
A Forsaken Shinobi in One Piece

Uzumaki Naruto after Akatsuki's attack on Gaara, the container of the sand spirit Shukaku, the village decides to hide Naruto from the Akatzuki since they cannot lose their only Jinchuriki, which Naruto is warned of the decision of Tsunade the fifth hokage of the village and the clan leaders along with the respected elders of the village. Naruto was about to protest but he is subjected to a trap in which he is completely immobilized and it is immediately explained to him what will happen to him and where he would go. Naruto, horrified that they are forcing him to leave his home, tries to destroy the trap in which he was but he was quickly subdued by Yamato and without further delay Naruto was prepared to take him to the place where he would probably spend the rest of his life. A plan where he is involved in hiding Naruto, Yamanaka Inoichi with his mind ability and Hatake Kakashi with his sharingan, so that Naruto does not try to return in any way, both devastated by what they did to Naruto but it was for the best. for everyone and especially for him or at least that's what they thought. What will be Naruto's fate in this new place where he is supposed to be safer. ---- DISCLAIMER: I do not own nor claim to own the rights to any of the Characters, Image, story or world shared. This is a TRANSLATION only to bring awareness to the REAL AUTHOR. And for me to read in English. The REAL FANFIC is at "https://www.wattpad.com/story/193099730-%C2%A1un-shinobi-en-altos-mares-one-piece-x-naruto".

carlos435 · Komik
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11 Chs

Chap. 11 Loguetown part 3

-------------------------------------------------- -------- _zoro 3_ ---------------------------------------- -------------------

Zoro examines his new swords walking through the streets with Naruto, looking for Luffy.

Naruto: (curious) You really like them, right?

Zoro: (happy) Yes, especially this one that is cursed, I don't know, it just attracts me as if we have always understood each other.

Naruto: (calm) I understand, I guess they are one for another.

Zoro: (happy) Without a doubt.

Luffy: (Happy) Wow, what a cool sword, (Falls on top of Zoro and Naruto).

Zoro and Naruto: (shocked) AAAAAAAAAAAAA... (annoyed) Don't show up like that, idiot! (all 3 get up).

Luffy: (happy) Ok sorry hehehe, I was looking for the scaffold again, they take me there.

Zoro: (annoyed) This idiot, now the navy is looking for you along with Naruto and without a doubt they will be there waiting for you, knowing perfectly well that you will go there.

Luffy: (happy) Don't worry, I just want to go up to the pavilion where the king of the pirates was executed and see what the king looked at before he died and from there we return to the ship, plus I don't think this group of marines is at the level hehehehe.

Naruto: (sighs) Okay Luffy, but we have to do it quickly before the navy finds out where our ship is.

Zoro: (annoyed) Come on man, are we really going to let him do it?

Luffy: (happy) Don't worry man, it's sure to be fun, plus you can try the swords, right?

Zoro: (interested) You convinced me with that, come on.

Zoro and Luffy go straight to the scaffold and Naruto sighs when he sees that he was convinced by practically Nothing.

-------------------------------------------------- -- _Usopp 2_ ---------------------------------------------- ----------------

Usopp: (happy carrying a large backpack) Perfect, I already have everything I need to go to the Grand Line and become a brave warrior of the seas hehehe.

Naruto 4: (worried) Okay, I don't understand why so much of that stuff is necessary, but don't you want me to keep everything in the book?

Usopp: (happy) Thank you Naruto, but no, I appreciate your kindness, but if I am not able to be responsible for my own things, I will not be able to advance on my own feet, at first it seemed like a good idea, but I cannot depend on you always carrying all of everyone's things, (a memory arrives) Yes, I forgot, I still need to buy some sniper glasses, I will need them if I want to be an excellent shooter.

Naruto 4: (astonished) Really? Do you dream of being a good shooter?

Usopp: (happy) Not really, but I have always considered myself a good shooter and I would like to continue improving.

Naruto 4: (happy) That's good to hear (remembers something) Usopp, I'm going to separate from you for a few moments.

USopp: (curious) Eee? And why is that?

Naruto 4: (happy) I have to buy things that I will need to make traps and among other things, and unlike the other clones, the original Naruto gave me an amount of cash to buy those materials. Will you manage without me?

