
Chapter 8

Soon, I settled down and began to scout the area. Looking for a place to stay. I looked around the area and gathered at the same time.

I met few new animals, one was called [Three-Eyed Deer].

It was on the same size as a deer on earth. Aside from the three eyes, It has two different characteristics for female and males.

Males had a buffer and thicker body why females were slim and agile. I usually saw them in pairs.

They normally have the lv. of 17 to 22 while some males even reach 30.

Welp. Seems that I already found my replacement for rabbits.

Although there were some Shelled Rabbits here and there, they seem to be lesser than the area I usually hunt in.

Anyway, aside from the deer, I also met <Humming Fish>, <Backbelly Toads>, <Sporeshroom Bees>, and a lot more.

Some had thee appearance and resemblance of the animals in earth while there were others who were entirely new.


By the time I was finished scouting, it was already dusk and so I looked for a bush hidden inside the shade of a tree.

As I was looking for the perfect spot, I suddenly picked up some hollow noises coming from the waterfall.


That's weird.

I went ahead and checked it out.

Turns our, there was a spacious cave behind the waterfall.

Amazing... my luck is fucking incredible.

Now then nature... Don't mind if I do.

I was pretty exhausted myself, so I made myself at home inside the cave. Lying down somewhere on the rocks beside the wall, I began to snooze.



What the...


Who the hell?!

I couldn't take it anymore. It was somewhere in the middle of the night and I hear a loud ass snoring bitch?

Not being in the right mind, and in an incredibly bad mood of being woken up, I looked around and immediately found the snoring bastard.

It was a giant boulder looking ass bastard.

Hey.., "Grrrr-"


You son of a-, "GRRRR...."


YOU WANNA TAKE THIS OUTSIDE BUDDY?! , "Rrrrrr, rwow! wow wow wow!"

Curse this pathetic intimidating voice of mine. I sound like a new born puppy.


Wake up you loud, snoring, faggot ass little cunt!

"Grunt- HM?!"

Yes... That's right faggot. I don't have to be the only one who has a ruined night, do I?

"Wow! wow wow wow!"


Slowly, The giant bastard stood up and stretched.

Okay.. I think I picked a wrong fight this time...

It was larger than I thought it would be, scaling to be the same as the predator bear but a little bit taller and larger.

It's whole body was made out of stones, having four limbs and one head, It looked like a moving statue from earth.


It rubbed it's eyes as I could feel menace coming from him. Suddenly, light lit up in his eyes, causing the entire cave to be lit up.


What the- does this mean he's really mad?

Woops, I'm sorry for bothering you, I'll be on my way now.

His breathing is getting harder and rougher by the second, as if the bastard was about to blow up or something either way- I don't care. I'm out of here.

As I was about to exit the cave, The statueman's grumbling stopped and everything was still.

Including the waterfall, everything suddenly stopped. As if time was stopped.

"There you are."


An unfamiliar woman's voice spoke behind me. I hesitantly turned around and I saw the statueman's glowing eyes looking at me.

I instinctively took a step back.

"Haha... No need to be wary of me, I mean no harm."

A-are you a God?

"Hmmm... Yeah. I suppose I am. Yep."

What do you want with me?

"Introductions should be made first right? Ehem- My name is Gaia, and I am the Goddess of Earth."

Wait a minute, Earth as in my Earth or Earth as in dirt?

"Irk- I-if you mean Earth as the element itself then yes I am."

I see... so you're the Goddess of Dirt.

"Wha- You imbecile! How dare you-"

So what do you want?

"E-ehem. So, we Gods can visit and give blessings to the mortals of this world whenever we'd like, however the blessings are important for us as the mortals who we give our blessings to are to represent us."

Is that so? So it's like marking a territory?

"Yes and No, Some Gods might hate it while some gods might like it. Keep in mind that this blessing will accompany you throughout your life as an individual so it's quite important for you to receive one, especially on fighting against the Demon Army."

I see... So what's the catch?

"Hmph, quite a clever one. In exchange for the blessing, you can trade your skills for it. Normally, the mortal just agrees to receive the blessings so we get to choose a select amount of skills from his skill set."

I see.. So what's the effect of your blessing?

Suddenly, a screen of information appeared in front of me.

[ Gaia's Blessing

This is the blessing of the Goddess of Earth, Gaia. Additional 500% bonus attack damage from all earth-based attacks. 200% Exp bonus received from all Earth monsters. May develop Earth-based skills according to the User's compatibility with earth.]


"No need to think too hard about it human, rather, be grateful for the fact that you have the chance to receive my blessing."


"Also, one thing that's been true about Gods throughout the history- We don't lie."

Hmmm. Alright, which skill do you want?

While asking her that, I immediately paid attention towards her tone and voice.

" Ehem, You're a lucky one mortal because all I want is your Tail-whip skill."

Hmm.. No thanks then.


I said no thanks.

"Wha- Mortal, do you even realize what you're missing out on? This is a Blessing! A BLE-SSING!"

Yes but if you think I don't know the potential of this instant casting skill then you're insulting me.

"Ah- ah... I- it's just a measly attack, I don't see how-"

Well goodbye.

I then started walking away.

"Wha- wait a minute! you can't just walk out on a God like that!"

I don't see anymore point in staying and it seems that you don't have much time either.

I noticed that time slowly starting again as the waterfall was now falling in slow motion.

"W-wait! Are you stupid, mortal? How could you just give up on a-"


Time was beginning to start as the speed of the waterfall is getting a little bit faster.

"Hnn.... Fine! just give me the gathering and pig's greed skills."

Nope. Goodbye.

"Wha- then the Mana Bomb then! you wouldn't need it now since you have the Mana Beam right?"

No way. How about the scavenge skill?

"What? No way! you think a Blessing is only worth this much?"

Take it or leave it.


Time's running out.

"Hnnnnnnalright fine!"



After the successful trade, I felt my sense of finding valuable materials was lost.

No matter, I can make it up for other skills in the future. Besides, it was the only thing I least needed. Given my objective and situation.

Especially now because of what the Goddess told me.


During the trade.

"You're one lucky mortal, If it wasn't for the situation, I would never had settled for this lousy skill."


"Yeah, the Demon Lord is growing at an extremely frightening rate that worries us Gods. We're still investigating who's behind this but for now, we need extra measures to save this world, So hurry up and keep getting stronger."

I see.. by the way, what level is the Demon Ki-

"It's time for me to go now. Let's see each other again, mortal."