
Chapter 19

Huge thanks to Spektrum for buying my Patreon! It really means a lot to me! anyways, onto the story!


[Location: Goblin Dungeon] [3rd POV]

Looking over the class choices, Talia sighed 'This is going to be a lot harder than I initially thought. Dragonrider would be kinda cool, as I'd be able to get a dragon…probably. But really it comes down to Fairy and Witch. Witch is obvious, giving me access to the magic of TVD, and increasing my magical power, while Fairy is a bit different. Fairy could theoretically give me access, and higher control of a bunch of different elements. TVD magic would be good, but I have this feeling that Fairy magic would actually be better, especially with how drastic a difference there is between each level. And maybe instead of books, I'll get new elements that I can train in? This is also the first class I'd probably have to train more thoroughly' Talia thought with a hum, as she sat on a flat rock.

'TVD magic is only truly powerful at the higher levels, and most of their normal spells are weaker than that of Harry Potter magic. Not to mention that by picking Fairy, I might gain a transformation which would be pretty cool, and should give me a form that would increase my power. The biggest reason to pick it though, is due to the dragon flame, as while it isn't as strong in Fate: Winx Saga as it is in Winx Club, it should still be overpowered. I guess this would also be good for the future, as I plan on going to Fate: Winx Saga sooner or later, maybe the next universe?' Talia thought.

'The subclass is only really between the werecoyote and Kitsune, and even then it is farely obvious which one is the better choice' Talia thought, before she began to open her mouth and speak.

"I choose Fairy for my main class, and I choose Kitsune for my subclass" Talia said after thinking over it for a while.

[Fairy - Every level increases the overall magical capabilities of this class, from the power of the element the user controls, to the magical power itself, to making the controlling of the owned elements easier, and beyond. Also heightens comprehension in elements gained from this class, allowing the user to learn, master, and control their elements easier. The user can also control the subtypes of that element as a fairy naturally would. Meaning should the user be an Air Fairy, they can also control its properties, such as speed, temperature, sounds, and more. There are 6 main elements in this class, they are: Air, Fire, Water, Light, Mind, and Earth. The user gains a new one of these main elements after every 20 levels. The user may also gain access to other magics Fairies can naturally use, such as artifact enchantment, barrier manipulation, and potentially even transformation magic. Everytime the user gains a new element, the previously gained improvements from leveling would also apply to that one. There may be other elements the user may gain access to, as well as new and unique abilities specific to the user, as the user is an anomaly among fairies]

[Kitsune - Every level increases the overall physical capabilities of this class, as well as the mystical capabilities of this class, from the physical strength, to the power of the users foxfire, and all other physical/mystical capabilities. Every level also increases the power of the users individual power from the type of kitsune they are, meaning, that the users electrokinesis would increase should they be a thunder kitsune, just as their pyrokinesis would improve should they be a Fire kitsune. The user can gain/become new types of kitsune every 20 levels, each and every kitsune has their own unique ability specific for that type of kitsune. There are currently 13 different types of kitsune. For every 1o levels, the user will gain a new tail, up to 9 tails, these tails will further be strengthened by simply getting older, and leveling up. For every tail the user gains, the user will receive a sizeable boost in overall power (in regards to the kitsune species and the capabilities it gives the user). There may be new and unique uses for these tails. The user cannot lose these tails permanently, and they will simply regenerate within a week or two, mattering on the strength of the tail (the stronger the tail, the longer it will take). The user may also unlock new, and unique abilities specific to the user, due to them being a special being, and different than any other kitsune]

[Please select a starting type of fairy]







[Please select a starting type of kitsune[






'Well damn that was an info bomb. The kitsune class is even better than I thought. For the fairy it's between light and air for me. Light is overpowered if it does what I am expecting, as if I remember correctly it does more than just manipulate light. While air would be good just because of the sheer variety of uses' Talia thought with a hum. She had been sitting there for a while, and was knew she needed to get this over with, lest Hope wake up to her missing.

'Kitsune is a tougher choice though, as I have no idea what the ones besides thunder do. I guess it'd be for the best to just go with the safe options, and then pick the ones I am interested in in the future' Talia thought, before nodding as she decided on her choices.

"I pick Light for Fairy, and Thunder for Kitsune" Talia said.

[Fairy - Light | Selected]

[Kitsune - Thunder | Selected]

[Fairy Starter Pack]

Great Book of Fairies

[Kitsune Starter Pack]

Japanese Steel Katana


[Would you like to assimilate your new classes?]

