

She was specially and carefully craved in the rightful places to befit me and me alone.

Sunny_star_999 · Fantasy
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20 Chs


"Opened this door and tell me why you are trying to kill an innocent man like my dad". I said while banging on the door.

But to my dismay no one answered me.

When I discovered that I was left all alone on the Corridor, I sat on the ground to hold myself together.

"Oh God Please don't let wicked doctor kill my innocent dad". I prayed while wiping my tears and looking around to see if there's anybody to report the crime to.

Thankfully I saw our family butler leaning on the wall with a long and quickly ran up to him

" help". I said while panting heavily.

" Sam are you alright? What happened?. He said why holding my hand

"The doctor is trying to kill my dad ".

"What? He was befuddled.

" yes he kept on pressing an iron on his chest making my dad to jerk".

"An iron? He ask with a baffled face.

" yes and he is pressing it on my dad's chest".

"Oh Sam". he with recognition setting in.

" that's not an iron it a defibrillator". He said while leading me to the nearest chair and sat me down.

" A what?. I asked confused.

" defibrillator is an equipment used to restore heartbeat in the case of cardiac arrest". He explained.

" you mean that wasn't an iron and the doctor won't kill my dad right?.

"Yes he won't ". He said while patting my back.

After a while that ugly nurse that dragged me out like I worth a feather came out of the room.

We quickly stood up and approached her.

"Are you related to her? She asked my butler.

"Yes am the family butler". He replied her.

" the doctor wants to see you". She said and went back to the room.

"Can you wait here let me go and check up on your dad I will be right back okay?..

"Okay I will be waiting". I replied him.


I entered the room and saw my lying helpless in the bed.

"He wants to have his last few words with you". The doctor told me.

He asked me to move closer to my master's bed.

" Take care of my family for my in my absence". My master panted out with heavy breath.

" I will try my possible best to take care of them". I promised him with a hand on my chest while trying very hard to hold back the accumulated tears in my eyes.

"T..thank y.... he breathed his last.

creation is hard. readers please cheer me up with your comments and gifts. thanks for reading my novel.

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