
A Dragon ball System With A Cultivation World

I got Bad Grammer

Itachi102 · Komik
Peringkat tidak cukup
82 Chs


"... What?" Sora asked lazily while linning on his side with a finger up one ear, Giga Chad calmly looked at him before shaking his head. He could tell Sora was stronger than before,

"You passed the trial Giga Chad, and the reward for doing so is gaining the Azure Dragon Cultivation art, The Azure Dragon Heart, and a chance to cultivate within the Azure Dragon Pond for a week." The Azure Dragon appeared, making Giga Chad's eyebrow raise hearing this

"The Azure Dragon heart?" He asked, to which the Azure Dragon nodded. the Azure Dragon heart was a heart many times stronger than the normal human heart, it could greatly increase one power, and improve blood flow. just having the heart would slowly increase cultivation, with every breath they take in coming with a huge amount of pure Qi

Sora eyed Giga Chad for a moment, confused as to why the guy seemed to be so happy with the reward. Sora shrugged it off and returned to waiting for everyone else. it had barely been a day since they all entered, so he wasn't waiting for long.

He refused to cultivate within the Azure Dragon Pond, sure his talent had improved thanks to the changes his body went through since he started cultivation, but it would be slow cultivating within there than him simply fighting.

Giga Chad, on the other hand, was what he needed. this would be the first step in his trying to shorten the gap between himself and Sora. Giga Chad got his reward, and his heart was transformed, becoming countless times stronger than before.

Storm clouds began to gather above his head, shocking the Azure Dragon for a moment, but upon closer look at Sora, realization kicked in. Giga Chad was awakening a physique and a bloodline, the awakening of his physique was enough to help Giga Chad have a breakthrough

'This is only a hint of the physique?' Sora thought while forming a barrier to shield himself, he had a deep frown while looking at Giga Chad. the aura Giga Chad was showing at the moment was of a power he never felt before, but it seemed to the counter of his Law of destruction, Sora easily guessed it had to be the law of creation but on a higher grade than his own.

Giga Chad sat down, and lightning began to rain down upon him. which he opened his mouth, devoured, and used the lightning to awaken more of his current Physique, while at the same time breaking through

But he was only able to awaken 1/1,000,000,000,000 of the physique. but the power it brought was heaven-shaking. after he finished the tribulations, Giga Chad felt his body and nodded after feeling his strength. 12 mountains and rivers should be his current limit, it would be even higher with the White Tiger sword. Giga Chad guessed around 120 Moutain and rivers, it would be even higher if he used a drop of his blood to show more of the sword's power

"what's with the lightning-devouring thing?" Sora asked calmly, that was a new ability GIga Chad show,

"It's the ability of my physique." Giga Chad said calmly, but he didn't explain more than he had to, and Sora didn't care to dig for more. but with that ability, Giga Chad could devour all things under the heaven and earth, and use them as cultivation resources.

Giga Chad sat down and waited for the others, he wouldn't enter the Azure Dragon Pond, he shall wait for the others to have their turn before he enters. h knew well he would absorb the whole pond,

'Sora power... 100 mountains and rivers? no, it's higher, far higher. his growth rate is faster than mine, I can't lag like this and struggle to keep up... but since I awakened this physique, I can start cultivating the Transcendent Dragon Art.' Giga Chad thought with closed eyes,

The transcendent Draogn art was an extremely powerful cultivation art that covered the body, soul, and Qi. In his past life, Giga Chad found his technique within his soul when he awakened his physique and began cultivating it. the requirement to cultivate this art was the physique, so he began cultivating,

time passed, and the 3rd person to come out was Hong Ying, he had a mysterious aura about her, which affected the emotions of both Sora and Giga Chad, but the effect was only slight. Giga Chad's energy floated on its own, resisting this before he felt the effect.

"... you seem to be different," Sora said while sizing her up with a raised eyebrow, Hong Ying looked at Sora with a complex look before she shook her head,

"We should talk later." She said softly, to which Sora nodded slightly. Hong Ying went on to accept her reward, before going on to enter the pond, moments later, Yu Rou arrived, covered in light and darkness. but she didn't gain her inheritance, she seemed to have failed

her siblings on the other hand passed and also went on to get the inheritances, which allowed them to gain the Azure Dragon heart, but upon getting it caused them to awaken their physique,

Yu Jian awakened the 5 elemental Angel Physique, while Yu She awakened the Life and Death Angel Physique. Yu Jian and Yu She's physiques were of similar grades, but Yu Rou's physique was a grade higher than the two.

The two entered the pond to cultivate, and after them came Nu Chad, and Fang Mei, who seemed to have passed. although Sora couldn't help but frown upon seeing Fang Mei, she seemed different. everyone seemed different.

everyone but him, Giga Chad, and Nu Chad. it seems like they were to the test, Yu Routhe only one who failed came out without a hint of care that she failed, but with more determination on her end, while her little brother and sister seemed to have grown up.

