
A Dragons Beginning

A dragon hatches from an egg in an unfamilliar place, with only his bloodline inheritance to guide him in a direction, its up to himself to choose what he wants to do with his life be that conquer countless solar systems, create and undefeatable empire that strikes fear into the hearts of thoes who hear its name, or simply swallow an entire star just because he could, and maybe along his journey he'll find a couple of badass wives who like him more than he might believe, though that will take some time since hes just hatched. overall this story is about a dragon born for greatness and a craving for conquest, most know him as a villain but thoes that truly know him, know its only for the survival of the fittest. (This is my first time writing a novel so constructive criticism is appreciated) (also just read like the first 5 chpyer to tell of its good or not, i have nobidea how to write a synopsis)

yung_Ericsef · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
48 Chs

7. Entering the village

Osiris soon stood up from his crouching position and held his hand for aria, his left and of course since her right arm was most likely still in pain.

Aria took his hand and he pulled her up from the ground with ease. And she proceeded to dust herself off while thanking Osiris.

"Thank you for your help, you really saved us from death".

She spoke in her monotonous voice, which by now Osiris realized was just how she spoke and wasn't being rude.

"You're very welcome, it was a nice first experience saving two beautiful women in distress".

He replied with a friendly smile,which paired with his handsome face and rugged features made the two sisters blush.

Osiris then turned back to Adam and began a questioning of his own.

"How come the three of you were out here in the first place, this forest seemed pretty dangerous for people like you with no cultivation?".

"Oh, we were out here foraging and gathering magical plants and the like to sell to the doctors and any other customers for some coin to get by for the month".

Adam replied.

"And how much coin do you think i would be able to get with the bear".

Osiris pointed out.

"Well seeing how you already skinned it for its hide it would drop the value by a bit, but if you where to sell all the meat off to the butcher in the village you might get a couple hundred coins, as it's still a magic beats of the first order and magic beast meat stays in high demand year around".

Adam replied with a pondering expression.

"Do you think you could help me and show me the way, i've never been within a village before?".

Osiris asked straightforwardly, he was not afraid to admit his shortcomings when in a time of need and one of his largest shortcoming at this point was information.

And he believed if he could befriend these three, they could help him understand this world a lot quicker.

As well as the fact that he has taken a liking to the two sisters, however his need for information came first.

Adam was surprised at someone never being in a village before, but remembering Osiris's words of just hatching, put aside his thoughts and agreed.

"Sure it's no problem, we were about to head back anyway before the bear attacked".

Adam replied with a nod.

Osiris then casually picked up the bear corpse that probably weighed more than 600 pounds and slung it over his shoulder like a sack of potatoes, leaving the three in slight awe at his strength.

Then they all walked towards the village which Osiris had been looking forward to experiencing for quite a while now.

They soon reached and began walking along cobbled roads leading into the village as Osiris took in the sights of wooden houses and wandering people.

And noticing Osiris's curious gaze as they walked, Adam took the liberty of introducing the village.

"Where we are right now is a decent size settlement village called Treehaven on the outskirts of the sunset kingdom of the great plains".

Seeing Osiris intently listening to every word he said, Adam smiled as he continued.

"Where we just came from is called Dusk forest, according to story's from wandering traders that stop by from time to time, it is the largest and most dangerous forest on origin, the name of our world".

Intrigued, Osiris cut in and asked.

"What makes it so dangerous, so far I've only encountered beasts of the first order?".

Surprised at the fact that Osiris called a first order beast 'only' like it was nothing to him, however the scene of him taking out an early stage first order bear with one punch came to Adams memory as he shook off the surprise and answered.

"The reason you have only encountered first order beasts is because we are still only on the periphery of the forest, and the further you head south into the forest the stronger the beasts become, rumor has it that mythical beasts above the third order reside within the center of the forest".

Adam spoke with reverence.

"Above the third order, is that very rare?"

Osiris asked, confused at the manner in which Adam spoke about third order and above being like they were gods.

Adam proceeded to look at Osiris strangely and state matter of factly.

"I'll have you know that the king of the sunset kingdom is a peak stage third order powerhouse".

"And rumor has it that the kingdom's protector is a being of the fourth order, which would make the sunset kingdom one of the strongest dynasties on origin".

Osiris then simply nodded and didn't explain anything to Adam, since he simply did not care enough to argue that anyone who just entered the fourth order is barely starting their journey to power.

As in Osiris's eyes the first three orders of the body realm are simply for building a foundation before you truly start your journey.

While Eris and Aria simply followed from behind in silence listening in on the conversation being had.

Quickly they found themselves in front of a wooden shop of sorts that reeked of blood and meat in Osiris's sensitive nose which didn't bother him at all.

"Well here we are, this is the butcher's shop".

Adam smiled and stated as they all paused in front of the shop entrance.

"I guess this is where we part ways then".

Osiris smiled as well

"U-um, by any chance do you have anywhere to stay"

All the sudden, Eris spoke up with some nervousness.

"No not at all, I think I was just going to find some place to camp out in the woods or maybe find a cottage to rent".

Osiris replied with uncertainty.

"T-then how about you stay with us for a while, since you saved our lives and all today i think it's the least we could do".

Eris spoke with anticipation and fear in her eyes as she stared at Osiris.

Anticipation at the thought of spending more time with Osiris and fear of rejection.

Osiris then thought about it for a moment, and turned to Aria and Adam for their thoughts, and from the simple nods they gave him told their approval.

"I have no problem with it since you saved our lives, and from the conversation and feeling I got from you tells me you're not anyone weird or untrustable".

Said Adam in a friendly tone.

Osiris thought no longer and agreed to Eris's proposal, making the girl jump up in delight and hold a bright white smile on her beautiful face.

idk what i was talm bout in the last note. the story literally just started and im over here talking about pacing dawg. idk ig im just getting ahead of myself as this is the first ever novel i wrote and i want it to be as perfect and enjoyable for the readers as i think it is in my head.

i hope you guys are enjoying it and comment on my novel as i read every one of em and it truly does make my day happier when you do comment.

anyway gn bby grl, its 2am in texas and mans needs his shut eye if ya know what im sayin.

yung_Ericsefcreators' thoughts