
A bored Gamer and his budding harem~! (Dropped)

A/N : You guys know all the copyright crap? Imagine it’s all here… . . . . . . Echo had always been mature for his age, apathetic and indifferent to almost everything in general, even his own life. There were few things that could hold the interest of the nineteen year old high school drop out, his family being one of them. But even towards them, he found himself barely capable of expressing his emotions. To the outside, he is a cold, aloof, perhaps even arrogant, and unfriendly introvert whose dead-black eyes makes one refrain from even wanting to talk to him. Echo had a secret, however. One that he had never told anyone, not even the woman he calls ‘Mom’ in his monotonous, almost emotionless voice or the rest of his ‘family’ despite holding great affection for them. He is, in fact, a reincarnator. ((You slept in bed. HP restored. MP restored. All abnormal statuses cleansed.)) And one fine morning, when he opened his eyes from a good night’s sleep, his ‘cheat’ arrived.

Azerial_0 · Komik
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51 Chs

[Chapter:10][Up for a Game of Chess?(1)]

Three days passed by quickly, and just like that, the day Echo and Rhianna and even Leah needed to go to school, the former two for learning while the latter for teaching and something else, arrived.

"Levelling up the 'Student' Jobs seems both harder and easier…"

Looking at his Status, Echo nodded in satisfaction.

. . . . . .


Echo Howers

Level : 112 (92.01%)

Job : [Student(Lv-12/100)]

HP : 110/110 (11 per min)

MP : 7,980/7,980 (6,072 per min) (12,072-6,000 per min)


Strength : 13

Endurance : 14

Vitality : 11

Agility : 13

Intelligence : 286 —> 399

Wisdom : 1,283 —> 1,389 —> 1,509

Senses : 11

Charm : 19

Stat Points : 0 —> 120 —> 0


[Writing(Lv-13)] (!)

[Cleaning(Lv-12)] (!)

[Cooking(Lv-8)] (!)

[Learning(Lv-12)] (!)

. . . . . .

Echo's schedule didn't change much, other than his study hours decreasing a little in order for him to practice other skills.

Echo admits, he had never been much of a planner, so he left his schedule to the two veteran weebs in the family, his sisters Leah and Rhianna.

The two otakus, given such a hefty duty, managed to come up with a rather good schedule.

For twelve hours, he uses his 'Focus' skill at maximum capacity, Aya helping him in hiding his large mana reserves which surprised all those except Rhianna who were experienced with the supernatural side, to study.

This not only helped him increase both his Intelligence and Wisdom by 106 points a day, earning a point in both every 20 minutes thanks to the 100% EXP boost from 'Focus' and 50% EXP boost from the 'Genius' Perk, it also helped in levelling up his Job.

And unlike what one might think, rather than a 150% bonus, since the bonuses are from a skill and a perk, the result is multiplicative instead of additive. Meaning 100% (*2) and 50% (*1.5) became a 300% (*3) EXP bonus instead.

The levelling of his Job hadn't being going as well as he would have liked, especially considering how higher the EXP boosts were compared to the ten day marathon he did levelling his 'Scholar' Job to 92, but he assumed that was because of both the lesser time spent as well as him not actually doing a Student's job.

A 'Student' studies at school, not by himself, after all.

He was also not allowed to skip sleep, something which all three of his family asked / threatened him about. They didn't want him to become less 'normal' than he already was, plus, just because he didn't feel fatigue didn't mean it didn't effect him.

Echo was already nearly machine-like, and working twenty four hours a day might very well make him no different from a true emotionless machine. He didn't mind losing some time to sleep, so he agreed.

After that, what time he had left, he would either spend with his family, which had gotten closer than ever thanks to the secret sharing event three days ago, or grind different kinds of skills with their help.

"'A Gamer who isn't a Jack of All Trades Master of All should be ashamed' huh?"

Echo recalled Leah's and Rhianna's exact words which they simultaneously uttered almost as if they had rehearsed saying it, and felt his lips tug up for a moment before he stopped himself from smiling.

"Still, Devils huh?"

He got to know from Leah what she meant by 'cooperation from Devils', and was rather surprised to find that the school he and Rhianna were going to was actually the HQ of the Devils managing Kuoh, though he didn't show it as usual.

As for Rhianna, she was actually quite excited to meet Devils, since to her, her family didn't change much despite knowing their more supernatural nature, so Devils would technically be the first truly supernatural beings she would meet.

Well, that, and Leah's introduction of them helped too.