"What was your trail?" Sora asked calmly, Yu Rou was caught off guard by the question for a moment, but she answered truthfully

her trial was one of loyalty. she saw Sora as her master, but would her loyalty hold for the sake of Sora, for the sake of justice? well, she slaughtered a whole family. Sora in her illusion let an enemy live, but she understood the risk that the enemy held towards Sora,

that enemy also had a powerful family which would seek revenge against Sora, so behind Sora's back she finished off that enemy before he could recover, along with the whole family, children, and all.

but that was not the end of the test, the next part was who would she choose, her siblings or Sora. and she stabbed Sora in the back, in this world her siblings came above her own life, below them was Sora. She made the wrong choice for each test, stepping into the dark and not thinking much of the light

"You're a fallen angel, not a demonic angel. don't let the darkness swallow you, find the balance." Giga Chad said seriously, to which Sora nodded. her physique was of light and darkness, if she couldn't find the balance, her mind would be swallowed. the side effect was already showing with how quick she was to kill. even Sora wasn't so ruthless

"Understood, I will try and improve," Yu Rou said softly, before sitting down and looking into her heart. a week passed, and before long, Hong Ying and the others stepped out of the pond, after which, Giga Chad entered to finish up what was remaining, which only took a few hours, which of course came with huge improvements

with everyone done, they left and found the Azure Dragon emperor waiting for them.

"you seemed to have passed, I wasn't able to get the complete inheritances as you did," he said calmly, to which Sora nodded as he guessed that. the Azure Dragon emperor didn't get the complete cultivation art, instead, he got one that would allow him to reach his current cultivation,

"Follow me, you have some talent. It would be a waste if you stayed here." Giga Chad said calmly, making the Azure Dragon emperor's eyebrow raise. if Sora would have said this, then he would have agreed, but who was this?

But his Azure Dragon bloodline shook upon looking at Giga Chad, it was like it was submitting to Giga Chad, something which shocked him greatly.

Sora ignored this and went on to signal for Fang Mei and Hong Ying to follow me, he could feel the two had something they wanted to speak with him about, so he might as well get it over with in one got.

"I'm leaving the group to travel alone." Fang Mei said calmly, to which Sora shook his head

"I refuse, what do you have to say?" Sora said lazily, leaving Fang Mei at a loss for words, she wasn't asking.

"I... what? I wanted to break up with you." Hong Ying was left speechless while looking at Fang Mei, she wanted to end things for the sake of Fang Mei's feelings, but now Fnag Mei wanted to leave the ground

"I refuse... well, it was a nice talk. it's nice we could all conclude all of this." Sora said calmly, before turning to leave

"You can't refuse something I made my mind up on, and why do you want to break up with him?" Fang Mei said angrily, she wanted to leave because she realized how dependent she had been on Sora, but the remaining reason was because of Hong Ying, and now she was breaking up with him just when she made her mind up.

"because he would always love you more than me, I can't be with someone who would always treat me second best." Hong Ying said calmly, those words were like a cold bucket of water that calmed Fang Mei down, leaving her speechless and flustered

"I was going to leave the group, so you need not leave." Hong Ying said calmly, making Fang Mei blush, unable to say anything for some time.

"No, I already made my mind up." Fang Mei said, causing Hong Ying to frown. Sora's face slowly turned dark seeing the two fighting over who would stay and who would leave, but in the end, he ignored them and turned and left. something which pissed both of them seeing his reaction

"I already gave you my answers, we are staying here for 3 weeks, take this time to grow stronger and have as many breakthroughs as you want before we head to the northern region," Sora said calmly, pissing the two of them off. they thought long and hard about this, and he was simply brushing it off.

Sora jumped into the sky, and with a step, he disappeared flying off at high speed, and arrived within the northern region,

'I need to start comprehending the law, master my super Saiyan form which for some reason has tiger stripes... I need to remove them. I also should use this time to learn Instant Transmission.' Sora thought while pulling the fur off his body, the air flew into the sky and transformed into his clones.

The clones landed on the ground and placed two fingers on their forehead. Instant Transmission is a technique for traveling long distances instantly, pretty much teleportation.

Instant Transmission allows the user and anyone that is in physical contact with them to instantly travel great distances just by concentrating on a particular individual's energy signature or feeling that being's location. The user can rematerialize anywhere within a short range of their target.

Since Instant Transmission requires an energy signature to lock onto, the technique's success is dependent on the user's ability to detect the desired signature. So, if the target is too far away, and can't be sensed, then one can't reach the said target.

Sora watched his clones training, while he on the other hand went on to scream his lungs out and transform. His hair turned golden, his eyes turned a green color. Sora let out a deep breath while rubbing his neck, he feared he might lose his voice one day if this kept up.

'well, I should lose the tiger stripes.' Sora thought before closing his eyes, and slowly the black tiger stripes on his body began to disappear, leaving his fur a pure gold. Sora looked at this form for some time, before nodding in approval

a 500 times increase to his power level on top of the already 100,000 times power up. this was a power-up of 50 billion. don't forget this form has yet to be mastered, so the energy this form drawled was huge, so he needed to start mastering this power.

'almost forgot the law of destruction.' Sora thought as he pulled off more of his hair and had it start comprehending the law of destruction, but with some thought, he realized that the law of destruction although powerful, he couldn't comprehend it fast enough for it to reach his strength,

So, Sora created more clones, enough to comprehend all of the laws they saw interesting, they shall all be fused with his law of destruction to increase its power. so even if the law of destruction wasn't powerful enough, it could fuse with the others and then with Sora to increase his strength by even more

After all, was done, Sora returned to mastering this new form... but while training, he realized this form might get strong since he would fuse the phoenix and the Azure Dragon physique with it, but on that thought, this form was too powerful, the chance of it grow even more than it was hard to believer, so super Saiyan 2 might just be even more overpowered.