
Unique Gamers Travels

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After her death in her previous life, a young woman was reborn in a new world with a unique, but powerful gamer system. Watch as she grows stronger, and finds love along the way! _____________________________ Tags - Futanari, Overpowered, Gamer, Lesbian, AU, Alternate universe, fastpaced, TVD, Legacies, action, adventure, magic, harem and more. THERE IS A HAREM: 5 girls at maximum, currently with 3 of the five.

10 tagar
Chapter 1Chapter 1

Dying wasn't entirely something I had been anticipating, especially not at the young age of 17. But here I was, in a seemingly infinite void of darkness, with nothing but me myself and I. I'm not entirely sure how long I have been here, as there isn't really a way to keep track of this place.

My death wasn't really the worst in the world, I simply died from a gun wound from a crazy Ex-girlfriend. She didn't like that I moved on from her crazy ass, and my death was the product of that. How I got here I don't know, but I can only assume this is my own personal hell. I wasn't a good person, but I wasn't bad either. Perhaps this is punishment for being lesbian? Well if this goes by the religious fanatics at least. Or maybe this is my punishment for my rather…unique kinks?

Eh, I don't know, but I suppose I'll make the most of it. Because the only other thing I can think of besides this being my own personal hell is that this is the void and I am in one of those cheesy fanfictions.

Sitting and waiting in the void isn't very fun…like at all. The only thing I can do to pass the time in this place is to recall shows I have watched, fanfics I have read, and everything in between. Being a huge nerd when it comes to most things fiction, my brain was full of knowledge in regards to fiction. At one point I mainly knew anime, but after growing up a bit more I grew out of it. Now I know a lot about live-action universes and some games. From Harry Potter to Doctor Who.

Being transmigrated or reincarnated into one of those worlds wouldn't be so bad. If I could choose any of them to start in, it would be Harry Potter or Legacies. While dangerous, it is definitely safer than other worlds out there, and if you don't live in the UK then you are pretty much completely fine.

[Start Game?] [Yes/No]

Well then…it looks like this is one of those cheesy fanfictions. The void, a system screen appearing in front of me, and I can only assume that reincarnation is next?

The choice of whether or not I will "Start Game" is obvious. While I am not the biggest fan of systems, it is a hell of a lot better than staying in this place. Plus, if it's a half decent system, then I could actually travel the multiverse going to all my favorite fictional worlds.

Pressing on the Yes, I watched as the screen blinked for a few moments before changing into something new.

[Please Select Starting World]

[Harry Potter]

[Doctor Who]



[The Boys]

[Star Wars]

[Game of Thrones]

[Teen Wolf]

[The Vampire Diaries - Either original TVD or Legacies]

[Motherland: Fort Salem]

Well…this is certainly interesting. The worlds themselves weren't that bad, each of them having their own unique positives and negatives. I knew the plot of each of them, some more than others. Really it comes down to which ones I personally like, and are the safest.

Doctor Who is out, it is far too dangerous with the sheer amount of universe-ending catastrophes, not to mention the time travel. Game of Thrones is out, the sheer amount of political shit that happens is far too much for me to bother with. MCU and DCEU are both out, mainly due to safety and the dangers they pose. And while I will certainly visit them in the future, I sure as hell don't want to go there off the bat.

Teen Wolf and Harry Potter are out. While neither of them are particularly bad, I don't really want to deal with either of them off the bat. Motherland: Fort Salem wouldn't be the worst choice, but my knowledge of that universe is far less than the others. The boys is out, mainly due to the fact that I can't be bothered to deal with someone like Homelander, especially right off the bat. Star Wars is out, just because it is dangerous, more so then just about any of the other universes.

It comes down to TVD, more specifically Legacies. It's not the most dangerous world out there, but certainly not the safest. Plenty of chances to grow in power, an easy-to-follow plot (to an extent), and a decent magic system. Not to mention I'd be relatively safe, and one of my more liked characters is there.

The only real downside to that world is the somewhat annoying characters, political mumbo jumbo regarding the supernatural side of things, and the fact that Salvatore boarding school is under threat literally every week or so. Not to mention the rather annoying characters, primarily Landon and Rafe. But, the world also will be a good starter world for me, as the magic of that world is pretty decent, and would be helpful in future worlds.

I probably would have preferred to start in a different world, like Pokemon, but this is definitely the best on the list.

Pressing on [TVD - Legacies] I watched as the screen once again changed.

[Please select your starting background]

[Poor] - Be reborn into a poor family…that's all.

[Middle Class] - Be reborn into a middle-class family with decent wealth.

[Rich] - Be reborn into a rich family. The downside is that you will be the last member of said family. The user also has the possibility to be born into a random species, primarily from the chosen universe.

Honestly, there was only really one choice in these situations. There is no way in hell I am choosing poor, not when I can choose a family with good political power and plenty of wealth. Middle class wouldn't be the worst choice, but it still would be annoying not having the wealth to do anything. Rich is definitely the best choice, As it would give me all the wealth I could possibly need.

Pressing on [Rich] I then watched as the screen changed again.

[Families Chosen]

Seeing as I wasn't given any information on the family, I can only hope it is sufficiently powerful. I suppose for now it is best to get this reincarnation process finished so I can properly situate myself.

[Now that the host's background is finished, please select an appearance, gender, age at which you "awaken", and whether or not it is an AU]

Age is easy, I'll "wake up" shortly before canon begins. I'll be a futanari, mainly because I find the idea very appealing. Hiding it shouldn't be too difficult through magic, and I have hopes that the system would aid in that in some way. As for appearance, It took a while to choose, but I eventually decided. I basically look like a carbon copy of Milly Alcock, except I'll be a little taller…and I'll have a dick.

"I want to "wake up" at the age of 17, shortly before canon begins. I want it to be the same as in canon. I want to be a futanari" I said out loud, assuming that is what I am supposed to do.

[Universe Selected, Timeline Selected, Appearance Selected, Age Selected, Gender Selected. Starting selections have been completed. Further explanations shall be provided once the reincarnation process is completed. Please enjoy your new life]

The only thing I could utter before I was whisked away was a soft "thank you"


Gain access to an additional chapter early, as well as other bonuses on my patreon for three dollars a month!

https://www.p a t r e o n.com/Fanfictions770?utm_campaign=creatorshare_creator

(Without the spaces in the link. I had to put those there as I know Webnovel throws a fit over putting the P word in for whatever reason)

(Or just look up Crazedmadman on P.a.t.r.e.o.n and you should find me, it'll look like the picture in the comments)


That's it for the first chapter. The Mc will be VERY powerful, primarily due to the nature of her system. How exactly the system works will be explained in the future.

I was initially going to make this a Harry Potter fanfic but then realized that writing a fanfic on Harry Potter, mainly during the school years, is not easy at all. For me at least it isn't. I plan on her going there eventually and becoming an assistant teacher or something of the sort.

Future worlds I have in my mind are primarily the ones she was able to pick in the beginning, as well as Shadowhunters and Twilight.

Whether or not this fic goes that long is entirely up to chance, as I write for fun, and write when I want to. If I was making a decent amount of money off of this, I would probably write far more, but I wouldn't enjoy it as much.

The love interest for this world will probably end up being Hope, as Danielle Rose Russell is drop-dead gorgeous, and Hope is one of my favorite characters in all of TVD. Not to mention that she deserves someone better than the wet sock that is Landon.

Future chapters will probably be longer, as I try to keep my chapters from 1000 words to 4000.

End of Chapter 1

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Jilid 1 :Legacies
Jilid 2 :Shadowhunters
Jilid 3 :Danmachi
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