'The starter packs are pretty small….guess that makes sense though, as neither really need much in the books department' "System, consume the books and assimilate the new species/classes" Talia said, while preparing herself for the pain she was certain was about to assault her.

[Light Fairy, Thunder Kitsune Assimilated. Great book of fairies and beastiary consumed]

Upon this notification appearing, Talia was assaulted with a burst of pain, and was foreed to grit her teeth. The pain wasn't horrible, but it still hurt like a bitch. The knowledge consumed was decent enough, and mainly explained the various species of Teen Wolf, and their capabilities (that the beastiary knew of), the great book of fairies basically just explained the main types of fairies, and the average uses they have.

As the pain finally ceased, Talia sighed as she stretched, before stopping as her eyes snapped open. Instead of her usual blue eyes, they began to glow a brilliant golden/orange color. Slowly a fiery aura appeared around her, with an appearance similar to that of a fox.

Currently her aura was rather small, and its large foxlike appearance wasn't all that powerful looking, but Talia knew that once she gains her tails, then it will begin to grow and look fiercer.

Summoning the katana, Talia expertly spun it around, the intuitive combat/weapon skills granted from being a kitsune, coming into play. She unsummoned the sword shortly after, before summoning the gryffindor sword instead.

Slashing, stabbing, and spinning around with the blade, she found she liked the gryffindor sword a lot more than the katana. Not to mention the gryffindor's special ability to gain the traits of substances that can improve it, like imbuing a poison that touches it, into itself to make it have poisonous properties. Unsummoning the sword, Talia grinned, happy with her new kitsune species from this alone.

'The intuitive combat skills is better than I thought. I've never even properly used a sword before, and yet I am using it like I have been training with it for decades. I can only assume that this little ability will get even better the more I level. To bad I can't use it on anything else, but I should be able to abuse this to learn martial arts with relative ease. Now it's time to test out my foxfire, before testing my light manipulation from my fairy side' Talia thought with a smile on her face.

Holding her hand up, she breathed in deeply as lighting crackled alongst her body, before a burst of lighting flew from her hand, making a small hole in a nearby tree. Grinning at this, Talia stopped using her foxfire, before deciding to test out her other new ability. Holding up her hand, she breathed in and watched as a ball of light began to form floating above her palm.

Grinning Talia began to manipulate the ball, trying to see what her currently limits with it were. Messing around with the ball, she began to change it's shape, making it smaller, and then larger. Next she messed around with it's color, changing it from a basic white, to red, and then to a rainbow color. Realizing that her magical capabilities were a lot higher than she was expecting, she began to manipulate the ball some more, instead splitting it into 5 smaller balls that floated around one larger one, almost like a mini-solar system.

She messed around with her new photokinesis capabilities, before eventually stopping. She found that she had a lot of control over it, and could surprisingly do a lot with these new abilities already. Probably due to her already monstrous magical capabilities influencing it. She couldn't create massive illusions yet, but she knew she'd be able to do some serious damage with this light of hers soon. She expected to be able to create attacks with it soon, that would be nigh undodgeable if they truly move at light speed, even a small portion of that would be enough for her.

She also noted her new spells she gained, there was a LOT of very good spells in the mix. From grasp heart, to a spell that basically allowed her to make a mini nuclear explosion, while not even close to the level of a real one, it was still incredibly powerful.

"Now that that is over, system, how exactly does this subclass thing work?" Talia asked, having had the question on her mind for a while now.

[Subclasses are exactly the same as that of the main class, except they are usually weaker than that of the usual main class, however that isn't always the case. Subclasses receive 50% of the normal xp received that they would have had they been the main class, the main class still receives it's xp without any difference. This does not apply to quests. This simply means that subclasses will receive less levels from killing mobs/bosses, and that they, on average, are weaker]

'Hmm I see. Basically just the same as the main class, except it'll take a bit longer, and the subclasses I can choose from are usually not as strong as a main class' Talia thought with a hum. 'Guess it makes sense then, that also means that I can only get werecoyote from subclasses instead'

"Alright system, claim the rest of my rewards" Talia said, deciding to get this over with so she can get back to the school.