Usopp: (happy) Of course, after all I am Captain Usopp hahahaha.

Naruto 4: (now he's worried) Okay, I'll catch up with you right away, okay? 


Usopp: (happy) Okay.

Naruto leaves to get the items he needs.

Usopp: (happy) well, I'll go look for those glasses.

a few minutes later...

Naruto returns to the place where Usopp was the last time and checks that he wasn't around.

Naruto 4: (confused) Come on, where has he gone?

He starts looking for them around and hears from one of the villagers that a famous bounty hunter named Papi Masterson was about to have a duel with a long-nosed boy.

Naruto 4: (worried) And now what did he get himself into?

He began chasing the locals to the place where Usopp and the aforementioned pirate hunter were having a classic duel with a gun.

Naruto 4: (sighs) now what did Usopp do?

Naruto is surprised and chills when he receives the memories of the clone that was with Nami, however, he looks closely at the duel to see if Usopp was as capable as he claims to be.

He came out with another of his tricks to let himself be overcome by fear, but he saw that the pirate hunter did not flinch in the slightest and was going to shoot. Naruto was already ready to intercept the bullet, but he looked at the trajectory of the gun and stopped. He relaxed knowing that he would not kill him and then Nami arrived, apparently watching the events from afar.

However, Naruto wanted to keep his distance to see what would happen next and see if it was necessary to intervene and hurt the man to save Usopp, something he did not want seeing that the man apparently had his daughter with him and did not want the rip him off in front of the girl.

Author`s Note: This part of Papi's confrontation with Usopp is canon. 

The story of Usopp's father and Papi's reason for being were interesting and in the end they both seem to be noble even though they are dedicated to different businesses.

After the hunter leaves along with his daughter, Naruto approaches happily because of the situation, which ended well, and somewhat impressed by Usopp's aim, who apparently wasn't lying when he said he had a good aim.

Naruto 4: (happy) Wow Usopp, what a great show you just put on for us.

Nami: (surprised) Come on, I forgot you were here.

Usopp: (Surprised) Since when have you been here?

Naruto 4: (smiles) From the beginning.


Naruto 4: (annoyed) Because you have to take responsibility for your actions, if you get into things like this, at least finish them, otherwise no one will take you seriously.

Usopp: (understandable) Okay, okay, you're right, I got into this problem and I had to get out of it.

Naruto 4: (happy) Besides, you weren't in danger, he never shot to kill and he didn't have those intentions.

Nami: (surprised) What.... really?

Naruto 4: (happy) Yes, seeing his actions I knew he wouldn't kill you even with his appearance.

Usopp:(Cheerful) I see, another reason to be like him.

Naruto 4: (changes to a neutral form) Anyway let's find the others to head to the ship, Luffy committed us to the navy by telling his identity to the captain and also mine.

Nami: (angry) Damn, that goes through Luffy's head every time he speaks.

Usopp: (sighs) There's no other option, let's go meet up with the others to go to the ship.

Everyone started walking to the center of the city.

-------------------------------------------------- --- _Sanji 3_ --------------------------------------------- ------------------

Naruto and Sanji were walking straight to the port when suddenly a strange woman approached.

Unknown: (ecstatic) I've been looking for you Sanji, after 10 years, (I perform some dance movements from classical Spanish culture).

Naruto and Sanji turn to see who was speaking.

Unknown 1:(arrogant) Let me introduce you to Carmen.

Unknown 2: (arrogant) The best cook in the east.

Carmen: (passionate) I am a person who likes life in the highest degrees, that is why they call me the cook of fire.

The 3 pose to increase the drama.

Unknown 1: (passionate) I am Leo, Mrs. Carmen's first subordinate.

Unknown 2:(happy) And I am Job the second.

After finishing speaking and presenting his pose, Naruto had a drop of sweat on the back of his neck when he saw such a scene.

Sanji: (entering his casanova mode) I surrender to your beauty (starts approaching) That a nymph like you was looking for me, oh but how lucky is my life, (takes her hand carefully and kneels to give a gentleman's kiss lady).

Which made everyone who looked in disbelief at Sanji's reaction to the scene, including Naruto, wondering what the hell was going through Sanji's head.

