
A Dragons Beginning

A dragon hatches from an egg in an unfamilliar place, with only his bloodline inheritance to guide him in a direction, its up to himself to choose what he wants to do with his life be that conquer countless solar systems, create and undefeatable empire that strikes fear into the hearts of thoes who hear its name, or simply swallow an entire star just because he could, and maybe along his journey he'll find a couple of badass wives who like him more than he might believe, though that will take some time since hes just hatched. overall this story is about a dragon born for greatness and a craving for conquest, most know him as a villain but thoes that truly know him, know its only for the survival of the fittest. (This is my first time writing a novel so constructive criticism is appreciated) (also just read like the first 5 chpyer to tell of its good or not, i have nobidea how to write a synopsis)

yung_Ericsef · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
49 Chs

9. First night

Osiris soon laid down on his bed, that seemed to be able to just barely fit his large frame, and got comfortable as he decided to read through some information within his inheritance to pass the time while he waited for Eris to finish making supper.

Around an hour later by the way the sun was just beginning to set along the horizon Osiris heard Eris call out.

"Suppers ready, come eat".

As he got out of his bed and made his way down the hallway which led right into the dining area.

What greeted his sight was a simple wooden rectangular dining table that was able to seat 6 topped with a small feast made of a few bowls of some sort of stew accompanied by a side of bread and a salad.

As Osiris sat down across from Eris, who had Aria sitting to her left and Adam to her right at the head of the table, heard her speak in a happy but nervous tone.

"I hope you don't mind, we only had some leftover rabbit from yesterday night for meat and decided to use it in a stew along with some of the herbs we picked today".

Hearing her words, Osiris thought that they would have eaten something more grand from the looks of their house, which was larger and better constructed then most of the other houses within the village that he saw.

However as he was never one to judge and thankful for their hospitality, replied.

"It looks amazing and smells fantastic, thank you for the meal".

As he dug into the meal, leaving Eris and the other two happy at his reaction and making them smile as they dug into their own meal.

After finishing their meal and cleaning up, which Osiris helped with even after Eris's multiple refusals, they all congregated into the living room and onto the couches which were near the now-lit fireplace, leaving the four of them nice and toasty and keeping away the chill of night.

As they all sat around, with Osiris somehow ending up with Eris and Aria sitting on the same couch as him on both his sides, and Adam sitting on the other couch by himself, Osiris soon asked a question that had been gnawing on his mind.

"I couldn't help but notice from the way you spoke about your parents earlier, and by the fact I've only seen them in pictures, that they don't live here".

"Did something happen to them?".

After Osiris spoke only silence remained, beside the crackling of the fireplace, as the three siblings each had a somewhat saddened look flicker upon their expressions.

Even Aria had the same look, which Osiris caught out of the corner of his eye as he looked at Eris.

"Sorry if i shouldn't have asked, i didn't know it would be too touchy of a subject".

He said with an apologetic look.

However Eris quickly broke the silence as she said.

"It's okay, and it's not too difficult to tell you"

"It's just that it brought up many memories when you mentioned them".

Osiris nodded and waited for her to continue.

"Our parents were soldiers of the kingdom, who had fought on the battlefield many times and earned many contributions within the span of about 20 years".

"They even met each other on the battlefield which sparked the beginning of their relationship together".

"After 20 years of service, when they were about 40 years old they finally earned enough contributions and decided to retire from the soldier life and retire in a village somewhere and settle down".

"After finding Treehaven and using the leftover contribution points they earned in the army, they bought land and built a house, which you are sitting in at the moment, and started a family".

"5 years ago, when Adam was 15 and me and Aria were only 13, our parents eventually succumbed to their old wounds from battle and died in bed, holding each other, leaving the three of us to fend for ourselves with nothing but the skills they taught us and the house they left behind".

Eris finally finished when a couple tears left her eyes, which Osiris quickly wiped away and brought Eris into his arms in a light embrace, leaving her slightly stunned but happy as a smile formed on her face.

You are all strong for making it this far on your own and you have my condolences.

They all nodded as Eris quietly replied.

"Thank you".

Osiris soon let go of Eris a moment later and heard Adam speak from the other couch.

"So what are you planning on doing now that you've come to the village and gonna be staying here for a while".

He asked with a friendly tone, to which Osiris looked at him with a thoughtful expression as he replied.

"I don't know, I think I'm going to head back deeper into the forest and hunt for some more powerful creatures and gain more strength".

"Sounds like a good plan".

Adam nodded, however the next person to speak was surprisingly not the friendly Eris but the quiet Aria as she asked.

"Do you think you could teach or train us to get stronger like you?".

As both their eyes met and faced with the unexpected request, Osiris took a moment to think it over before he responded.

"Yes I believe i could, though you would have to give me a few days to familiarize myself with the forest and get a bit stronger before i begin your training".

Seeing Osiris agree, all three of their moods skyrocketed after the somber mood they had earlier.

Moments later Osiris watched as Adam stood up and stretched his arms before heading to his room and proclaiming.

"well i believe it's about time i head to bed, goodnight".

After Adam left, the three of them said goodnight to each other as well before heading to their separate rooms.

Osiris was once again laying in his bed going through information in his inheritance as he decided to study for a while before going to sleep.


It had been a little while since they all said goodnight when he heard a soft knock on his door.

He got up and went over to the door, which he could do at night due to his heightened eyesight and soft glow of the moon which shone between the curtains.

When he got to the door, he softly opened it as he saw Eris on the other side wearing pajamas and holding a candle for a light source.

"Do you mind if I come in for a moment?".

She asked in a whisper, doing her best not to wake the others up, and osiris simply nodded with a smile.

Once inside, Eris closed the door behind her and she walked over to Osiris, who was now sitting on the edge of his bed.

"Sorry if i disturbed you while you were sleeping".

She said, which Osiris quickly replied.

"Not at all, i was still up thinking over some stuff".

"What's up?".

Eris looked slightly embarrassed with a red face and fidgeting quite a bit as she spoke.

"I couldn't quite fall asleep after the bear attack and everything else that happened today and was wondering if I might be able to sleep with you tonight".

She said with a bright red face which even Osiris could see in the pale moonlight.

"Sure, if you think it could help you sleep better i don't mind".

He said as he patted the open bed next to him.

Eris lost all embarrassment as her face lit up in a bright smile as she nodded and crawled into the large bed.

They both laid next to each other with Eris on the right and Osiris on the left, however Osiris soon noticed a problem as there was only one pillow and Eris seemed slightly uncomfortable.

He soon thought of a solution as he wrapped his right arm around Eris's waist and pulled her closer into his embrace, with her head laying on the left side of his chest, and his left arm under her head and his left hand resting on her shoulder.

Eris slightly panicked at Osiris sudden action and attempted to escape however when Osiris kept a firm hold on her body and she calmed down she stopped.

Then she heard him whisper in his deep masculine voice right next to her ear.

"don't worry, I won't bite".

Osiris said in a playful voice and closed his eyes, drifting off to sleep.

Seeing him close his eyes, Eris calmed down a lot more and even wrapped her own arms around Osiris's muscular body.

Feeling the body heat radiating off of him and the soft sounds of his breathing, Eris nuzzled even closer into his chest and soon drifted off into her own sleep.

heres a little longer chapter for you guys since i posted a lil later than i usually would, overwatch had me by the balls and i refused to end on a loss (we still did after like 10 matches).

anyway its 6 am now and boy howdy am i tired, gn

yung_Ericsefcreators' thoughts