
A duty to uphold

Sakura a man who died and got put in a different world where magic , guns ,different races and even dragons exist and all he has is a sly tongue and great looks, and his objective is to survive all of these thing though easier said than done .

H_Macman · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
4 Chs

The sharp winds blow .

I wake up and get ready I wash my face and brush my teeth and look in the mirror one last time before I leave .

Sakura :"I can't believe it myself How the hell did I die"?

Well I remember that I got ran over twice by a car and woke up as a child in this house all alone . And from what I've read I'm basically in a very long WW2 type situation but with magic and fantasy .

Sakura :"Ahhhhh, atleast I got this good face of mine"

I get dressed , grab my oversized coat and grab a small satchel to wear with me . Since the academy prepares the food and clothes there is no need to bring anything other than mementos .

Sakura :"Geez where did I put my doll"?

In the house when I explored it for the first time I found a doll of myself big bulging golden eyes and soft fluffy short hair it was an exact replica of me , though I don't know who left it but that's not my problem for now . I rummage through the cabinets and find the doll it was about the size of my palm which was small infact it's about the same size as a woman so that's another thing to take into account , I quickly but the doll inside and take a favoured pen of mine I just bought and with that I walk down the stairs . I put over my hood to cover my hair as it is very eye catching wether it attracts good or bad people I really don't want to mixed in something dangerous . I finally grab slices of apples and bread and put them inside the small bag for the journey ofcourse then .

*Beep* *Beep* .

That's the bus that's supposed to take me I hurriedly walked out the door and the wind immediately hit my face turning my nose red but since I was prepared it wasn't as bad . I walk to the bus and the door opens revealing about 19 commoners and 20 seats ,a man wearing a guard uniform . it consists of a black and sleek exterior and since the weather was cold the jacket he wore was black and red to signify that he was a guard . The man stands Infront of the door to the truck and looks at a clipboard he's holding and he looks back up to see me and asks .

Guard :"Are you the...man sakura"?

His confused face says it all , I pull down my hood and reveal my face to him and smile .

Sakura :"Yep that's me good sir".

the man stands for a few moments and he steps aside with a smile on his face .

Guard :"Alright then madam sorry for the wait".

.....Madam huh? I'll remember his face I'll kill him ,I hide a sadistic smile and laugh awkwardly at him and head inside .

Sakura :"Thank you good sir".

I pull up my hood again and walk inside and every seat is filled with commoners the air is filled with a cherry mood since all of them are talking and laughing . All of them are very unnoticeable since they all have a mix of brown - dark hair but the women have a mix of hair that's very noticeable some have pink some have red and what not but me...I don't fit with any of them at all ,well that's good since I'm not very...well knowledgeable on the commoners act and what not . I look inside the bus and there a seat for me it's all the way in the back But the scene Infront of me is way to good for me .

Sakura :"What a mood".

I smile lightly and pull down my hood as I walk to the end of the bus ,the once bustling atmosphere is now silent and the people all have their eyes on me and they begin to whisper .

Commoner #1 :"Hot damn what a hot---"!

A teenager besides him slaps him over the head .

Commoner #2 :"Shut up man she can hear you".

girl commoner #1 :"How can she be so beautiful"?

Girl commoner #2 :"She must be a noble"!

Girl commoner #3 :"No way a noble here in this hell hole".

Wow it seems that a storm has been brought as soon as I reveal my face . I pull up my hood to cover my face and sit at the back of the bus as the person next to me looks at me awkwardly and shuffles a little to the side to give me space . And with that done the guard steps inside and standing Infront of all of us and shouts .


The man rings a bell behind the driver to tell him to move . The bus that the commoners took had a wall between the driver and the passengers for fear of a take over and such but from what I've heard the nobility must have been living in another world completely different to ours .They ride personal carriages and have butlers to attend to all their daily needs and honestly I would be lying if I said that I wasn't jealous but what can I do about it ,I look out the window as it begins to snow and the yellow lights inside the bus light off giving off a very warm and cozy feeling .

Sakura :"Snow....it's very beautiful".