"The sisters of two of the new Satans and their peerages…"

Somehow, Echo had the feeling Rhianna wanted to become a Devil…

((Skill [Premonition] levelled up!))

"Oh, there we go…"

He sighed. While he didn't like the 'servant' part of the peerage system, he had to agree, it certainly had its benefits.

Becoming an Angel…unlike Leah, who didn't have the risk of falling due to her Nephilim blood, it would restrict Rhianna too much. And according to his mom, while Azazal might be interested in the peerage system, it was solely due to his inquisitive and knowledge seeking nature, and she doubted he would create a similar system for Fallen Angels despite them being lowest in number among the three factions.

So in a sense, Rhianna either remains a human, which is an extremely weak race compared to other supernatural species, gain Divinity and become a Goddess which is practically impossible without at least a few centuries of hard work, or become a Devil…

"According to their descriptions, both the Gremory Heiress and Sitri Heiress seem like good 'Kings', though one less useful and the other slightly weaker in comparison…"

He decided to leave the choice to her though. What she chooses was Rhianna's choice alone, and while he would make sure any consequences she might face go through him first, he wouldn't influence or restrict her choice.

And neither would Aya and Leah, especially considering how strong they were.

"Well, considering the influence both of them have in their factions, even with mom retired, I doubt the Devils would dare mistreat her…"

Still, it didn't mean the chance was none.


But if he managed to get strong enough, or even complete enough quests to get his hands on the 'Party' function, all these troublesome thoughts would be for naught.

"At the end, no matter which world or which life, power is most important…"

Echo's eyes darkened as he thought back to his first life, his eyes holding even less emotion than ever, though he managed to snap out of his daze soon enough.

*knock* *knock*

And just in time as the door to his room was knocked.



The door opened, and Rhianna peeked in.

"Onii-chan! Are you ready?"


Echo nodded as he picked his bag and walked to the door.

"You look good in that uniform Onii-chan!"

Rhianna smiled at her big brother as she took his hand, their relationship getting much better after the heart-to-heart discussion between the family.

"Let's go, Onee-chan and mom are waiting for us!"

Echo nodded indifferently, and this time, Rhianna didn't mind it, knowing it wasn't because he disliked her or anything.

While the two were headed downstairs, Echo mentally opened a function he hadn't gotten the chance to yet.


((Activate Function [Relations]? Once activated, Functions cannot be disabled.))


He didn't think much about it. Perhaps he would have if it were some other function, but based on his understanding from the original as well as from several different fan fictions, 'Relations' doesn't have any demerits.

((Function [Relations] activated…))

Right after, a blue window appears in his vision.

. . . . . .

[Aya Howers (Raziel)]

Affection : 100(Max)

[Leah Howers]

Affection : 100(Max)

[Rhianna Howers]

Affection : 100(?)(Max)

[Irina Shido]

Affection : 83


Affection : 79


Affection : 72


Affection : 59

[Griselda Quarta]

Affection : 52

[Xenovia Quarta]

Affection : 51

[Sona Sitri]

Affection : 21

[Tsubaki Shinra]

Affection : 17

. . . . . .


Reputation : 41


Reputation : 38

[Vasco Strada]

Reputation : 36


Reputation : 32

. . . . . .

Before Echo could react, three more prompts appear.

((Perk gained for maximum affection!))

((Perk gained for maximum affection!))

((Perk gained for maximum affection!))


While he was expecting it, suddenly going three different perks was still a little surprising to him. Not that he really minded.

Looking at the 'Relations' tab, he tried to guess why each of them were in it.

'Mom, Sis, and Rhi are obvious…'

'Irina…I haven't met her since she and her family moved from Japan. But we still kept in touch, her and Rhi exchanging letters almost every month for the last few years…'

'Gabriel…from what Sis told me, she should have experienced all her own memories like she were Leah Howers herself. While her vastly greater age and experience allowed her to keep her personality from being tainted, she still came to hold affection to those Sis loves…'

'Albion and Ddraig…well, they're a part of the family now. It'll be hard to accept them like the three, but we have time…'

'Griselda Quarta and Xenovia Quarta…Sis mentioned them, Griselda taking care of her like a mother figure when she first volunteered for the Church, with her adopted daughter Xenovia…and Irene mentioned them in her letter too. Nothing about the supernatural side, but being good friends and all…'

'I guess the two became aware of me from Sis' and Irene's talks with them…'

'Sona Sitri, the Heiress of Sitri and Student Council President of Kuoh, and her Queen Tsubaki Shinra…it's probably because I got a perfect score in the entrance.'

