
A dream unfulfilled

A love yearned but never received

SallyAudrey · Masa Muda
Peringkat tidak cukup
9 Chs


I raced home right after school. My friends insisted I stayed for a while but I wouldn't since I wasn't ready for any more hot arguments between my friends and Emma when I am the object and reason. On my way home, I was crying softly as I didn't know what I had done wrong to deserve so much hatred and ill-remarks from Emma. I was so lost that I didn't notice there was a guy heading my way and before I could come to a halt, I had already bumped into him. I realized he was holding me tight as I would be on the ground if he had let go. I stood firm so he could let go of me but it took him some time before he seemed to have realized l was in his arms. I'm sorry, I managed to say after he let go of me. I should have been watching where I was going. "It's okay, I hope you're not hurt?" he asked. No I'm not, I'm alright, I said. Uhm I have to be on my way, I hesitantly said. "Yeah, sure," he said. I pinched myself for having said that since I wanted to keep staring right into his ocean blue eyes and not take my eyes off. I wonder what made me look behind me because what met my eyes was the least thing I expected to see but anyway, I loved what I saw. I quickly looked forward and dared not turn again till I got home. All the way home, I had just one thought in mind and that was this stranger I met. I kept having silly ideas and imaginations about this new guy. Oh what has happened to me? I asked myself. This isn't me of course. I barely think of any guy let alone imagine anything about them. I soon found myself at my home. I found Nelson seated outside our cottage. Maria, you're back. Yeah brother, I'm back. What's up with that face Maria, is it that girl Emma? Yeah. Her hatred for me has deteriorated now that four of her friends have befriended me and left her side. Oh wow, I didn't know that. Well sorry I didn't tell you but I've four friends now and they always insist we be together for some time before I leave for home. "Oh I see and I guess that's why you always kept a bit long before coming home right?" asked Nelson. But what happened you're home early today. Emma kept arguing with my friends and I was the object as usual and so I thought I would leave as soon as the bell goes. They didn't like the idea but I had to unless I wanted more arguments. You know what brother, I bumped into a certain guy on my way home because I was wondering in my mind and didn't see him. Brother, he had such handsome features that words can't explain and his eyes were as blue as the ocean, with a deep dark mole on his neck and a dimple too. You know every part of him looked exquisite. Oh and he had such white teeth that I would not have hesitated to disagree if he had said that he ate reddish food. I would have stood there staring at him if I had not excused myself. In fact I want to go back there and continue staring at him unending. "Maria, Maria," teased Nelson. Come on brother, I'm not. "How do I believe that when you're already into his looks, said Nelson. I just hope that you don't bump into him a second time, who knows maybe… Finish your statement brother, begged Maria. Never mind. Did you bring home any assignments? "No, I didn't" said Maria. "I knew you'd say no," said Nelson. Now that your mind is occupied with his looks and thoughts, there's zero space for any other thing. Am I right, Maria? No you're not. Besides I'm not thinking of him. I was just trying to describe him to you and you are already making things up. I'm leaving now; I have to mend my uniform before tomorrow. There are just enough holes to give Emma something to gossip about and tease me for throughout the day.