
A Dragon ball System With A Cultivation World

I got Bad Grammer

Itachi102 · Komik
Peringkat tidak cukup
82 Chs

New Bloodline

"you can't be angry at me for this long," Sora said calmly seeing how Fang Mei was ignoring him, sighing softly Sora went on to check his phone... cough, I mean communication tablet to see if there was anything cool happening around the world.

"Look I'm famous," Sora said seeing a one-off video that had the battle between him and the 4 ancestors, it seemed like what took place moments ago spread all over the south and west regions,

"that's nothing to be happy about." Fang Mei's face went pale seeing how many people were instead in that video, but she couldn't help me get angry seeing how prideful Sora was about the whole matter.

"So you're talking to me?" Sora asked with a smile, making Fang Mei so angry that she grabbed his shirt and pulled her towards him.

"Do you know you almost died? I understand the enjoy a fight part, but do you not value your own life?" She said angrily, what Sora did was right out stupid, and almost died. and now the world knew that somewhere out there, someone in the second stage of cultivation was capable of fighting someone at the 4th stage of cultivation, and 4 of them at that. the world would hunt Sora down, and many would want to see his secrets.

"... I of course understand what happened. The 4 guys were stronger than I expected, I thought at most I could test some stuff on them. As for the video getting spread... what's the point of crying over it? it only causes pointless worrying. it happened, and now we learn from our mistakes." Sora said calmly, stunning Fang Mei who didn't expect Sora to say something like this, but she calmed down with Sora's explanations, what happened was indeed unexpected.

"you could have run away at least." Fang Mei said softly, to which Sora shook his head.

"I couldn't. they could fly, and the fly Nimbus isn't fast enough. I could escape, but what about you? I don't fear death, so long as I die without any regrets. plus I find it hard to believe those weaklings could have defeated me." Sora said arrogantly, only for Fang Mei to look annoyedly at him. those weakly had Sora out for the whole day.

"How did you defend against their law?" Fang Mei asked after some time, she had been with the gray tiger which had been explaining to her what was happening as she couldn't keep up with the battle. so she knew what was suppressing Sora's power level was law.

"Law?" Sora asked in confusion. Shouldn't it be Dao or something,

"the law is what makes up the world around you, there are an endless amount of laws. such as the law of gravity which you should now off." the gray tiger said calmly, Sora was stunned for a moment but he nodded.

"the laws all work together, the earth has its gravity pull which holds us all down. the sun also has it, allowing this planet to spin around it, and have a night and day cycle. there is also the law of the moon and sun, the law of possibility, the law of fate, karma, time, space, creation, and destruction. the numbers are endless." the gray tiger said as Sora and Fang Mei nodded while paying close attention.

"those at the 4th stage of cultivation go through tribulations, a test of heaven and earth, once they pass they are allowed to sense these laws and comprehend them. this is why it's almost impossible for those below the 4th law to be their match, fighting them is like fighting the world." The gray tiger said

"but there are ways around you. the aura of slaughter you had allowed you to counter the suppression brought upon the law. but there is more to it as your body had a natural resistance towards it, if it didn't then your power level would have dropped to a shocking level." the gray tiger said stunning Sora slightly, who began thinking hard as to what that could be.

"you overthink, you have cultivated 2 immortal grade techniques. The White Tiger Cutlivaiton art, and the 3 heads and 6 arms diagram. there is also something special about your bloodline which allowed you to resist that suppression." the gray tiger said stunning Sora for some time before he nodded in understanding.

"Is there a way to comprehend the laws sooner?" Sora asked calmly, stunning the Gray tiger for a moment, but he nodded

"Have your soul strength reach a base of 1 billion fists. you can do it by force at that point." the Gray Tiger said leaving Sora speechless for a moment but he nodded in the end. Sora asked a few more questions and the gray Tiger answered them all calmly, after which Sora went on to spend some time recovering

with how serious the injury was, Sora was sure the breakthrough would be huge this time. if this was a video game, his bar of health would have been 10 out of a million or something. that's how badly injured Sora was, and the Kaio Ken didn't help as it made his injuries worse.

So, time passed. Fang Mei returned to the inheritance ground to cultivate, while Sora spent time recovering. a week after the battle, Sora had fully recovered and had broken through from level 6 all the way to level 1 Core formations, level 1 Silver rank, and level 1 Infant Soul.

Sora that was a total of 12 levels, of course, the Zankai boost didn't do all that. its max was only 10 levels. Fang Mei had collected the storage rings from the 2 fallen ancestors, allowing Sora to use their resources to cultivate allowing him to be already near a breakthrough before the Zenkai kicked in, allowing it to push him right into the 3rd stage of cultivation,

{Congratulations host on reaching the 3rd stage of cultivation... would the host wish to use the system reward functions?} The system asked to which Sora nodded calmly

{Congratulations host, you have gained...