Carmen: (annoyed by Sanji's unexpected performance) Stop right there (she takes out a frying pan from who knows where and puts it in Sanji's face).

Sanji: (from the same stand bleeding from the nose) Of course you are passionate, but why were you looking for me to hit me with the frying pan?

Carmen: (annoyed, performing dance poses) SUB-ALTERNS, explain.

Leo and Job: (happy) Yes, Miss Carmen.

Naruto just couldn't go through with the scene it just seemed ridiculous to him, which gives up.

Naruto 2: (Overwhelmed) You know Sanji, I better see you on the ship (throws him the book with the supplies)

Sanji: (in his respective way he catches the book) Of course Naruto, this way I and Carmen will have our space, say hello to the others for me.

Naruto could only give him chills at the way Sanji acted and he just disappears.

-------------------------------------------------- ---- _Luffy 3_ -------------------------------------------- ------------------

In a restaurant they found, they were eating peacefully after having found Luffy.

Luffy: (satisfied) Aaaaaa... how delicious I ate, I couldn't leave without having eaten a bite of this city, hehehe, it made me like a wolf.

Zoro: (Satisfied) The truth is that I do too, the good thing is that we found you in time.

Luffy: (happy) The truth is, yes, because I didn't have any money.

Zoro: (swallows hard) So can you explain to me why we come to a restaurant when you and I don't even have any money?

Luffy: (relaxed) Don't worry, I asked Naruto if he could pay us this time.

Zoro: (turns to look at Naruto who was eating relaxed) Really?

Naruto: (with his mouth full he nods his head, swallows what he had in his mouth) That's right, I was hungry too, plus the food at this restaurant is cheap so there's nothing really expensive.

Zoro: (happy) Thank you, but aren't you too kind? I mean, I'm not complaining, after all you offered to pay me for the swords and also for this meal, but I think everything has a limit.

Naruto: (after chewing another bite) That's right, but I don't think it's bad, being that nice to you, after all I consider you good guys, you know?

Zoro: (pouring himself a drink) Yeah, but considering what Nami and this guy are like (pointing to Luffy) I think they'll abuse that a little.

Naruto: (finishing eating) As long as it doesn't affect my training and I'm controlling expenses it's not relevant, besides money is not something I hold on to, if I use cash I can always get by by catching a few guys and pretend to be a bounty hunter and line my pockets.

Luffy: (happy) Well, you are self-sufficient, I'm glad you're with us hehehe.

Naruto smiles and the three get up from the table.

Luffy: (happy) Well I think it's time to go.

The three leave the restaurant after Naruto paid the bill that cost less than half of one of the suits he was forced to buy by Nami.

10 minutes after leaving the restaurant the three of them were walking directly to the scaffold when a strange breeze blows away Luffy's hat.

Luffy: (worried) Eee... my hat, come back here.

He begins to run after the hat with Naruto and Zoro behind him, when suddenly the hat stops right at the gallows.

Luffy: (relieved) I caught you, (looks up) But look, it's the scaffold.

Zoro and Naruto arriving at the scaffold as well.

Zoro: (annoyed) Where is that idiot.

Naruto: (looks at it above the execution floor) This is above.

Zoro: (annoyed) Well, he wasn't lying when he said he wanted to literally see what he saw before he died, but it wasn't surprising.

Luffy: (happy) Well, today marks 22 years since the day he was executed and this was what he saw before he died, it is undoubtedly a splendid sight.

Guard: (speaking through a megaphone from below) Boy, get down from there, if you don't want to have problems.

Luffy: (looks down, curious) But why?

Guard: (serious) It's a historical monument, protected by the government, if you don't go down there right now I'll have to put you under arrest.

Luffy: (happy) Come on, let me stay a little longer, I won't break it.

Guard: (serious) If you don't come down right away I will be forced to use force. (He begins to walk towards the monument, but is hit hard by a sledgehammer and falls knocked out to the ground).

Naruto: (annoyed, sighs) We have to do something before this gets worse.

Zoro: (seriously) I agree.

Guard 1: (nervous) We can't arrest her, she's too beautiful to be a criminal.

Guard 2: (nervous) Yes, I doubt very much that it is a danger.

At that moment a cannonball falls behind the fountain, causing it to explode and the debris knocking out the guards.

