



It's the truth that things end but memories last forever. One day all these noises, the problems, the detritus on this planet will end. Well who knows when will this happen and how? There are predictions though. The earth was created by a bang, accidentally. All the matter in the universe was created in one big bang at a particular time in the remote past which is known as the 'Big bang theory'.

There is a fifty year old book predicting 2020 as 'global catastrophe'. The end of the world was predicted to occur in 2020, following a "global catastrophe" brought on by unlimited economic growth by the global superpowers, according to a book written almost fifty years ago. Well who knows if this is true but if we look around we can agree that the world has gained in terms of the wealth which is human development but has lost in terms of health which signifies the nature and the natural habitant.

A best selling book called 'the limits of growth' was published in the year 1972 when the world actually began to wake up to environmental damage. The authors of this book were the first to coin the term 'sustainability' and said without it, civilisation will begin to decline by 2020. Well what they predicted is actually true, we are in a phase where the quality of living has been declined and we are facing the edge of our lives.

In the sixties, all over the western world, economies were growing and people were shopping post war and the consumer process was firmly established. All the development in the economy sector started to take place. These authors were worried about the people losing out in the world to hunger, pollution and industrialization that is the price paid for our growth. We have already witnessed a lot, one was the 'great famine' which occurred around two hundred years ago. Not only that but industrialization started to boost, you might have studied it in the modern history where all these things started to boost up and people accepting the modern world in which the human gained a lot in many ways, right? However there's an old saying 'no gain without pain' which means that you have to pay for the things you gain and now the time to pay has finally arrived.

This is what actually is happening in 2020! Don't you think if we analyse it then we can come to this conclusion that 2020 was chosen as the year of downfall. How? We can take the example of Professor Meadows who explained that it became clear to us that the factor which were causing progress in the seventies would lead to catastrophe in the early part of the next century.

So if we ask if this is the end? Well I would say no that's not the end, world will not end soon although there will be a lot of problems, disasters which human kind will have to face. Well again who knows when will the world end? It maybe soon or not so soon, we can't be sure of that, anyways we all are not focusing on that because we all are busy in our lives, figuring out the way for ourselves from this situation. This pandemic did put a break in our lives but it can't stop us from continuing the things and now rather in a faster pace. The virus was started from one country, it is obvious the world didn't want this to affect us but it had a huge impact and now we all are facing this together. If we think this in a political view there is a lot of things which is unsaid.

We all are going to die one day and that's the ultimate truth which is not so pleasant thought and most of us don't feel so comfortable to think about it, right? Well obviously we think and we know that right now we are here to live our lives and death is far away for now but life is not going to last forever, it is going to end one day. Same thing with the changes we did to this world and our environment. We will end but our memories will live forever, likewise the world will end but the impact will live forever. Memories are timeless treasures of the heart no matter how much time will be gone memories remain in our hearts and in this world we will be left as memories.