1. Frieza race Bloodline

2. Senzu Bean}

'just two this time? well, I'm a grateful person, I'm just happy I got something' Sora thought calmly as he accepted the rewards, and once he did he had the system give him the information about the rewards.

{Frieza race Bloodline- this with bloodline, the host would become a member of the Frieza race. you would have the ability to grow your clothing known as a Bio suit.

With this bloodline, you would no longer need food, water, or even air to survive. you can even suffer the worst of injuries such as being cut into countless pieces and survive. you would also have a huge endurance, capable of suffering all types of attacks for hours and still keeping going.

Members of Frieza's race can have many transformations. The transformations are used to suppress one's power so they do not exert too much energy. Another reason for the transformations was as a means to maintain self-control to avoid losing restraint of their powers.

one is capable of evolving and gaining a greater form where their power would be far greater than their true form.}

{The Senzu Bean is a magical bean capable of healing all injuries of those who eat it. It can also restore one energy to 100%. in other words, whoever eats this bean would be at 100% once eaten. but these beans heal those sick or have some unique injuries. it takes 1 year to grow.} The system said

Sora frowned deeply, not at what the system said but at the fact fusing with the Frieza race bloodline was painful. Sora was not simply gaining a new bloodline, the bloodline gained fused with the current bloodline, allowing Sora to be a mix of all the races which bloodlines he had.

Sora's monkey tail slowly began transforming, but the changes were not noticeable to the naked eye. the hair on his trail became far harder than what they were before, and the same for hair on the other part of his body.

Sora's hair was already powerful thanks to the 3 head and 6 Arms Diagram, and the White Tiger Cultivation art, but these new transformations were special.

{Name: Sora

Age:18 /1,000

Bloodlines: [Saiyan Bloodline] [Cerealian Bloodline] [Frieza race Bloodline]

Physique: [Saiyan Physique] [Cerealian] Frieza race Physique]


Qi Cultivation: [Level 1 Core Formations] (Power of 6,000 Fist}

Body Cultivation: [Level 7 Iron] (Power of 15,000 Fists}

Soul Cultivation: {Level 1 Infant soul] {Power of 5,750 Fist}


Abilities: [Zenkai Boost] [Transformation] [Cerealian eye] [Enchanced recovery] [three heads and six arms] [Shining Dragon Eyes

Technique: [Technique Copy] [Destructo disc] [Kaio-ken] [Energy Shield] [Death Ball]

Martial Arts: [Wolf Fang Fist] [Pressure Point Attack]


Items: [Power Pola] [Flying Nimbus] [Goku Weighted Clothing] [Senzu Bean]

"Damn it," Sora said with an annoyed look as he tried to enter the True Saiyan state, but he found he had a hard time doing so. This change completely changed the power and way needed to reach that form, so Sora had to sit down once more and look within.

as for the three heads and six arms, it was an ability that allowed one to grow 3 heads and 6 arms. the Shining Dragon eye was also from the 3 Head and 6 Arms Diagram, it strengthens one eye and even allows one to see through all falsehood in the world. and yes, at this rate Sora could recover from a drop of blood in a matter of seconds,

Slowly Sora's body began to transform, unable to control the power of this form, Heaven and earth shook due to this form's overwhelming power. the gray tiger grew uneasy while looking at Sora, and this form was not normal.

black fur slowly grew on Sora's body, and his height increased to become 6'9, clothing slowly appeared on Sora's body, well his lower half. his upper half was covered in fur which shone like metal. (wallpaper but with black fur}

a power boost of 500? damn, I'm going to need some time to get used to this form.' Sora thought while looking at his palm, based on the huge amount of power he was feeling... but this was only half of this form's true capability, he wasn't ready for 100% of this form's true capability.

'I can wait... people would come here soon, I can use them to train and master this form.' Sora thought with a smile, before he sat down cross-legged, and went on to begin his training...

Meanwhile within the inheritances ground, the immortal was looking at Sora, speechless at the scene before his eyes. Even in the immortal realm, Sora would be considered a talent among talent, a one million or even billion years of talent

'I wonder is is more capable, him or you.' He thought while looking far away within the West region, where a young man sat before a grave.

the young man was... well, handsome. if one were to seek for any wrong about him, it would be that he was too perfect to be real. if one were to dream of an immortal, it would be him. if your dream lover could exist, it would be him. Your dream physique? he has it. looks, body, and so on, everything about him seemed too perfect to be real.

"I'm sorry I couldn't do more for you... but the son you have raised will not disappoint you, I will make my good-for-nothing father kneel before you gave one day. that I promise upon my name, Giga Chad!" He said seriously