. 

'We both got caught in the explosion, but I know that shitty mutt is still alive, or else I would get notification for the exp. Good thing that Game gave the HP Regen Skill, if not it would probably take a while for me to recover.' Slowly but surely, Sirius starts to move and examine the aftermath of the explosion as his injuries start to heal. 

Each step was painful, but he pushed through, his body gradually recovering thanks to his regeneration skill. Sirius scanned his surroundings for any sign of beast. Not far away from, the beast lay weakly on the ground. 

It had many burns marks around its skin and some of its dark fur was even charred from the explosion. 

"Grrrrawwwr!" The moment it noticed Sirius, it snarled in anger as it firmly stood to face Sirius. Despite its weakened state, it did not back down. 

Sirius was slowly recovering from his injuries, but he still was not in a good condition to fight. The same was for the beast. 

"After all the trouble you caused, don't think I am letting you off." Sirius said as he closed the gap between them. Once he was close, the beast lunched itself at him, aiming its sharp fangs at his neck. 

Unfortunately for the beast, Sirius had anticipated what it would do due to his eye, making it easier for him easier to dodge its attack. 

'I can't just punch anywhere. It obviously didn't work before even when I used all my strength.' Unlike before Sirius did not randomly throw a punch. After observing the beast from the start, he had an idea why his punch did not affect it before. 


Once Sirius dodged the beast's attack, he channeled his ki into his left fist and landed a powerful punch on the side of the beast where it had no fur. 

"Come on, work! I know that fur of yours can reduce physical damage, but what if I attack the part where you don't have it?" Sirius shouted as his fist connected. 

Unlike before, the punch did heavy damage. The moment it connected with the beast's body, a series of bones cracking sounded through the air. Right after that, Sirius grabbed the beast's tail and slammed it into the ground a few times. Each of them was soo powerful that the ground shattered as many debris scattered all around them.

In a desperate attempt to escape Sirius's grasp, the beast charged a ki beam in its mouth, though it was weaker than before. 

"Oh no you don't." Sirius said as he threw the beast away, causing the ki blast to miss. 

"Raaawwwrrr!" The beast howled in pain, staggering a few steps back. Its usual predatory gaze was nowhere to be seen, its eyes were now filled with fear and desperation. 

"It's over," Sirius thought, seizing the opportunity of the beast's confusion, he suddenly appeared at its side. The beast in response slashed its claw to stop Sirius, which he managed to block it with his arm. The claws dug into his flesh, but Sirius gritted his teeth and ignored the pain. 

He gathered all his strength and delivered a final blow to its vulnerable spot. The sheer force was immense as the impact generated a powerful shockwave, destroying everything behind it and sending the beast's lifeless body flying deeper into the forest. 

6250 Exp! 


You have reached lvl 10! 

You have reached lvl 11! 

You have reached lvl 12! 

You have reached lvl 13! 

You have reached lvl 14! 

Max ki (100) (330) 

You have a total of 35 points to spend! 

'This was worth it.' Sirius thought, smiling as he fell to the ground, completely drained of energy. He rested there for a while to recover himself as he started the sky, thinking of how he should proceed. 

'The first encounter in this forest nearly took my life and it's found in the outskirts, not even one of the strongest. Sheesh, how strong is this beast king, Kumu?' Sirius wondered. 

Sirius lay there recovering himself, until he felt multiple presence of something heading towards him. He wearily turned to their direction, and activated his evolved right eyes. His vision became clearer, and in the distance, he saw a pack of beasts resembling the one he had just defeated coming towards him. They were still far away, but with his enhanced vision, he could see them distinctly. 

'Fuck me! There are 6 of them coming right at me. Our fight must have attracted their attention. I don't think I can do anything in my state right now.' Sirius had some time to recover, but he was far from being at full strength. With no option, he decided to back away as he lifted himself and flew to another area, where he couldn't sense any strong power level. 


"I know I should wait, but I just don't have enough time." Sirius muttered under his breath as he looked at the translucent blue screen. His hair gently moved while he flew to his destination. 

'I should train to get my physical stats to 100 to maximize the effect of my title. But I can't risk it. For all I know, this planet could be invaded at this very moment. Not to mention, I need to be stronger to fight stronger foes. If that beast was even a little bit stronger, I would probably be its meal by now.' Sirius thought, shivering at how close his last fight had been. This made him even more determined to use his points to increase his strength. 

Sirius quickly pulled out his [Status] and allocated his points to STR, DEX and INT. 

STR (32) (47) 

DEX (26) (40) 

INT (29) (35) 

From his previous fight, Sirius realized he needed to increase his strength to the point where he could injure his opponents, even if they could reduce physical damage. He also increased his dexterity to improve his speed and agility, making it harder for his enemies to hit him. Finally, for the intelligence, Sirius was curious to see if it would unlock magical abilities. 

Within a few minutes, Sirius landed in another part of the forest. 

'Finally, I can rest in peace.' Sirius thought as he sat under a tree, slowly recovering from the effects of the skill. 


Author note: I was going through the skills the MC has and realized a mistake I made. His evolved eye should not increase dexterity at all. I don't know what I was thinking while writing this. So I made some changes. You can go back to see them. I hope you enjoy this chapter. Also I made a Auxiliary chapter, which explains what each attributes increases 

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

Mr_Dumplingcreators' thoughts