The bus's engine rumbles as it moves on the dirt road getting covered in snow , and I take out a small book called "The rise and fall" filled with the history of this country and continent ,it basically says that the contry called "Phoenix's rise" which is where I'm currently located at . it's called that due to the number of invaders that tried to take it but ultimately failed time and time again and that's due to its powerful nobels houses which were called : "The lions claw" , "judgement of the moon" and finally "The black snake" . These were the power houses of this country and they proved themselves to the entire continent and as such the "queen" herself crowned them the honor of independency as such they now stand equal to the other nobel houses of other countries . As I continued to read I pull out some bread and begin to nibble on it as I ignore the evermore increasing onlookers and I'm surprised by the good quality of the bread .

Sakura :"Wow this bread tastes so good".

Since I've always eaten bread in this life in all my 12 years in this life it really shows when a good piece of bread appears . But back to the book I had in my hand , Since "Phoenix's rise" was newly crowned to be independent the other more older countries began to eye on it for so easy territorial expansion such as : "Hymn of the sun" , "Dragons rise" and "Corvan's grave" . I bend the page that I read and close the book and think to myself .

(Who the FUCK named these countries like that)

Sakura :"*Sighs* damn".

I open the book again as I finish my bread and continue where I left off . The previously mentioned countries are to sum it up are "Extremists and expansionists" meaning extremely aggressive , powerful and conquerers . The bus suddenly breaks into a halt and everyone is thrown off of their seats as a commotion is happening outside , the guard gets up on his feet and pulls out his sword from it's scabbard .

Guard :"Don't go outside I'll see what's happening".

He rushes outside and the people begin to murmur and get anxious . The next breath the guard comes running back and he screams .


The commoners begin to whisper to each other and a woman stands up saying .

Possibly a female doctor :"What the problem"?

Guard:"A nobel's carriage has been flipped over and the person inside I....is the duchess Scarlet".

the woman plops right back down immediately and says shaking .

Not a female doctor :"Nope not an expert".

It was understandable the duchess Scarlet is the ruler of a nearby state and she's an extremely powerful person if you mess with her you basically have half of the continent on your ass . I decide to man up and raise my hand saying .

Sakura :"May I please take a look at her".

The guard looks at me and grabs my hand immediately rushing into the snowstorm outside a few meters forward and a few men clad in steel armour stop the guard from moving forward and say shaking .

Knight #1 :"Have you found a doctor"?

Guard :"She's the best next thing".

The two knights look at me and sigh deeply and step aside the guard and I rush over to the duchess's flipped over carriage and the scene was bad a few knights tired and failed healing magic ,quickly panic ensued and the duchess's time was running out even the cold could freeze a dragon if it's wounds are exposed for too long .


He shoves the knights out of the way and I begin to look at the duchess . Her beauty is like the rumors pale white skin , flowing furious red hair and her strong build that puts men to shame and her...*Ahem* H size butter cups that make men excited right away . I slap my face to focus and look at her injuries and it's bad A piece of wood had entered her thigh and she's bleeding through her head and with the cold that's not helping at all ,then a knight grabs my shoulder and shakes me saying .


I sigh and the reason for my calmness is that my blood has special properties it can heal any wound and ailment but since I can't reveal it to anyone I've always kept it hidden . I grab the man by the shoulders and shake him .


I point at the bus and the knight having no time to question me , he carries her inside the bus as the commoners are rushed outside and I enter .


Since the storm is loud we have to shout now .


I don't have time for this I walk inside the bus as she lays down on the ground and I begin my hasty operation .

Sakura :"Alright I got this".

I begin to undress her to inspect her wounds and as I've thought she was knocked out by blood loss the only major wound was her thigh being punctured by the sharp wood the rest of her body only has a few scars from either past battles or scratches from the wood .

Scarlet :"Hmmm.".

Shit she's waking up I need to be quick with my hands . I quickly and carefully pull out the wood from her right thigh as the pain wakes her up immediately , she looks around in confusment and gets knocked out before she even looks at me .

Sakura :"Good thing she didn't see my face".

I notice a knife in it's sheath around her left thigh I pull it out and hold it against my pinky finger ,I clench my teeth as I slit my finger . I open her mouth to swallow my blood as it drips down onto her mouth and she thankfully swallows it .

Sakura :"Good now all that's left is...".

I button her shirt and since her jacket has been torn up I give her my coat and it fits her perfectly since it fits her larger size . And with that her she's now sleeping like a baby ,I wipe the sweat off of my forehead and walk outside to the anxious knights and say .


The knights rush in immediately and breath a sigh of relief to see her alive . One of them walks up to me and bends hid back forward in a perfect 90° and yells with hints of crying .

Knight #5 :"I'm thankful that such a good looking wom--Ach"!