[All Tier 8 spells consumed. All Tier 9 spells consumed]

[Super Soldier Serum (MCU) - After consuming, grants the user "Peak Human" capabilities. Grants the user increased strength, enough to lift roughly 3-5 tons. Also enhances the users durability, speed, agility, stamina, reflexes, intelligence, and grants longevity, and a regenerative healing factor. This will also have the side effect of enhancing the users features, making them "the perfect human" in appearance, gets rid of any and all genetic imperfections, makes the user immune to getting intoxicated]

"Well that is a lot better than I was expecting. Consume the serum, system" Talia said, bracing herself once more. She wasn't going to waste such a good reward just because it might hurt, that's for sure.

[Super Solder Serum (MCU) consumed]

"ARGGH" Talia groaned out, as she dropped to her knees almost instantly. The pain from this was far worse than assimilating her new classes/species. It felt like every pore of her body was burning, all while her bones were all rapidly breaking and healing. Which…wasn't entirely wrong.

Kneeling on the ground, Talia was forced to do nothing but sit in pain, still properly assimilating the serum. She knew it would be worth it in the end, but she didn't expect it to be so damn painful!

After what felt like forever, Talia began to notice as the pain slowly decreased, before stopping altogether. 'Fuck that hurt!' Talia thought as she slowly stood. Almost immediately she noticed the differences from before and now.

She had grown a few inches, going from 5'8 to 5'11. She now had a fully developed six pack. And the most noticeable difference, to her at least, was that her members size had increased, growing by another inch or two. 'Well….I guess I can't really complain about this' Talia thought as she clenched her fist, before walking towards a tree and throwing a punch at it. The effect was immediate, as the area she punched with her might was obliterated, and the tree slowly fell with a loud *CRACK*.

"Well damn" Talia whistled out in appreaciation at her new strength.

Messing around with her new physical strength some more, Talia eventually stopped, and decided to get back to the real world. She doubted she could come back here for a while, so she decided it would be best to just use these next few days to train up her new abilities. But first, she wanted to see her new status.



- | Talia Morningstar | -

- | Master of Death | - | Creator of Magic | -

[Class - Fairy | Light]

[Level - 4/100]

[Subclass - Kitsune | Thunder]

[Level - 4/100]

[Species - Wizard, Overlord, Fairy, Kitsune?]

[Items - Deluminator, Wand, Sword of Gryffindor, Salt, Japanese Steel Katana, Super Soldier Serum (consumed)]

[Equipped Items - Ring of Magic, Ring of Instant Death Resistance, Resurrection Stone, Cloak of Invisibility, Ring of Freedom, Haste Boots]

[Wealth - 75 Billion USD]

[Books Consumed - 42]

[Spells Learnt - 100+ | Tiers 0-9 learnt]

[??????? - Hope Mikaelson]

[Maxed Classes - Wizard, Tier Mage]

[Maxed Racial Classes - Overlord]

[Current Universe - Legacies]

[Dungeons - Prestige Zombie, Goblin]


[This dungeon has another upper section to it. This section is stronger than the current one, and has better rewards than this one. The new section may be challenged in 5 days. The system suggests for the host to rest]

[Cooldown - 4 Days, unlocks March 6th]

'Hmm, alright about what I was expecting, I knew the cooldown would get worse' "Bring me back system" Talia said.

[Back at the Salvatore Boarding School]

Reappearing inside her room, Talia flopped onto the bed with a sigh. 'Seeing as the sun is up, I must have been in there longer than I thought' Talia thought, before slowly getting up. She was thankful that she had what was basically infinite stamina, or she would be dead tired right now. She also noticed that her clothes had increased in size when she did, causing her to inwardly thank the system

Getting up, she walked into the bathroom and freshened up, taking a nice warm shower. After, she grabbed her bag with a groan, not really wanting to go to class today, but knew she kinda had to. Walking out of the room, she ignored the looks she was getting, knowing that her evident difference in height would catch some looks, not to mention the toned arms, and if one managed to catch a look under her jacket, her 6 pack.

Walking into her first class for the day, she sat down next to Hope who looked at her with a glare "Where were you?" she whispered, having not seen Talia since last night.

"Training some new spells" Talia replied with a whisper, before Dorian began to speak.

"Alright everyone, in a circle!" He said, causing everyone to get up and move to the center of the classroom.

Sitting on the ground next to Hope, who now looked at her with an interested expression, Talia stopped and listened as Dorian spoke.

"All right, gather together" Dorian said, causing everyone in the class to grab the hands of the ones on their left and right. Talia was holding Hope's hand and another female students.

Seeing that everyone was holding hands now, Dorian began his lecture "Chain spells are about the fluid movement of energy from witch to witch."

