
A Duelist in Marvel (Yugioh X Marvel)

Shawn a fan of anything duel monsters dies and wakes up in Marvel with a mission find the scattered millennium items and keep the secret of duel monsters and shadow games hidden.

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22 Chs

Ch.12 X-Visit

(A few Days Later)

POV Shawn Valon

Location: Valon mansion

I and X-23 stood outside waiting for the X-Men to come and pick us up I wore my usual red jacket with a black T-shirt and Jeans with my duel disk copied to my pants and Millennium Ring under my shirt.

X-23 also wore her classic outfits though she found a Black trenchcoat to match with black biker gloves and a pair of sunglasses with her Duel disk on her side.

"Why wear a trenchcoat it's spring?" I asked but she just shrugged her shoulders and I rolled my eyes.

Ever since meeting the X-Men more specifically Wolvierne X-23 had become far more expressive. . .well more expressive for her she has still yet to say a word even when dueling.

After a while of waiting a limo made its way up the driveway and sitting in the driver's seat was Wolverine himself smoking a cigar not waiting for a reply we opened the door to find Storm sitting in the back wearing what I would call business casual.

Ororo: "Shawn X-23 my name is Ororo Munroe I'm glad we can have an introduction on better circumstances," she said shaking my hand when she extended her hand to X-23 the girl just stared at the outstretched hand.

"Sorry it's nothing personal she just-" I began to explain but Ororo shook her head and smiled at me.

Ororo: "Don't worry I was there when you explained her circumstances and her social issues," she said giving us both a nod.

Soon we were on our way and I ended up having to do all the small talk the entire trip, not that it was bad or tedious like most times I mostly asked questions about the X-Men.

What Ororo told me was quite interesting the X-Men have been around longer than the Avengers by a few years the team being 5 years old to the Avengers 2 years.

But they have only been publicly known for 2 years coming out to help during the Hydra attack before then they mostly acted like a special forces team rather than superheroes.

"But why stay hidden at all?" I asked though I already could guess the answer and Ororo gave me a sad smile.

Ororo: "Because at the time the existence of mutants was being kept a secret from the general public and we wanted to keep it that way until the world was ready for us to reveal ourselves to the world," she explained and I nodded along but the idea of hiding a super powers sup species of humans impossible.

"But that sounds almost impossible how do you hide an entire species?" I asked and she nodded at my question.

Ororo: "It was very difficult to do but at the time mutants only made up around 5% of the population and we weren't doing it alone the governments of the world wanted to keep mutants a secret with the help of S.H.E.I.L.D." she explained and I nodded along finding this decision very interesting but then a realization struck home.

"Then doesn't that mean Hydra also knew about mutants," I asked hesitantly and Ororo nodded her smile disappearing.

Ororo: "They did and used the secrecy to their advantage and kidnapped known and suspected mutants and experimented on them right under everyone's noses," she explained bitterness in her voice.

Logan: "At the time Charles's school had been open for a few years at this point and he was informed about the missing mutants so he formed the X-Men to investigate and save the missing mutants," he said suddenly involving himself in the conversation.

Ororo: "The original team being Me, Logan, Charles, Hank McCoy, Erick, and Kevin," she said smiling at the memories while Logan grunted at the reminder.

"So what happened to Erick and Kevin if you don't mind me asking," I asked and Ororo looked to Logan who shrugged and she nodded and looked back to us.

Logan: "Kevin sacrificed himself to save mutant lives," he said bitterly a puff of smoke coming out of his mouth as he spoke.

Ororo: "And after some time Erick and Charles had a difference of opinion it ended up splitting the whole school many of our students left with him," she said and I couldn't help but imagine a civil war airport scene playing out amongst an early X-men team on a school campus.

Feeling I was already bringing up something sensitive or bad memories I decided to change the subject.

"So what kind of school is this a high school or like a technical school?" I asked.

Ororo: "More like a private middle school and Highschool we provided all requirements of education and extracurricular activities and many of our students go on to college and or university," she said explaining what classes and other programs they provided for their students.

We continued to talk for the rest of the ride to the school to my surprise the trip felt like it went by quickly Storm was an interesting and charismatic person Logan was blunt but interesting in retelling some stories from his time at the school.

Eventually, I noticed that we had passed a gate with a sign saying "Welcome to Xavier's School for Gifted Youngsters," and the next moment I was looking out the window to see the school itself.

The School looked more like a gigantic mansion renovated to be a school as the older painted parts of the building were in contrast with the newer unpainted red brick extensions.

Looking around the entire property of the school was surrounded by a large brick wall that had shrubbery and a few trees in front of it inside was a well-maintained lawn but one part of the property looked like a forest that stretched outside the school.

After a few minutes we stopped in front of the main entrance as we exited I noticed the many eyes of students inside their classrooms looking out to see me and X-23 and their eyes widened when Storm and Wolverine got out of the limo.