Large pieces of debris from the fountain shoot towards Alvida, but they slide off her skin.

Luffy: (worried) Damn, where did that cannonball come from?

Alvida: (turns to her side) What a way to ruin my performance, don't you think?

Unknown: (arrogant) Sorry, I was impatient, maybe nothing happened to your perfect skin, right? So I doubt it matters, stop worrying Alvida.

Luffy: (confused) Alvida? (a memory of her appearance comes). That Alvida?

Alvida: (annoyed) You're looking at her, you idiot!

Luffy: (confused), come on, but they don't look alike at all.

Alvida: (smiling) I ate one of the devil fruits and changed my image, more specifically the fruit of beauty.

Its results were immediate as you can see and now my skin is so smooth and soft that any attack directed at me slides down my skin slippery like a fluffy soap, increasing my beauty and never being affected by it.

Luffy: (disinterested) Na, that's it.

Alvida: (smiling) And then I joined this man, because we share the same desire, which is to capture you.

Unknown: (arrogant) hahahaha (removes his hood along with the men who were with him).

And now it's my turn, because it's time for my revenge HAHAHAHAHAHA, I've been cursing you since the day you blew me up and I swore that I would take revenge on you, and that's what has allowed me to meet with my colleagues to go for your head already eager for all kinds of moments and other difficult moments in which I overcame it thanks to my great leadership capacity, and...WHY THE HELL AM I TELLING YOU ALL OF THIS?

Luffy: (thoughtful) Are you?....Beggy, Baggy, baggu, Begga, Bugga...mmmmmm... What if your name was "Big Nose" "(hits his hand in confirmation)

Buggy: (totally pissed off) STOP CALLING ME THAT, STOP Teasing me, YOU'RE STILL THE SAME AS BEFORE, AREN'T YOU, Idiot?

With Zorro and Naruto.....

Naruto: (Blank) Hey Zoro, can you explain to me why we're not doing anything?

Zoro:(blank) Tell me?

Naruto: (Blank) Can you explain to me, why aren't we doing anything?

Zoro: (blank) Because this scene they're ascending is so stupid in so many ways that I don't see a reason to interfere.

Naruto: (blank) I agree.

Back with Buggy and Luffy.... ...

Villager 1: (worried) That's Buggy the clown.

Villager 2: (scared) THEY ARE PIRATES!!

Panic breaks out where all the villagers try to escape, but at that moment...

Buggy: (annoyed) STAY EVERYONE!!!

His men point guns at civilians.

Buggy: (arrogant) Now they'll know what I'm capable of.

Luffy: (clarified) Your name was already Buggy.


At that moment, a half-orca falls on top of Luffy, trapping his hands and head.

Luffy: (confused) But what the hell is this?

Unknown: (smiling) Hello, Straw Hat, how long and your friend Zoro, how is he?

Buggy: (arrogant) Well done Cabaji, And now I invite you to see the execution of this man on this great day. (pointing to the civilians he is holding hostage).

(Luffffy trying to escape) You can't move, hey, we didn't cut a hair, you'll be happy, you'll die in the same place as in the pirate king, how cool, HAAAAAAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA

With Naruto and Zoro...

Naruto: (worried) He will be an idiot, and now how will we save him without the red-nosed pirates not shooting at the civilians?

Zoro: (worried) Don't ask me, this went from being a bad joke to something serious.

Naruto: (an idea occurs to him) I will surround the civilians and come from behind to stop this, in the meantime stay here and make sure these idiots don't hurt the civilians because otherwise they will use it to frame us.

Zoro: (seriously) understood.

-------------------------------------------------- ---- _Nami 3_ -------------------------------------------- -----------------

Nami, along with Usopp and Naruto, head to the port.

Naruto 4: (calm) According to the information I received from the clone who was with Sanji, he should be at the port.

Usopp: (happy) Well, we're waiting because at this rate the navy will find us.

Nami: (calm) Yes, I just hope they don't keep getting into trouble.

Naruto 4: (happy) Anyway, we have to hurry, we must find Sanji and return to the ship.

Usopp and Nami nod their heads and after 10 minutes of walking they arrive at the port that had a huge fish and seafood market, but in one area there was a lot of bustle and they went to see what was so internal and when they arrived they looked at Sanji competing for a fish.

