
A Beautiful Beast

You might think this story is about a girl who ends up in a world and meets a handsome beastman... well, you're wrong. Seojun Hwang is a struggling worker who ends up in a world where males can be able to shift and possess arrogance and females are powerful but cannot shift completely and give protection to the males. There, he meets a fierce but warm hearted bat beast woman who takes him in with no interest in mating with him. But later, Seojun begins to be intrigued by her and wants her all to himself, but she wants a man who will listen and care about her....

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3 Chs

About Her World

"No, I haven't," he replied.

"Well, I advise you should before you wear your new clothes," she said. "You smell horrible."

Excuse me? he thought then remembered hitting his head when he was drunk.

She dropped his clothes on the nearest rock and excused him. Did she really know what privacy was? In all the books he read, no beast man or shifter would respect one's privacy.

Noire had some experience with men and the men here were arrogant but handsome. She didn't understand how any woman would like such a man. But she only took Seojun in out of pity, not because she wanted to mate with him. She was going to make him feel comfortable being among other shifters then send him off to take care of himself.

And she could already tell that Seojun was lying when he said he didn't know what kind he was, but was telling the truth that he couldn't shift. And like Seojun, she pretended that she didn't know.

"Are you finished?" she called out.

He struggled to wear his clothes, "Almost."

"Do you need help?" she blurted out then she immediately sealed her mouth with her hands.

"Noire what is wrong with you?" she scolded herself.

"No thanks, Noire, I'm fine" he said awkwardly.

Noire curiously peeked her head to see his bare torso. He wore long pants and was struggling to get into the coat that was undersized.

"Let me help," without Seojun speaking, Noire helped him slip his hand into the jacket.

"Thank you," he said.

Noire held his hand, "Let us go."

Noire led Seojun to her cave and gave him some wild fruit. He ate it gladly and was thankful that not all bats ate insects or rats.

"Noire," he called her.

She sipped her cup full of water, "Yes?"

"I want to know about this world," he said, "why are there more women than men and why can't you fully shift?"

"Well," she sat down, " when female shifters give birth, they give birth to mostly daughters and two or no son at all. And males can naturally shift fully but females only have a few features," she gestured to her wings and ears.

He spat out the peel, "Do females choose their mates?"

"Most occasions yes," she replied. "Males can choose if they appear to be more possessive than the females. Females usually try to win a man over by doing activities that please him. But males try to win a woman with seductive words which always works because men aren't common."

"Do you have a mate yet?" he asked.

"No," she scowled. "Males here are nothing but arrogant fools," she then looked at Seojun, "I hope I didn't offend you by my statement."

Seojun shook his head. 'I'm not from here anyway,' he thought. "No, it's okay."

Noire smiled and her heart started beating instantly. She never wanted to have feelings for him so why now?

"I want you to get some rest," Noire said, unrolling a straw mattress. "I'm sorry I don't have a second mat, you have to share with me."

Seojun was lost at some point because he was gazing at her smooth and thick thighs. Then he came back to his senses then nodded. He didn't want to initially because she looked too tempting to toy with.

Noire didn't want to share with him but she had no choice.

He rested on the mattress and Noire did the same but her back faced him. It seemed like she was trying hard not to have feelings for him, but he immediately knew that it'd be difficult to not have an attraction to her.