The man's head falls to the floor as someone punches him unconscious into the floor .

Knight #2 :"Please forgive him mam this guy sometimes doesn't read the mood".

Sakura :"That's alright but it for the young miss over here".

I walk over to the still unconscious woman and bend down a little and say .

Sakura :"Since her body's been exposed to the extreme cold you'll need fire to warm her up I did give her my coat but that's not gonna cut it"

That meant that they needed a pyromancer since they can take of the job as a walking heater for her .

Knight #1 :"Alright a pyromancer it is ,But I thank you miss..."?

He waits for my name and I say .

Sakura :" It's Sakura".

Knight #1 :"Ah...Sakura I'll make sure to remember that name and reward you properly".

I giggle a little and all the knight grow a little red but I ignore that .

Sakura :"You don't understand sir I'm neither a doctor nor do I want any reward for being a human being".

The knight is left speechless as I hear a whisper from the knight on the floor say .

Knight #4 :"Is she a saint"?

Knight #1 :"Oh my god jasper just shut up"!

Oh sighs again and looks at me and asks again and says .

Knight #1 :"I can't just let you go empty handed so speak your mind and tell me what you want".

Sakura :"Alright if your forcing my hand".

Since I put my jacket over her im left with an extremely light and white t-shirt covering my body ,it exposed my neck and my hands begin to freeze as I shiver all over . I put a finger to think about what I want and act humble and say .

Sakura :"Well I need an extra jacket for the cold".

Scarlet :"Giver her one".


I jump back and fall on the ground holding my beating heart as I pant . Then the guard of the bus rushes inside and looks at the scene .

Guard :"What do you think your all doing , this woman just healed the duchess and the next thing I hear is the lady screaming"!

It's obvious the guy misunderstood the situation ,one of the knights run over to him to calm him down and Scarlet coldly says .

Scarlet :"We are sorry for scaring the young maiden's heart it wasn't in within our intention to do that".

The woman stands up and she bends forward to apologize , but I stand up and regain my composer and and say quickly .

Sakura :"Miss this isn't the time to be apologizing your body is shivering a storm and even your lips are blue"!

She shakes a little and she holds in her laughter and she says .

Scarlet :"I guess your correct about that ,then what is it that you wanted as a reward"?

I sigh while looking down and say .

Sakura :"Just a coat".

Why did I feel a sudden chill over me? I look up and she's glaring daggers at me .

Scarlet :"Are you underestimating us"?

I shake my head to disagree with her .

Scarlet :"Then you should ask for a greater reward and ye shall receive".

Knight #2 :"Yeah you tell her miss".

I look at the knight cheering like it's a football game and My wrist is suddenly held and my entire body shook violently . I turn my head and see that she's grabbed my wrists and inspects the blood dripping out .

Scarlet :"Did you cut yourself".

Sakura :"That doesn't concern you ,now then since you can walk all on your own leave".

I cans swear I saw a tumbleweed rolling through ,one of the knights stutter saying .

Knight #4 :"I...if the miss is injured then you ne-".

Sakura :"Shut the fuck up Jasper ,and I'm a guy for the love of god".

With that bombshell dropped the knights all stare at my general direction and I swear for really I saw two tumbleweeds rolling through .

Sakura :"Now then if your done with your fiasco let go of my hand"!

I try to shake my hand to slip out but no response ,I decide to try and tug but it's like I'm stuck and all the while she stares at me blankly .

Sakura :"L....let got damnit how are you so strong"!

I try time and time again to pull myself out and Ina flash she pulls me in and says .

Scarlet :"Why should I believe that your a guy".

......what......is she for real?

Sakura :"Listen hear there is no benefit for me lying right ,but I'm sick of people calling me madam"!

I swear I just fucking heard a zapping sound .

Sakura :"Just let me go ,don't make me wish I didn't save you".

Knight #4 :"How dare y-"!

Knight #2 :"Now's not the time idiot"!

The man looks down like a puppy being punished . And the woman finally let's go and says in a cold tone .

Scarlet :"I'll make sure you get a coat".

She turns around and walks away leaving me shivering in the cold one of the knights try to talk to me but I'm just not in the mood as I realize that my doll was doll that I looked at was missing .

Sakura :"Oh no"!

I rush out side as I see her walking to one of the carriages and I pass by the commoners and I trip and fall flat on my face in the snow .

Sakura :"Aggnh".