Naruto, Usopp and Nami meet with Sanji.

Nami: (happy) What a competition you've had, Sanji.

Usopp: (happy) Yes, without a doubt you have proven to be the best cook

Naruto 4: (happy) what a competition, you are undoubtedly an excellent cook Sanji.

Sanji: (happy) Hello my redhead, hello Usopp, hello Naruto, the truth is that it was excellent and this fish will undoubtedly be exquisite, by the way you are another of the clones, right Naruto?

Naruto 4: (happy) Yes , I'm the one accompanying Usopp, pass me the book to save the fish.

Sanji: (happy) here you go (throws him the book).

Naruto takes the book and approaches the fish to seal it on one of the pages, but since it is too big, he takes 2 sheets from both sides of the seal.

Naruto 4: (happy) Ready, it's saved.

Nami:(happy) Excellent, then we can return to the ship.

Usopp: (happy) yes, so I can store my things and organize them in the order in which I will use them hehe.

Naruto 4: (happy) Very well, by the way, Sanji, do we already have everything we need?

Sanji: (happy) If so, we already bought everything, it's better to return to the ship.

Everyone nods their heads when suddenly Nami, like Naruto, looks expectantly at the sky.

Usopp: (curious) Is something wrong Nami?

Sanji: (curious) Naruto?

Nami: (attentive) There is a strange breeze, it will rain.

Usopp: (confused, looks up) but what are you saying? The weather is excellent.

Naruto 4: (concentrated with crimson gaze, as if his animal instinct was warning him, but since Nami was the same, he didn't look at her eyes) And it will be an intense rain

Sanji: (surprised to see Naruto's eyes) impressive, so these are the eyes that Nami said, they are undoubtedly very disturbing, as if they were the eyes of a dress that only wants to shed blood.

Nami: (serious) We have to hurry.

Sanji watched as Naruto's eyes returned to their characteristic ocean blue and from what Nami recently said, he would leave the topic of the eyes for later.

The 4 accelerate their pace directly to the ship.

10 minutes later....

Nami: (worried looking at her space compass) The atmospheric pressure is dropping and that indicates nothing good.

Sanji: (worriedly observing the sky) Well, what strange winds.

Naruto 4: (serious) Nami is right, a storm is approaching and a very dangerous one.

Usopp: (worried, looks at Naruto) A storm? (I opened my eyes when I saw Naruto's crimson eyes that imposed quite a bit of fear, but the moment he blinked Naruto's eyes returned to normal and Naruto realized it)

Naruto 4: (serious) So if Usopp is totally out of the ordinary.

Usopp: (confused when he saw that his eyes turned blue again) Was it my imagination?

Nami: (worried) We must get to the ship as soon as possible.

Out of nowhere they began to hear voices of villagers shouting pirates with the name Buggy.

Nami: (worried) What does that say?

Usopp: (uneasy) That's Buggy Pirates.

Naruto 4: (seriously takes out the book and throws it to Sanji who catches it instantly) I will disappear and inform the original of the storm, he will surely be with Luffy.

Nami: (would be) understood, while we will go to the boat.

Naruto nods his head.

Villager: (serious) Open an execution in the main square, it looks like Buggy the clown executed Luffy.

Nami: (angry) But he'll be an idiot.

Sanji: (seriously throws the book at Nami) Here, I'll go help the idiot.

Nami: (takes the book) Hurry up, this storm is very dangerous, I'll see you on the boat,

Usopp hurry up.

USopp: (worried) yes Nami.

They both leave towards the ship while Sanji runs straight to the Gallows.

Nami: (serious) If this is happening, we must arrive as soon as possible, as surely as the navy is looking for the ships to destroy them, Merry's soul is in danger.

Usopp: (decided) What is in danger? Nothing of that, there is no time to waste (he speeds up his pace).

Nami: (serious) E.... wait for me (speeds up the pace).

-------------------------------------------------- - _On the ship_ ---------------------------------------------- -----------

The last clone of Naruto just waited boredly, waiting for the others to arrive until how the information from the other clones was arriving, he found out everything, about Sanji's things which made him laugh, the chills of the one who was with Nami , But he was alarmed when the clone who was with Luffy got the information that the navy knew he was here, so he put himself on guard for any marine who found the ship but instead a man in a ridiculous suit arrived. with a large Lion of dark striking colors that he was riding.

