
A Beautiful Affair

Jean Mary is a young woman promised to be betrothed to someone only her parents know. She was anxious by the thought that her husband to be is a complete stranger but what was making her more anxious is the uneasy vibe that her parents gave her when they talk about her upcoming marriage. Is there something that her parents hide from her? "If you're hesitant to let him marry me, then just don't let him marry me" she uttered. Then her parents only hugged her as if that was the only last time they could ever hug her.

Navarro_Gemmie_Lyn · Teen
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24 Chs

Anne is Missing

Three days prior their wedding.

Jean Mary could not feel that she's getting married. No preparation has been done. She was not expecting a grandiose wedding anyway. She was lost in her thoughts when she heard a knock from the door.

"Come in." It's either Jan or Mr. Smith because they are the only ones who occupy that mansion.

"Hello Jean." It was Jan. Jean Mary was happy but she tried to hide her emotions.

"Hmmm... You're here. What brought you here?" She asked casually.

"I am here to discuss our wedding details." He said.

@_@ "Really? I thought he doesn't mind our wedding. Clearly. I was wrong" She said to herself. "I see, what do you want to discuss about it?"

"I know that every girl dream of being married to someone they truly like and maybe you share the same thoughts." He started to say.

"Hmmm." Jean Mary nodded.

"I also know for a fact that our wedding was too sudden and that we didn't date formally. We don't even both expected it to happen either." He continued.

"Go on. Tell me directly what you wanted to say." Jean Mary said.

"Here it is. I know it is too late to prepare but with Mr. Smith's help it would be ready on our wedding date." He told her.

Jean Mary smiled and together they went to Mr. Smith. That day, the three of them searched for a wedding coordinator and Jan Reynolds paid a hefty amount of money. O_o She was shocked by the total amount that Jan Reynolds paid. She felt guilty. She wasn't really expecting a grand wedding. She just wanted to wear a wedding gown, even cheap wedding gown, it's okay for her. But Jan insisted to give her the best there is. Paired with the fact that it was rush, of course, they paid much more than what is expected.

"Jan, you don't have to do that to me. Simple wedding is just enough." She said.

"I want that day to be the best day of your life Jean. It's a once in a lifetime experience."

"Thank you." She was filled with so much happiness that she hugged in a sudden.

Jan was taken aback but her actions warmed his heart. He hugged her back.

The two of them felt a connection that only the two of them knew.

After their preparation they went back to the mansion. Jean wanted to call Anne to ask what happened to her confession to Grand.

"Jan. I will be in my room for now." She asked permission to leave.

"Hmmm." Jan nodded.

She rolled her eyes. Jan is like the weather. Unpredictable.

"Bye." She went straight to her bedroom and called Anne.

"The number you have dialed is unattended...toot... toot... toot." Jean Mary tried to call her many times but she couldn't get through.

Jean Mary felt that something might be wrong.

She called Grand instead.

"Hello. Grand?"

Grand felt delighted to see Jean Mary's name on his phone screen. "Yes Jean? Did you miss me?"

"No Grand. I am just asking you what happened to Anne because I could not reach her." She told him with full of worry.

"I have no idea, after our conversation, I left her in the school and I do not know what happened next." He said casually.

"I see, if you have news about her, kindly inform me. Thanks Grand bye." She ended the call.

After Grand, she called Anne's parents if they knew what happened to Anne.

"Hello, Aunt, this is Jean. Do you---." She wasn't finished talking when Jean was interrupted.

"Thank God Jean you called, is Anne with you?" Anne's mom asked.

Jean Mary was puzzled, she was the one who supposed to ask them. "No aunt. She's not with me and I tried to called her earlier but her phone is unattended."

"But she didn't go home last night from school. She said she will be staying with you for a while." Anne's mom was confused too.

Hearing Anne's mom, Jean Mary started to suspect that something wrong happened to Anne. While Anne's parents became even more worried that they decided to report Anne as a missing person to the police.

Hours passed but no news came to them after reporting.

Jean could not keep herself calm. She hoped that Anne would show up unharmed.

To calm herself, she searched for Jan and she found him in his room.

When Jan opened the door for her, she immediately wailed and hugged him. Jan was alarmed by this. "What's wrong?"

"Anne is missing." She continued crying.

Jan grabbed a seat to make Jean Mary comfortable and tried to calm her down.

Jan on the other hand knew what happened to Anne. But he doesn't intend to told her now.