Scarlet :"What is it"?

I hear her voice above my head and I take my head out of the snow and say shivering .

Sakura :"I...I forgot my doll in side that coat".

Her face didn't change abit but she suddenly stats to quiver and she finally sighs and says .

Scarlet :"Which pocket"?

Sakura :"Left side".

I exhale into my palms to warm myself from the freezing air ,I look back up at her and her acting to struggle is just....well not good .

Sakura :"Just let me do it".

I try to get closer but .

Scarlet :"Your going to assassinate me aren't you ,guards take him into my carriage I'll interrogate him personally".

..........Sly bitch . And with that I'm somehow inside a nobel's carriage and I'm under the notion of being "Interrogated" Inside the carriage it's well luxurious to say the least but I just can't stop shivering .

Sakura :"A...a.....a...*tsuh*".

Yep that was a sneeze just now I rub my nose and look up at the woman and she had a pleased smile , she easily takes out the doll and inspects it .

Scarlet :"It's like you".

Sakura :"Yeah I know *tsuh*".

God damnit why am I sneezing so much .

Scarlet :"Why did you rush out for this thing"?

Sakura :"I mean it's cute , it's hair is so fluffy and I made this thing with painstaking technique".

Well technically I saw it but since this guy (His body) lives alone I assume he made it .

Scarlet :"Impressive what materials was it made by"?

......madam is this a fucking cooking recipe .

Sakura :"I'm sorry but I don't remember since I did it when I was 5".

Scarlet :"Your a natural at it".

.......her face doesn't change at all no emotion behind those eyes at all , I decide to tease her abit .

Sakura :"Ha, madam can you smile".

She tilts her head over my question .

Sakura :"You just smile like this".

I smile as if I'm teaching a child how to talk but she says .

Scarlet :"Do it again".

So I did it again .

Scarlet :"Do it again".

And again .

Scarlet :"Again".

I did it again .

Scarlet :"Again".

A frown that's all I made .

Sakura :"Your messing with me aren't you"!

I poke at her cheek while saying .

Sakura :"You can't just do that understood".

Scarlet :"Haha ,I don't know where you get your courage from kid but I'll tell you this".

A large wave of heat hits my face and it's her doing and it warms me immediately ,I couldn't help but purr like a cat .

Scarlet :"Your supposed to be scared".

She looks at with her blushing a little but I say .

Sakura :"I advise you that you don't use mana since you just recovered from the injury".

She says bluntly .

Scarlet :"But you enjoyed it".

Sakura :"That's not the point"!

Scarlet :"Well I feel refreshed and that a new feeling for me".

...........I really think she's a robot .

Sakura :"Well is that so tha-".

Scarlet :"Did you do something about it".

Her glare is really something else but that won't affect me .

Sakura :"I don't know let me think".

I put a finger over my mouth and try to act like I don't know about it .

Scarlet :"I had a curse cast on me by a dying witch I killed it was a curse that always makes you feel uncomfortable".

..........I think that's your period .

Scarlet :"And I haven't felt comfort for a long time until now , so then can you explain yourself".

Sakura :"And why should I tell you a woman I don't know and it's a secret for me to keep and that's for my safety".

I glare at her and sigh .

Sakura :"Forgive me but we all have secrets to keep even you so for your sake and mine please don't ask about it".

Scarlet :"Its your blood isn't it"?

........How is fair that she can cheat .

Scarlet :"I think that's a yes".

As the carriage moved light shines in and I look outside to a beautiful scene ,the sun is rising and the ocean is calm . The scene calmed me down and I couldn't help but say .

Sakura :"Wow now that's beautiful".

Scarlet looks outside and she doesn't even react .

Scarlet :"Why is it beautiful"?

She looks at me while staring at me ,I know it's beautiful but why then I get it .

Sakura :"Beauty is fragile it breaks at the slightest shoe of force but sometimes with that fragility they shine the brightest and are rare to see and just like this one they leave behind a print in your memories ,to simply say it it's priceless and not everyone can see the sun like that duchess".

After a long silence I blush and scratch my cheek and say .

Sakura :"Sorry it's easy to get my attention diverted and ramble about unnecessary things".

She looks at the sun for a bit and she says .

Scarlet :"I guess it's beautiful".

Sakura :"I know".

I get a bit sleepy and I decide to lay against the window of the carriage and sleep not noticing the woman staring at me with those dead red eyes .