Naruto 3: (serious) Who are you and what are you doing here?

Unknown: (happy to have found the ship of the man he wanted dead, his captain listens to the question and raises his head) Who are you?

Naruto 3: (annoyed) I asked first.

Unknown: (quiet) My name is Mohji and this is my friend Richie and I am an animal trainer and who are you?

Naruto 3:(Quiet): I am Uzumaki Naruto and I protect the ship.

Mohji: (serious) Well, you will forgive me, but I have to destroy it in the name of my Captain.

Naruto 3: (serious) I want to see you try.

Mojhi: (excited) VERY good Attack mate.

Richi roars loudly and was about to jump when he suddenly looked at Naruto's serious face and looked into the eyes of a much more powerful and terrifying predator than him and started crying and leaned back away from Naruto.

Mohji: (confused) But what's wrong with you, Richie? He's on the other side.

He continued running until he was out of Naruto's sight.

Naruto 3: (happy) Wise decision.

At that moment he looks at how far away Nami and Usopp were approaching and then the information arrives from the clone who was with them and got busy preparing the ship.

-------------------------------------------------- _Navy 2_ ------------------------------------------------ -------------

Smoker and Tashigi approach the main plaza when a marine stops the Captain.

Marine:(captain) We have received reports of two more pirates who are in the city.

Smoker: (serious) Who are they?

Marine: (serious) in addition to Monkey D. Luffy the "straw hat" and who we think is the sub-captain of the ship Uzumaki Naruto the "flashing fox", there are also Buggy "the clown" and Alvida in the main square . Apparently the remaining East Sea pirates with bounties are gathered there.

Tashigi opened his eyes upon hearing the Name of Uzumaki Naruto who was the one carrying 2 of the legendary swords of the ocean.

Tashigi (surprised) Was that nice boy the "shining fox"? The one who almost killed everything in Captain Nezumi's squad? (She begins to squeeze the handle of her sword full of rage).

Smoker: (serious) Interesting, it's better this way, so I can defeat them all at the same time.

Marine: (serious) We await orders, sir.

Smoker: (serious) I want the first division to go to the port and burn all the ships that have a pirate flag, I don't want any privateers to leave this island, the second squadron to stay around the plaza and the rest I want with me in the square, (starts walking straight to the square).

10 minutes later...

Marine 2: (serious) Captain Smoker come see this.

In a marina building located in the main square.

Smoker: (takes a spyglass and looks at what's happening on the gallows) Idiots, what are you doing?

Tashigi: (surprised to see with a spyglass) My God, it's Monkey D. Luffy, they have him trapped in the stocks and it seems like they are going to execute him.

Smoker: (annoyed) Now I'm confused, (remembers when he first met Luffy) that boy is different from the other pirates, there is something different about him, and I have to admit that I like him and I don't know what it is.

Marine 3: (serious) Captain, shall we open fire?

Smoker: (Serious) Wait for my order.

Marine 2: (serious) but captain?.....

Smoker: (Serious looking at his subordinate) Who's in charge here?

Marine 2: (scared) You sir.

Smoker: (serious) A pirate getting rid of another, let's let him kill the straw hat and when he does, surround Buggy and Alvida's men, so that no one escapes.

Marine 4: (seriously looking through the spyglass) Captain, I don't think that's going to happen.

Smoker: (serious) Why do you say that?

Marine 4: (serious) look over there, it's Uzumaki Naruto.

Smoker: (seriously, takes the spyglass again and looks in the direction the marine points, in which he watches as the flashing fox surrounds the entire square through the buildings to where Luffy and Buggy are) That bastard, he's surrounding the civilians and the buggy men to come from behind and save the straw hat man. him (he drops the spyglass and starts walking)

Tashigi: (serious) where are you going Captain?

Smoker: (serious) I'll go stop Uzumaki Naruto, I'd rather the clown get rid of Rubber Boy so that would be faster and I'm sure he would try to avoid it.

Tashigi: (serious) I will go with you, I will prevent you from escaping through any exit.

Smoker: (serious looking at the determined face of his second in command) Okay, but this is my fight.

Tashigi: (would be) understood.