As we walked up the steps to the front door they opened and sitting in his chair was Charles Xavier a welcoming smile on his face.

After exchanging greetings we decided to have a mini tour as we made our way to Dr. Hank McCoy's laboratory which was in a sub-basement.

Taking an elevator down once the doors opened we found ourselves in a hallway where after some walking we were led to an advanced-looking lab with a couple of hospital beds.

There clinging to the roof with one foot was a blue-furred man wearing a lapcoat and glasses with a pole while reading with one hand and writing with the other and his foot was The Beast or Dr. Hank McCoy's.

Hank: "Mr.Valon miss X-23 it's a pleasure to meet you both may I offer you both some tea?" he asked and after a few moments I found myself sitting in an underground laboratory with a blue-furred man drinking tea.

I explained how I originally meet X-23 and how she has acted through her time living with me leaving out a few things after I was done he nodded his head and through my re-telling, he mostly kept an eye on X-23 but she just kept her neutral expression the whole time.

He asked everyone to leave the room so he could do a quick physical exam of X-23.

After leaving the room I was given a tour of the School to pass the time and I will admit it was interesting to see the school operating like an actual school.

Classes were taught by staff I assumed were humans who didn't care whether their students were mutants or they were mutants who have degrees.

A few classes were taught by some X-Men I saw Jean Grey teaching US history of all subjects.

After a while each of my tour guides got a notification on their wrists and we made our way back to the laboratory.

As we did the ringing of a bell sounds across the school and the many classroom doors flung open with super-powered kids and teens getting out of class.

The hallway became chaos but it only lasted for a few minutes as soon people recognized their headmaster and made room for us to move and we got into the elevator.

Xavier: "Sorry about that I didn't realize how close to 3:00 it was," he said a smile on his face I just nodded my head.

Logan: "Well Hank what do you think," he asked in a tone I think was worried its honestly hard to read the guy.

'He must be desperate for some kind of familiar relation I wonder how bad this version of Wolverine memories are?' I thought glancing at the man.

Hank: "Physically she's perfectly healthy and then some but mentally. . . .," he trailed off letting the unsaid words fill the room.

Xavier: "Hank how bad is her condition," he asked leaning forward in his chair his hands interlocked.

Hank: "From what I can tell this poor girl has very little concept of social interaction or emotions but has shown a concerning amount of knowledge in recognizing others' emotions and body movement," he said cleaning his glasses.

Logan: "And is she related to me?" he asked the fur all and Hank nodded.

Hank: "Dna shows that she is your daughter Logan but I'm still searching for the mother," he said and Logan looked down.

"So we're is X-23?" I asked and thank pointed to a door that was behind him.

Hank: "In having her take a few scans to make sure she's perfectly healthy and get a scan of her bone's structure to see if it's the same infusion of adamantium," he said, and as he finished his a monitor glowed green.

The next moment X-23 walked out of the door and quickly sat next to me I gave her a look but didn't say anything as Hank brought up the scan of X-23's skeleton and what I assume was Logans each of their skeletons was covered in adamantium from head to toe.

Hank: "Fascinating it seems that the process has been improved upon she has less of the material than you and it seems she has an extra pair of claws in her feet," he said and began mumbling to himself deep in thought

"So are we done here?" I asked Xavier he looked a little surprised at me but nodded and we made our way out of the lab.

Xavier: "Are you sure you don't wish to enroll," he asked and I hesitated.

I still had the millennium items to find but with the resources of the X-Men I could find them far faster plus I do need to finish high school.

I looked to X-23 who looked back at me then I got an idea and turned to Xavier.

"Give us a minute," I asked and he nodded and we were taken to what looked like a private lounge area.

I sat down with X-23 and after making sure there were no cameras or listening devices I grabbed her hand and concentrated.

I felt the flow of my soul's energy inside me and imagined it flowing from my mind down my arm to X-23 up to her mind Then the idea of sending her a message and I felt the connection become strong.

"(Can you hear me?)" I asked and I felt X-23 twitch opening my eyes she was looking right at me.

X-23: "(Yes)" she said shortly after and I wonder if this was her voice or just what she imagined was her voice.

"(I can't believe that worked man I really need to expand my horizon with magic,)" I thought but I forgot that I was still broadcasting.

X-23: "(It does seem quite useful we may now speak without others noticing but we must test to see if anything can interfere or break this communication method and see the maximum distance of this type as well,)" she said and I nodded along with her ideas of testing it wasn't what I was suspecting her reaction to being.

"(But before we do that what do you think about staying here or at least going to school here?)" I asked and X-23 shrugged.

X-23: "(I am unsure of trusting them after they attacked us but they have many resources we can use and most likely an advanced training area and equipment,)" she said and I nodded.

"(So that's a yes but are we moving out and living here?)" I asked and X-23 shook her head.

X-23: "(No then I would need to share Helperbots food with everyone here,)" she said and I chuckled and nodded.