
A dream unfulfilled

A love yearned but never received

SallyAudrey · Teen
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9 Chs


Nicole knocked on her sister's door twice but had no answer. She was just about to turn away when she heard sniffs coming from within. She turned the knob and entered the room only to find her sister lying in bed and looking at the ceiling. Emma turned to look at her sister with a frown and then turned away. "What's wrong with you Emma?" You look miserable and dejected, asked a concerned Nicole. I'm okay, there's nothing for you to worry about. But you don't look okay. I said I'm okay Nicole now get out of my room. With whose order did you come in? I said get out of my room now. You are nothing but a nuisance why don't you just get that. Go and talk to your sister and leave me alone. But you are my only sibling and I don't have any other sister, said Nicole almost in tears. Well then go talk to yourself and leave me in peace. I don't want you in my room, now get out. Nicole run out of her sister's room with teary eyes. She had only wanted to know what was bothering her sister and to see if she could be of any help to her but she in turn only got yelled at and dismissed. Right after she got to her room, she reached for her diary and her pen. She opened it and got the ball rolling. Dear Fiona, it is I Nicole. From now onwards I'll call you Nicole Junior because you are not just my diary and best friend but my sister too. I used to think that sisters were the best of friends ever but now I know it's not the way I thought it to be. I read in different books and from different sources that sisters were each other's rock and companion. They share their problems with each other and care about each other's sentiments but I'm sure they had it all wrong otherwise I am not destined to have a sister like that. You know what I mean right, Nicole. Emma doesn't take me for her sister and thinks that I'm of no use and therefore wants me out of her room anytime I go to her. Nicole she just asked me to go out of her room when I went to see if she was okay. Nicole Junior, I know that you're listening to me and you understand me but I wish you were real and could talk to me the way I talk to you. I wish that you be my sister and companion. My friends at school say that a true friend is one who helps you to be yourself and I know you would have done that to me if you were real. Nicole I wish I hadn't been born in the first place. If I knew that Emma was going to be my sister then I would have waited for a thousand years to be in another woman's womb and family. It hurts to cry myself to sleep everyday with no one to turn to and no one to console me. I have a sister but I don't. I am my own sister and I know I have nobody though I have mom and dad. I want a real sister or a brother who will be glad to have me for a sister and loves me. You know Nicole, I feel bad whenever I see my friends at school laughing heartily with their siblings. I wish I were one of them even if I didn't belong to a wealthy family. Seeing the picture of a happy sister singing to her newly born sister on my phone makes me want to be her and not me. Nicole I don't want to talk anymore because I'm afraid the pain will increase more and more but I hope my wish would come true one day.