
A Dragons Beginning

A dragon hatches from an egg in an unfamilliar place, with only his bloodline inheritance to guide him in a direction, its up to himself to choose what he wants to do with his life be that conquer countless solar systems, create and undefeatable empire that strikes fear into the hearts of thoes who hear its name, or simply swallow an entire star just because he could, and maybe along his journey he'll find a couple of badass wives who like him more than he might believe, though that will take some time since hes just hatched. overall this story is about a dragon born for greatness and a craving for conquest, most know him as a villain but thoes that truly know him, know its only for the survival of the fittest. (This is my first time writing a novel so constructive criticism is appreciated) (also just read like the first 5 chpyer to tell of its good or not, i have nobidea how to write a synopsis)

yung_Ericsef · Fantasy
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48 Chs

8. First home

Osiris then turned around and walked into the butchers shop and looked around, spotting carcasses of different animals strung on metal hooks with sections of meat cut off of them peeking out from the back of the shop.

To the left of the entrance was a counter with a bell sitting on it with the note 'ring if service needed' next to it and Osiris didn't hesitate.

Soon after the loud jingle ended he could hear a man shout from the back.

"Coming, one moment please"

And Osiris heard heavy boot stomps as a slightly obese older man with a gray beard walked from the back of the shop and stopped behind the counter, eyeing the large bear hoisted over Osiris's shoulder with curiosity.

"Ah it seems you caught a good one this time, at the early stage of the first order at that".

"I'm assuming you're here to sell, in which case by the fact that you have already skinned it reduces the value by about 50 gold, though i can still give you about 250 gold total".

Osiris simply nodded as he had no idea if that was a good price or not, though he didn't really care since coins held little value to him at the moment.

He then took the bear into the back where the butcher had asked him to help hang it on a hook since he was already carrying it, which Osiris kindly obliged.

After hanging it up the butcher handed him a sack of coins and Osiris left the shop, seeing Adam, Eris and Aria patiently waiting for him across the street.

After noticing him walk out the shop, Eris quickly perked up and rushed over as the other two followed.

"Hey how did it go, did you get a good price?".

Eris asked

"I don't really know, is 250 gold good?".

Osiris asked back.

"Well it's pretty good, the average farmers income a year is about 2-3,000 gold coins".

"But since hunters have a dangerous job they get paid better, as well as since if the beast's parts have mana they are worth more".

"A normal bear fully intact would have been worth around 100 gold coins".

"I see".

Osiris nodded, then unexpectedly Eris took him by his hand and started leading him down the road.

"C'mon i want to show you to our house and where you will be sleeping".

Osiris was slightly surprised at the sudden contact, but when he noticed Eris's ears beginning to turn red he understood that she was slightly embarrassed by her bold action.

However by the strengthening of the grip he felt on his hand, Osiris could tell she didn't want to let go, so he simply let her lead the way as he slightly tightened his grip as well letting him see her lips curl up into a smile from the side of her face he could see.

Adam and Aria followed from behind Osiris, Adam with a smile on his face at the sight of his sister making moves on Osiris but when he glanced at his other sister, others may not be able to tell from Aria's facial expressions but he was her brother and could tell immediately that Aria had a slight look of jealousy in her eye as she stared at where Osiris and Eris where holding hands.

Adam said nothing with a playful expression on his face as he quietly watched the drama unfold, wondering how it was going to end.

The group of four soon walked up before a pretty large wooden house about the size of a doublewide on the north side of the village.

"And here is where we call home, it's not much but it's one of the few things our parents left for us".

Eris spoke as she opened the door and led Osiris within.

What greeted him was a homely living room about 20ft by 10ft with two couches, one to the right of the front door and one to the left along a wall and a short table in the middle of the room. After the couch on the left was a doorway that led to what looked like a large bedroom with a bathroom connected.

Connected to the living room was a kitchen barely separated by a counter looking area that seemed to be made for placing dinks and other foodstuffs with a dining room table to the right slightly away from the kitchen.

To the right side of the living room was a fireplace along the wall with portraits of a family adorned on it.

To the left of the fireplace was a hall, on the right side of the hall where two doors leading to separate rooms and on the left was a door leading to another, and at the end of the hall was one last room

"Down the hall the two rooms on the right are mine and Aria's bedroom and the room to the left is a bathroom, the room at the end of the hall is an empty guest bedroom that will be yours".

Eris explained.

"And where does Adam sleep?".

Osiris asked.

"He sleeps in the large bedroom with the bathroom connected".

Eris explained with a smile.

"Alright then".

Osiris replied and smiled back.

"I'm going to go ahead and make supper before the sun starts to set, Aria come and help me and Adam go get washed up".

"Osiris you can go check out your room and see if it needs anything you might need that we could shop for later in the market".

Eris said as she headed for the kitchen with her basket full of herbs and Aria followed, while Adam headed for his room.

Leaving Osiris to go and explore where he will be sleeping, he headed down the hall and arrived within his own room.

Looking around he noticed it was furnished quite simply with a large bed in the corner of the room next to a window, as well as a nightstand with a candle on it.

He didn't mind one bit though as he even slightly liked the simplistic design.

ding dong fellas, another night and here i am cranking another chapter out before i go to bed, i hope you guys enjoy this one as well and dont worry.

osiris will soon be back at doing what he does best, hunting beasts and getting stronger.

i just have to do all this world building "filler" kinda stuff to make the world more immersive and enjoyable.

but imma keep cranking out a chapter a day for yall so dont worry.

also apparently power stones are good for getting a novel more publicity or sum so give me them h*es if u got some in ya pockets, i know some of u got a treasure trove yall gatekeeping, help a brotha out

yung_Ericsefcreators' thoughts