They run straight to where Naruto is.

With Naruto, he managed to sneak into the building and climbed to the top, at the height of where Luffy was and through a window he was about to jump to throw Buggy but at that moment a hand passed by his side at full speed. true speed in smoke.

Naruto: (serious) but what the hell? (turns to the side, completely dodging the attack)

Smoker: (entering the scene seriously) stop there (his hand returns to its original state) Because of the title of Captain that I was assigned, Captain Smoker is under arrest for attacking Navy men.

Naruto: (turns around and sees that it's the same Marine he ran into the previous time he was here) I don't have time for this.

Smoker: (serious) I already know that, I won't let you save him. If he gets rid of him, my job will be easier.

Naruto: (Annoyed frown) And here I thought you were a man of honor who plays fair.

Smoker: (annoyed) I don't want to hear that from a pirate.

Naruto: (serious) Above all, I am a ninja and we will never lower ourselves to do something as vulgar as that, if we have to kill someone we do it and no one else.

Smoker: (serious) You lost your values ​​as a Shinobi by becoming a pirate.

Naruto: (serious, smiles) It's clear that you don't know what Shinobi values ​​are but you seem to know.

Smoker: (annoyed) With values ​​or not, you're under arrest.

Naruto: (in combat pose) Try it old man.

Smoker: (serious) It won't be like last time.

Naruto: (serious) you're right.

Smoker began to release Smoke from his body which shocked Naruto and he sensed the imminent danger which he threw an explosive at one of the walls and blew it up to create an escape route, but what was surprising was seeing Tashigi in the room. another room.

Tashigi: (on guard) I will not let you escape, you bastard, how dare you lie to me and above all I will not allow you to keep those swords, legacy or not. I will not let them stay with a Pirate, they deserve a worthy swordsman who will use them for good. and justice.

Naruto: (Seriously, he wanted to say something, but he couldn't when he felt the smoke near him, and an idea occurred to him, but he wouldn't like what he had to do, he approaches Tashigi at high speed with Kunai in hand).

Tashigi: (serious) I won't let you pass, (she draws her sword and attacks Naruto who was coming in her direction).

Naruto: (serious) Too slow (Naruto blocks the sword with the kunai and begins to skate it to the handle, hitting Tashigi's wrist with the lower part of the Kunai, causing Tashigi to drop the sword and then Naruto takes Tashigi's hand and immediately the other to immobilize them and stands behind her pointing the kunai at Her throat) Don't move, the slightest movement you make, I will cut your throat.

Tashigi gulped as she saw Naruto's gaze that was no longer a deep ocean blue but the crimson gaze of a bloodthirsty beast. [IMAGE]

Smoker: (Serious goes to the next room) Damn bastard, you talk to me about values ​​and look what you're doing. (he looks at Naruto's sight with those eyes that were far from human and found himself somewhat intimidated, although he did not show it at such a dark and bloody look) But what the hell is this guy.

Naruto: (arrogant) a soul for another soul, either you save or allow me to save my captain or I take his life, I'm a ninja you already know that and you know what we do, right? It's disappointing that you're surprised by my actions . (He lies in a way because he doesn't remember if he has ever killed or any of the other things I mention).

Smoker frowns when suddenly the 3 hear Buggy's laughter and look out a window as he is about to execute him.

Narut0: (serious) Damn, if I let go, this guy will stop me, I'm not fast enough to escape from him, I hope Zoro does something.

-------------------------------------------------- ------------ _Buggy _ ------------------------------------ ----------------

Sanji arrives at the square and looks at Zoro,

Sanji: (serious) Idiot, why haven't you helped Luffy?

Zoro: (seriously turns to look at Sanji) Take a good look at the situation, they are targeting civilians, if we rush in they will shoot at the civilians and the navy will be on our necks for supposedly attacking the civilians and that will be worse for us and I'm not saying this to put a price on our heads, he takes attacking civilians very seriously, unless you have a way to get these people away we're in tied hands, plus Naruto is already on it.

Sanji: (Serious and worried) I don't think, if we have time for that, let's scare the civilians and confront the pirates, I'm sure they won't shoot him.

Zoro: (worried) I hope you don't screw up with that way of thinking.

Sanji: (Screams) Get out of the way you bastards!

