
A Beautiful Affair

Jean Mary is a young woman promised to be betrothed to someone only her parents know. She was anxious by the thought that her husband to be is a complete stranger but what was making her more anxious is the uneasy vibe that her parents gave her when they talk about her upcoming marriage. Is there something that her parents hide from her? "If you're hesitant to let him marry me, then just don't let him marry me" she uttered. Then her parents only hugged her as if that was the only last time they could ever hug her.

Navarro_Gemmie_Lyn · Masa Muda
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24 Chs


Jean was not in her best condition to take the test. As a result, she failed the test. It was a bad day for her.

She was in a bad mood that Anne tried to console her.

"It was just a test my friend, don't be depressed." She said.

Grand agreed, "She's right Jean, for me, even you got zero on a test, you're still my number one." He winked at her and gave her a two thumbs-up.

"Thanks guys for consoling me." She thanked them.

"It's nothing girl. You are our friend." Anne was just being true. Indeed, despite Jean Mary being her "rival" in love, she's still her best friend. Besides, it is not Jean's fault to be attractive.

But Jean's mood was still down. So, to make Jean happy, Grand went to the center of their school lawn and tried to sing and dance. He sang a Kpop song and he's a pro. Jean wondered why Grand didn't pursue a career in South Korea.

Meanwhile, Jan saw Grand's effort to make Jean Mary happy. He felt jealous that he decided to do something for her. He opened his desk because there are so many chocolates in there given by his "fans".

He asked one of his classmate to deliver the chocolates to Jean Mary. Of course, the gift wraps were removed so as to avoid his "fans" from displacing their wrath towards his love.

"Uhmmm... Excuse me. Are you Ms. Jean Mary Caster?" The classmate of Jan asked.

"Yes, she is." It was Anne who answered .

"Mr. Reynolds wants to give this to you." He said and gave her the chocolates then left. "I will go ahead."

"Jeeezzz. Wow Jean Mary, it seems that Jan is into you for real." ^_^

Jean Mary's heart fluttered. Jean really like Jan. In fact, she's touched by his efforts. Plus the fact that he is good looking. (^^)

Jean Mary and Anne were so immersed with Jan's chocolates that Grand observed that they were not paying attention to him. So Grand went back to the bench where Jean and Anne were sitting.

"Hey, you don't pay attention to me anymore. I felt like a fool in the middle of the school." He said with a disappointed expression.

"Come here Grand, eat chocolates, this will make you happy." Anne gave a piece of chocolate to Grand.

"And were did this came from?" Grand asked.

"Of course, it's from Jan. He gave it to Jean because he knew that Jean is sad. And one of the best way to forget sadness is eating chocolates. Why? Because chocolates contain serotonin, a neurotransmitter responsible for feeling happy. A happy hormone to be exact." Anne explained.

"Blah... Blah... Blah... You are so talkative. I know how the neurotransmitter works, you are not the only one who is intelligent here." Grand told Anne with pouting lips. "Hmmm... The books are not true. These chocolates make me even more depressed." He said to himself.

Jean Mary didn't mind her friends that were bickering to each other. In fact, she find them cute and good to each other. She hoped that one day, Grand will notice Anne's feelings for him.

"Fine Grand. You are more intelligent than me, and I accept that. Hmp!." Anne pretended to be mad at Grand. But Grand excused himself.

When Grand left, Anne asked an advice from Jean for her plans to confess. It's now or never. "Jean, would it be okay to let Grand know that I like him?" She asked with worrisome expression.

"Hmmm... I cannot tell you what to do but I can only lay the possible consequences. If you're ready to bear the aftermath of your confession. It will be up to you." Jean was just being honest.

Anne felt sad, of course, she already thought about the possible outcome of her confession. Since she knew that Grand loves Jean Mary, he will just reject her feelings and their friendship would be over. But still, she hopes that Grand would accept that Jean Mary would not reciprocate his love to Jean and open his heart to her instead.

Judging from Anne's expression, Jean knew that Anne already knew the possibilities. In fact, Jean Mary would like to support her but on the contrary, she couldn't read Grand's thoughts so she could not give her an assurance. Instead of words, Jean Mary patted her shoulders.

In the afternoon, Anne asked Grand to meet her under the "tree of knowledge" in their school. The "Tree of knowledge" is a large tree in their campus where students love to stay under its shade during break time. Since school time was over, no one was their except her waiting for Grand.

Grand went to the "tree of knowledge" and saw Anne. He approached her.

"Yes Anne, you asked for me."

Anne was surprised because she didn't notice his arrival. "Ow. You're here. Thanks for coming."

"Do you have something to say?" He asked impatiently.

Anne knew that Grand didn't really like to appear in front of her. But for Anne, it is now or never. He took a deep breath as a sign of her taking courage to say what she wanted to say. "I like you." She finally confessed.

Grand wasn't surprised.

She again uttered the words because she thought that maybe Grand didn't understand her. "I like---."

"You don't have to say it twice." Grand interrupted her.

Anne couldn't read his expression.

"You know Anne that I like Jean. It cannot be changed easily. My feelings won't change." He said firmly to Anne.

"I know, I already know. I am sorry." Anne could only said miserably.

"My love for Jean is genuine. No one could ever take her apart from me. Not even you. I could not believe that you would try to snatch me from your friend. Your best friend. You ruined our frienship." Grand left Anne after saying those harsh words to her. His eyes show disgusts towards Anne's confession to him.

Anne was left crying with a brokenheart.