Indeed, Echo had gotten a perfect score in the entrance exam, easily achieving the top position among those who wrote the second year transfer test. As a well known school, even for transferring from another school, the tests conducted are quite strict.

'As for the four men…all are Angels, so their knowledge of me must come from Sis and Gabriel. Having a good impression with the leaders of Heaven and the Supreme Archangel is good, I guess…'

Closing the relations window, Echo looked at his Status to see the new perks he had just gained.

. . . . . .

[Juicy Gossip]

Type : Perk / Active

Description : Perk gained for maximum affection with the 'Angel of Mysteries' and 'Keeper of Secrets' Raziel, or Aya Howers. Allows the user to know the most important secret of a person they see.

. . . . . .

. . . . . .


Type : Perk / Passive

Description : Perk gained for maximum affection with 'Second Nephilim of the World' and 'Inheritor of Lucifer' Leah Lucifer Howers. Allows the user to maintain perfect equilibrium between different and even opposing forms of energies, bloodlines, traits, abilities, etc… .

. . . . . .

. . . . . .

[Protective Love]

Type : Perk / Passive

Description : Perk gained for maximum affection with Rhianna Howers. Allows the user to be aware of the position, general condition, and teleport once every 24 hours to those with Affection / Reputation greater than 70. When someone meeting the above condition is in danger, forcefully teleports the user to their position while enhancing all stats by 100% till the danger is neutralised.

. . . . . .


Echo blinked at the descriptions of the new perks.

'None of them are immediately useful, but they all have their own benefits.'

Before he could ponder more on the subject, the two reach the door.

"Wait for me!", Leah shouts as she quickly runs to them, bag in hand.

"You have all your books, Onee-chan?"

She nods to Rhianna's question.

"Of course! Who do you think your Onee-chan is?"

(Someone forgot their whole bag, let along books.)


Leah blushed as she glared at the tiny figurine of a white dragon hanging by her waist like a keychain.

"Eh? What's that?"

"This? Well, since I couldn't talk to Albion without Divine Dividing out, and I couldn't exactly have two large wings all the time, this is kind of like a temporary body."


Just then, Ddraig's voice resounded out as the Boosted Gear appears on Rhianna's arm.

[I and nee-chan became able to let a portion of our spirit out of the Gear after a few hundred hosts. We can't exactly talk with our hosts telepathically without going through your kinds and memories every time, and I have the feeling you wouldn't want that.]

"Eh!? You read my mind!?"

[No, not without you permission at least.]

(As our hosts, considering you don't get killed early, we'll stay together for a long, long time. Respecting privacy is only given. How else could we ask you to trust us, without even respecting your opinions and choices?)

"Ah, I guess you're right…"

"Wait!", Leah blinked her eyes, "How come you never told me all of this?"

(You never asked.)


Rhianna laughed at the speechless expression in her big sister's face, while Echo's eyes flashed at something he alone could see.

((Perk [Juicy Gossip] activated.))

. . . . . .

[Rhianna Howers]

Secret : She is obsessed with her big brother, even though she herself is only recently realising it. Also, she loves the way he pats her head.

[Leah Howers]

Secret : She is both a sis-con and a bro-con, though she would never admit to the latter. She also likes strawberry ice cream and has an unnatural addiction to Gacha.


Secret : She has a complex about her butt, due to her sister mocking her as 'Butt Dragon'. It caused her to fight her all the time.


Secret : She hates her flat chest, due to her sister mocking her as 'Boob Dragon'. It caused her to fight her all the time.

. . . . . .

Just then, his mother, Aya, comes into his view.

((Perk [Juicy Gossip] activated.))

. . . . . .

[Aya Raziel Howers]

Secret : She has an extreme dislike to men of all races due to perverts like Azazal, Zeus, and Odin, except her son who she loves dearly.

. . . . . .

Echo blinked, before deciding to keep these pieces of information deep within his heart.

'Since they are considered secrets, it would be irresponsible of me to reveal them.'

Just as he never bothered to keep secrets from them, he also respected his family's privacy. He wouldn't pry if not needed, and since he somehow got this information, although not voluntarily, he would keep it to himself.

"You'll be late you know?"

"Ahh! Rhi-chan! E-kun! Come on!"


Leah dragged the two by their hands as she ran out of the house, Echo barely having the time to look back at his mother and mouthing,

'I love you mom.'

Aya blinked, before smiling.

"I love you too, my son."