Dorian stopped for a second upon noticing that a student was not in class "Where's Penelope Park?"

Hearing this Lizzie grinned slightly before speaking "Um, lady cramps, Mr. Williams."

Hearing this Dorian immediately dropped the subject "Sorry I asked. A disharmonious group makes for an uneven flow"

Immediately several stifled laughters sounded, while Hope rolled her eyes, and Talia grinned at her.

Dorian rolled his eyes at this with a small smile, before stopping as he noticed a note float into his view "Okay…"

"Uh-oh, who's in trouble with the headmaster?" Josie asked.

"Probably the people who started a rumble with the local high school" Hope said matter of factly.

Dorian hearing this read the note out loud "lizzie Saltzman, Josie Saltzman. And baby and genius makes four" Talia raised an eyebrow at the name, before stopping as she realized she was getting in trouble….for some reason.

"Off you go" Dorian said.

The four of them glanced at one another, before getting up and making their way to the library where Alaric was waiting for them. Lizzie almost immediately began to speak.

"This makes no sense, Dad. Why are we being punished?" Lizzie said with an unhappy tone. Not understanding what she did that was so wrong.

"Because you started a brawl at a charity football game that risked exposing what we really do here"

"Isn't it more suspicious to have our school lose literally every single game against them, for years in a row at that? I feel like that'd draw more attention then winning a singular game" Talia commented, not really understanding how losing every single game they ever play, was the answer.

The other three girls couldn't help but nod at what she said, as it did make sense "Well you weren't mad last night."

"I was mad last night. My undying love for my daughters just happened to trumpy my rage. I volunteered everyone in the game, so stop complaining. Your're lucky that it's just community service and not actual jail time" Alaric replied, while still walking through the library with books in hand, forcing them to follow him. Before eventually putting it away, and turning to look at Josie and Hope with his arms crossed.

"Can I at least offer a rebuttal in my defense, if it pleases the court?" Seeing them not deny her, Lizzie continued "First of all, I was provoked. My response was totally proportional considering the levels of abuse that I was forced to endure" Hope scoffed slightly at that.

"And secondly….if anyone should take the blame, it's Josie" Lizzie said, instantly ratting out her sister.

"What?" Josie asked in confusion and exasperation.

"I'm sorry. I totally cracked under cross, but if you had just let Kaleb catch the ball…." Lizzie began, before Alaric cut her off.

"You'd still be in trouble" Alaric said.

"Not sure if throwing your sister under the bus was a nice thing to do" Talia commented, as she sat in a chair besides Hope.

"Thank you, Talia" Josie said.

"Speaking of, the bus leaves in ten minutes, and I expect all four of you to be on it, working together today, harmoniously and without drama" Alaric said, giving them the "don't argue" look. "End of debate" he added.

"Talia and I weren't even at the game. Why are we being punished?" Hope asked, causing Talia to speak.

"Yeah I'd also like to know that. I don't remember doing anything wrong yesterday, and I know for a fact that Hope didn't do anything wrong either" Talia said, causing Hope to nod along with her words.

"You know what you did" Alaric said, as if it answered the question they both had. "As for Talia, you are going as there supervisor of sorts, Emma wants you to get out more, and she decided this would be a good way of doing so"

Hearing this Talia groaned loudly, causing Josie to crack a small smile. Talia liked Emma the most out of all the teachers, as she actually did seem to deeply care about her students, and for some reason, her most of all. But god did it get annoying sometimes.

"Actually I don't" Hope said, while trying not to giggle at Talia's adorable pout.

"You disobeyed a direct order. Now, all right, now, go, all of you. Come on" Alaric said.

Noticing that Hope wants to talk to Alaric in private, Talia followed after Lizzie and Josie, before commenting while walking next to them.

"You know, your dads kind of an idiot isn't he?"

Both girls nodded in agreement.

"Well look at the bright side, now we get out of class!" Talia said with a grin, she was getting sick and tired of the classes, which is why she was working overtime on getting all the special tests done so she can complete them early.

"Guess it's time to become trash ladies"

The twins promptly groaned

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That's the end of this chapter. This was actually the longest chapter in a while.

Next chapter will be shorter, and will cover either the entirety of episode three, or most of it. The poll results were completed, with Fairy and Kitsune winning! I was expecting Kitsune, but I was pretty surprised by the Fairy choice.

So I gotta ask y'all patreon members, why choose the fairy?

Anyways, have a good day! Point out any mistakes! See you tomorrow!

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