All the civilians listen to Sanji and look and recognize Zoro the pirate hunter and immediately move away.

Alvida: (happy) That's Roronoa Zoro, don't let him escape!

Pirates: (timidly) Yes, Miss Alvida!

They attack Sanji and Zoro.

Sanji: (seriously) It worked.

They launch themselves against Alvida and Buggy's pirates to get them out of the way to Save Luffy.

(TL- Author´s Note: To the video add that Luffy mentions Naruto so well before he dies, this part is very long and it is a shame to write it just to add that Luffy mentions Naruto in addition to being shocked that he was saved by lightning xd.)

Smoker: (seriously, takes out a den den mushi) Block all Exits!

At that moment the Marines from all the entrances appear and begin a pitched fight against Alvida and Buggy's pirates.

Luffy: (happy) Great, things are getting interesting LOL.

Zoro: (seriously, grabs Luffy's vest collar) sorry for ruining your fun, but let's get out of here NOW.

Sanji: (serious) That's right, we have to get to the ship as soon as possible. If they catch us, we will never reach the Grand Line, plus Naruto is probably waiting for us. Haya, I doubt these marines can catch him.

Luffy: (serious) What did you say? No, let's go.

At that moment the 3 start directly at the Ship, knocking out any marine that gets in the way.

With Naruto and Smoker...

Smoker: (confused) Why was he smiling? Did he know it wasn't his time? I don't think so, he thought he was going to die, he accepted his fate, he accepted death and then he smiled.

Naruto: (approaches Tashigi's ear after coming out of shock) I'm sorry for feeling stabbed in the back, but believe me when I tell you that I don't really remember who I am, only my job, the swords were with me the day they found me, no. I am a swordsman, but they are one of the few clues I have about my past so I cannot give them to you.

Tashigi was confused upon hearing Naruto's words and when she turned around she no longer looked at those crimson eyes that longed for blood but instead at those oceanic blue eyes that emit purity, then she asked herself "who the hell are you Uzumaki Naruto?"

Naruto: (raising his voice so Smoker can hear) Hey, isn't your second-in-command's life worth anything for you to ignore me?

Smoker: (wakes up and remembered who was at his side) Your captain is no longer in danger of dying, LET HER GO!

Naruto: (smiles) Okay, whatever you say, (whispers again) Forgive me for what I'm about to do, please don't hate me (at that moment Tashigi opened his eyes when he saw him, which he continued smiling without malice and purity when in that moment he throws Tashigi out the window).

Smoker's eyes widen as he remembers that they are on the top floor and that could kill Tashigi and cursing Naruto he jumps out the window to catch her and fall safely there. Naruto leaves the place to join the others on the ship.

Smoker: (serious, falling to the ground with Tashigi in his arms) Damn coward. (he looks at Tashigi and stands her up) Are you okay?

Tashigi: (still in shock by Naruto's contradictory actions and that even though he threw her out the window to escape, he still takes the time to apologize and composes himself from those thoughts when listening to his captain) Yes, I'm fine, sorry for being a hindrance.

Smoker: (seriously) that doesn't matter now, we have to catch them before they escape.

Tashigi: (motivated) Yes sir, (annoyed) I still have to settle accounts with Zoro for having deceived me.

Marine: (serious) Captain, the straw hat group has escaped. By now they should be on the high seas.

Smoker (serious and annoyed) What happened to the first group? Didn't I tell them to destroy all the ships?

Marine: (serious) Yes sir, but because of the storm we couldn't do anything with the cannons since the gunpowder was ruined, but that problem is now being solved, we have already prepared pursuit ships to pursue them.

Tashigi: (serious) We have to hurry because at this rate they will enter the high seas and enter the Grand Line and we will no longer be able to follow them.

Smoker: (looks at the sky) The wind blows from the west, they have everything in their favor, there are too many coincidences, stand as if the sky were protecting them, (serious) But since my name is Smoker, being the Captain of this island, I swear that I will never let them escape from this island.

in another part of the city....

Unknown: (Excited, In the middle of the storm, completely hooded, walking through the shadows) Let the seeing blow, the rains of destiny have arrived.

Remember that it is a translated fan-fic.

Please support the original writer!!!!!!!!!!

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