
A Beautiful Beast

You might think this story is about a girl who ends up in a world and meets a handsome beastman... well, you're wrong. Seojun Hwang is a struggling worker who ends up in a world where males can be able to shift and possess arrogance and females are powerful but cannot shift completely and give protection to the males. There, he meets a fierce but warm hearted bat beast woman who takes him in with no interest in mating with him. But later, Seojun begins to be intrigued by her and wants her all to himself, but she wants a man who will listen and care about her....

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3 Chs

The Mysterious Shifter

The next day, Seojun got up and noticed Noire's wing covering his body. He slightly got up to check whether she was awake but she was still asleep. But her beauty still amazed him. Even when she's sleeping she looked beautiful!

Noire opened her eyes and let out a yawn. "Soru, are you up?" she rubbed her eyes.

"It's Seojun," he corrected.

Noire got up and went towards a basket. She opened it and shook her head slowly.

"We're out of fruit, I have to go out and get some," she announced and wore her hat.

Seojun nodded and Noire flew out of the cave. She flew to the orchard near her caves and watched as other other bats were picking fruits. It was daytime so only a few bat shifters were present which was perfect for Noire because she hated being among a crowd.

Bat shifters were nocturnal but she usually went out during the daytime to get food for herself and she slept at night with him so that he could feel comfortable.

"Noire!" a vague masculine voice called her name as she was picking peaches.

Oh no, not you again, she thought.

Arlan was one of the most handsome men in the bat shifter community. Other women tried to win his heart but his interest was focused on Noire.

Recently she told him in front of everybody that she'd rather practice chasity than to be his mate. Most of the people that saw complained that she's nineteen and was losing her only chance of getting a male. Supposing that he came then that means he saw her with Seojun.

"Is this your idea of being chaste?" he chuckled. "I saw you with a male yesterday."

"So what?" a strict tone entangled with her voice. "And when I said I'd rather be chaste all my life, I meant if anyone gave me an option."

Immediately she turned around, he pinned her to the tree, " What does he have that I don't?"

"Everything you don't have," she smirked. Despite her devious face, she was trembling inside wondering what he was going to do.

She mainly hated him because he had eleven mates and she didn't want to be his twelfth.

"Find another woman to be part of your wives," she said coldly and flapped her wings as hard as she could in order for him to fall. When he fell, she lifted her chin and flew away.

All he could do was smile, Don't worry Noire, he thought, you will soon be mine.

Noire flew into the cave and she still felt sleepy. When she slept the previous night she slept around the break of dawn now it was nine a.m. she felt tired.

"Noire you're home," he got up and helped her with the basket.

"Thank you Seojun," she smiled.

Then Noire thought, how was she going to take care of this man when she's a nocturnal being?

"Noire, are you alright?" he asked.

She yawned, "I'm just sleepy."

"Then let me set the-" he approached the mat

"No, it's ok," She hung upside down on a stick and fell asleep gradually.

Seojun watched as Noire fell asleep. Noire clearly had no interest in men, but for her to think that all men are harlots was extreme.