
Godric’s Hollow Ⅳ

The evening is filled with chatter and discussion about movements and plans, but Aberforth remains silent for the rest of the duration of the meeting. In groups of two and three, they begin to depart with Elphias Doge the last of the Order members to depart with Alastor Moody accompanying him. With the exception of Albus and Aberforth, who remained behind in the two-story cottage.

Certain that all the witches and wizards have finally left the premise, Aberforth turns away from the window and takes a seat in one of the empty armchairs. Albus expectantly looks at his younger brother, who had wordlessly gestured for him to remain behind to talk. "Well, Aberforth?" Albus inquisitively asked with child blue-like eyes gleaming from behind his half-moon spectacles.

Aberforth lets out a loud snort at seeing the regular twinkle in his older brother's blue eyes. "That girl, Dorcas Meadows, she's a spy," Aberforth matter-of-factly stated causing the jovial twinkle to vanish from Albus's eyes. There was a grim satisfaction that Aberforth gained from Albus's reaction for just because he and Albus were talking to each other again that still did not mean all was yet forgiven between the two of them.

"And what makes you so certain that is the case, Aberforth?" Albus calmly asked intently looking at his younger brother with glimmering blue eyes.

"Don't you dare to attempt legilimency on me, Albus," Aberforth growled in warning as the hypnotic glitter fades away from Albus's eyes.

Albus barely tilts his head at Aberforth in apology, before Aberforth snorts again in irritation. "Dorcas Meadows always has the habit of being the skeptic especially when there is a rather specific circumstance like that of the giants crossing the English Channel. It is not the first time she has done this and nor will it be the last. And I know that you will want to argue otherwise, Albus, but let me ask you this, why does that girl pretend to be a beautiful, but foolish witch to hide her innate brilliance. Surely, even you have noticed that, dear brother?"

"Now I might why Meadows would hide her intelligence under a bushel at the academy or even at the Ministry of Magic. Yet there is no need for her to do so here," Aberforth pointed out. "Rather it is more in her favor to gain our trust by revealing her intelligence and have her comrades trust her that much more. That is unless she has something to hide for only those that have something to hide will attempt to blend in with their surroundings rather than be the first to stick out like a crooked nail."

Albus is pensively quiet for a lapse of time, before solemnly raising his gaze to meet that of his brother. "Then what would you suggest, Aberforth?"

"I know that my words are not sufficient to fully convince you, Albus," Aberforth knowing said. "So, let us compromise on the subject, a test if you will of Miss Meadows integrity."

Albus crinkles his forehead for a moment, before slowly saying, "I loathe to condemn any of my former students on simply a word or suspicion, but neither can I deny the truth of your statement. What would you propose, Aberforth?"

Hiding a smug smirk, Aberforth resolutely says, "Let us take the suggestion of Emmaline Vance under consideration. I find it interesting that Meadows automatically countered the idea presented by her good friend, Vance. I believe it is possible to use a squib or muquib as a spy, we have already seen how valuable squibs and muquibs have become in the Ministry of Magic and as part of the A.P.D. In fact, I find myself agreeing with Vance as especially squibs are perfect unobtrusive spies that no one ever gives a second nor much less a passing glance at."

"Abeforth, I do not deny the validity of your argument, but a squib cannot possibly go on deadly missions!" Albus firmly countered, "It would be far too dangerous for them! You would have them killed to simply prove a point!"

"Nonsense, Albus," Aberforth huffed and rolled his eyes in exasperation. "I said, SPYING. That's why we've got bloody Auror's to do all the fighting. However, Albus, I would suggest that the existence of said order member remain between just the two of us to protect the identity of the squib or muquib Order member."

Albus pensively tugs on his beard for a moment, before saying, "There is one that comes to mind, a squib divorcee by the name of Arabella Figg. She's in her elder years, but she is spry if not always surrounded by cats."

"Mm, she's a member of the Society for the Support of Squibs," Aberforth mumbled before leaning back in his seat. "There is also a need for more order members, we are not getting enough intel and when the Giants arrive, we will be severely constrained."

"Yes," Albus admitted out loud. "I already have several in mind, the younger sister of the Bones Brothers, Susan Bones. With Runcorn moving about, Benjy Fetwick will not be enough to constrain him. However, if Susan Bones does so then naturally their mentors Barty Crouch and Stephen Flint will aid them in constraining Runcorn. The two barristers hold no love for Runcorn."

Aberforth nodded his head at his older brother's word as Albus continued, "Frank Longbottom will be an asset and is a promising candidate to finish the Auror Academy the upcoming Spring and possibly his courting partner, Alice Yates. She is a powerful young witch and Minerva indicated that Miss Yates will be applying to be admitted into the Auror Academy should her N.E.W.T.'s be sufficient, and if her O.W.L.'s are indicators she will easily be accepted into the program.

I have also considered Rubeus Hagrid, but I fear that the giants will kill him on sight considering that he is a half-giant. Still, he cannot be completely dismissed, and we may find ourselves resorting just to that. There is also a need for sufficient ears and influence in the social and political spheres. With the children of Septimius Weasley formally recognized and accepted into the Black family, I would like to invite Arthur, Bilius, and Ronnel Weasley to join the Order. They will be excellent allies both in the political and social sphere."

Aberforth mentally commends his brother's prudence for once, before saying, "They are not bad choices and you could do far worse, Albus, but do not permit Dedalus Diggle to join. I don't trust anyone that Dorcas Meadows might suggest, and though I consider Emmaline Vance innocent. I believe that Dorcas Meadows will ultimately retain the ability to influence her friend and the Auror's around her without their knowing. It is best that Miss Meadows influence is limited as much as possible."

"No, that is for the best," Albus honestly answered all the while gently tugging on his long, silver beard. "Still, we should tread with care, I do not wish to lay suspicion on any of our members without ample proof."

Aberforth snorts with contempt, "You say that ever so kindly, Albus, but we both know that you will keep a close on Miss Meadows." Albus's blue eyes twinkle mysteriously behind his half-moon spectacles as if in reply.

Aberforth refrains from rolling his eyes at his older brother's antics, before rising to his feet. He hesitates for a moment, before clearing his throat and gruffly saying, "I thought it might be nice to visit the graves," he paused as if regaining his bearings, "since we are in the village."

Albus presses his lips together as his blue eyes cease to twinkle filling with old sorrow and pain. "That would be nice," he quietly answered as truthfully neither brother had visited together the graves of their family members since the death of Ariana, so many years ago. It was at last time.

“When words are most empty, tears are most apt." – Max Lucado

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