

She was specially and carefully craved in the rightful places to befit me and me alone.

Sunny_star_999 · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
20 Chs



After a walk of twenty minutes we we finally got to his office.

"Tap tap tap", I rapped at the door.

"Who is there?. He asked.

"It's Samatha Maxwells".

"You can come in".

I opened the door and entered after I heard his response.

" my dad said I should call you". I told him.

"Did you tell him about your mom?.he asked.

"Yes he insisted to know her whereabouts, so I had to tell him".

"What was his reaction?.

"Nothing he just said I should tell my mum that he loves her whenever she wakes".

" what else did he say".

"He said I should call you".

"I would have come earlier than this, just that I lost my way when trying to locate your office". I told him.

" like how much time did you take trying to locate my office after you left his room?.

" 40 minutes". I estimated.

"40 minutes?.

"Yes 40 minutes" I affirmed.

"Holy shit". He said why rushing out.

As he rushed out of his office I quickly tagged along. He call a nurse on his way to accompany for an emergency.

We soon got to my dad's room and the doctor opened the door and we got in. He went straight to dad's bed. And saw my dad sleeping peacefully.

The doctor check his pulse.

"No no this can be". He muttered to himself.

"What can be? I asked him.

" can you lead her outside?. He asked the nurse.

"Yes sir, come on Sam let's outside and give your dad some space so that he can have a good rest". She said why leading me to the door.

On getting to the door I glance back at my dad only to see the doctor pressing an iron on my dad's chest which made him to jerk up.

"What are you trying to do?. I yelled at the doctor thinking he was trying to kill my dad.

"Take her out!. He said in a sharp voice.

"No! Am not going anywhere till you tell me why you trying to kill my dad".i yelled back at him while shrugging of the nurse hands off my shoulder.

"What did he do? why are you placing an iron on him? Didn't you know that it's hot and will injure him? I fired at the doctor.

The nurse having lost her patience, dragged me like a ragged doll out the room and shut the door on my face.