

Emily removed her cloak and sat at the table close to his bed. She plucked out a grape from the stem and put it in her mouth. “You have 60 seconds to tell me why you are here.” Tyler said. Emily took a deep breath, “I am here to make you a deal.” Emily said. “And what makes you think that I will make a deal with you?” he asked her. “Because I am what you are looking for.” She spoke. “You need someone stronger than you because you are weak. I can teach you how to be stronger.” Tyler thought about it and what she said was actually true. She was strong. One of the strongest she-wolves he has ever seen. Her pack was known as the strongest mainly because their ability to control their transformation. Unlike every other pack that have to change during the full moon, they can choose when to transform. He knows she can fix his problem without and false. But what is the grantee that she can be trusted. Emily is the kind that stabs people in the back. “Is that not why you want find a mate? Because you want the whispers to stop?” she asked him. “And what do you gain from all this?” Tyler asked her. The Emily he knows never makes a deal without something in return. “As you know, I am the only child of my father, the alpha of Cresent moon pack. and because I am a female. I can’t take over when my father is gone.” She says and takes a bit of an apple she picks up from the tray. “What does that have to do with me?” “Well, in one of our old book laws, I can ascend the throne if the man I marry hands over the throne to me.” “What are you saying?” Tyler said. Emily could see that he was running out of patience. She put down the half-eaten and dusts her hands. “Simple, I will train you and each you how to be stronger and in return you will mate with me and hand over the leadership of my pack to me.” Tyler laughed at her face. part of her told her that something like this will happen. He wasn’t the first though. Other alphas she approached did the same thing to her but this time she will get what she wants from him. He is her best option. “And what made you think that I would agree to such deal?” he asked her. “Because deep down you know I am the only one who can help you.” She told him with a smile on her face.

Gemma_Alex · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
25 Chs


Tyler was in his office staring at the portrait of his father. He couldn't believe that his father is dead. "The strongest alpha of their time" he was called. He could still remember going hunting and his father teaching him how to use his strength as a wolf. He could still remember his father's words anytime he fell; "One day you will be the alpha of one of the biggest packs in Australia. You can't be weak. You are stronger than you can ever know."

After Tyler's mother's death when he was young, his father was so protective of him. His father Elijah always hinted to him that he shouldn't trust anyone, not even the elders of the pack. Tyler sighs and takes a sip of his drink still wondering if he will be able to leave up to his father's legacy.

He was regarded as one of the weakest wolves of the pack. In high school, a lot of people didn't know who he was. His father said it will be better that way to avoid threat. He was bullied so much because he wasn't strong enough. He could still remember how he was treated and he lost every duel he participated in; even to a girl.

He could never forget that girl, Emily Waston-King. The most annoying and feared girls in the school at that time. She always felt she was equal to the beta and omegas. He did like her sprit though, she was fierce and so strong, she was everything that he wanted to be. But after he lost that duel and she started to bully him like the others, he hated her like every one else. He didn't hear from her after graduation and didn't even want to care.

The biggest problem he was facing now was the doubt he had in himself and his capability as an alpha. he knew he wasn't ready yet and his father knew that as well. He didn't even know to make peace with the humans or the other packs talk less of his own pack. He was scared, yes, he was scared that he will let the pack down, that he will let the world down. His father always said that as an alpha you have to learn to be strong and think with a clear head. He just hoped that he would be able to lead with his clear head only. An alpha is nothing without his strength. A knock on the door interrupted his thoughts. His right-hand man, Oliver came in.

"Alpha, it is time."

Tyler dropped his glass, sighed and left the room.

Today was his coronation day. After his father's death in a fight with a rival pack, he became the alpha but the coronation had to be done in order for his to take an oath of service to the pack. He didn't want to do it immediately after his father's death but the elders insisted that it was the right thing to do for the pack even though he doesn't have a mate. He had no choice but to agree. Anything for the pack.

Tyler and Oliver headed for the forest were the elders and the whole pack was waiting for him. He was surprised to see everyone there. He thought it will only be the elders and their sons who will take over when they die that will be there just like his father's coronation day but it doesn't matter. They just have to be fast and get this over with.

There was already a fire burning as they waited for his arrival. The eldest man asked Tyler to step forward. The elder slit Tyler palm and put the blood in a bowl. He did the same with the elders and their sons. They all healed immediately and they sore their lives to their new alpha.