
100 Years In An Abandoned Planet

A prince whose planet is destroyed by space pirates is stranded in the empty expanse of space , after much struggle he landed on a planet where the entire planet look deserted. Little did he know how it changed his life . After 100 years, Finally my training has been completed, let's set out to explore the universe seek my revenge upon those scums said Tyrnn Valtus Come and explore together the big mystery behind his planet's destruction and his accession to greatness.

Jasper_Nathaniel · Fantasi
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5 Chs


"Yes, Uncle Malor," replied Prince Valtez. "But what about my parents? Did they really not make it out?"

Malor sighed deeply. "I'm sorry, Prince. Your parents gave their lives to protect you. They died heroes."

Tears welled up in Prince Valtez's eyes. "I-I don't understand. Why did they have to die? Why did all of this have to happen?"

"It's a complicated situation, Prince," said Malor as he placed a comforting hand on the prince's shoulder. "But for now, we need to focus on getting you to safety. The Star Plague pirates are still after you, and we must leave this planet before they catch up to us."

As they made their way to the cockpit of the spaceship, Prince Valtez couldn't help but feel overwhelmed with emotions. He had lost both of his parents, and now he was being hunted by a group of ruthless space pirates. But he knew he had to be strong for the sake of his kingdom, and for the memory of his parents.

Meanwhile Karen was irked and said , " Forget about selling the prince , he his going to die the most gruesome death in this world " as he clenched his fist.

"Sir Karen please calm down" said Ella , " Tell me if you detect any other spaceships out there and use our advanced search analyser to the enemy count on that spacecraft" ordered Karen .

After 5 mins ,

" Sir Karen , we have a spacecraft model Galic 373 sneaking our spatial veil using a particle decrypter " reported an officer on board.

" Perfect, aim the world destroyer canon at that way my fellas " ordered Karen . As he said the monstrous canon is aimed at that region.

From that place , there emerged a spacecraft , and it immediately got surrounded by rest of the fleet and the main ship. The communication

"Malor you have no choice but to surrender your prince " said Karen though the communicator . " There is no way I would do it, you know that don't you ? " chided Malor . " Haha , I just asked for the sake of fun , definitely I would love to watch you and the filthy prince to die in a gore way" said Karen . " "You heard that prince valtez , we are going to die " smiled Malor . " That would be a honour for us dad " told a boy who wore the same attire as valtez except for the hood which he now took off .

On another Galick 373 which is about to warp away from the planet .

" Uncle Malor , who is in that spaceship , why are all the enemies concentrated there , while we are here. " asked Tyrnn.

" You know prince valtez , the Malor's posses the ability to use lightning as our ability , on the other hand I'm quite gifted I can clone myself for sometime and use the same prowess " said Malor .

" Fire the cannon and decimate the world " , ordered Karen . while this happened, the boy took off his hood , suddenly everyone in the pirate ship got confused . Karen shouted , " This is not the prince , it's that old man Malor's son , William Malor, the prince's close friend " and added " Anyways I'm done with enough waiting fire the cannons " . Suddenly Malor sighed deeply , " if only you know who' gonna die along with me " . As he added , " William do it " . So William took a black colour badge and used it on his armour , his blue color armour revealed itself shoving away the fake white coating . As it blazed in power lightning cackled around his armour , now he used his power to focus on the ships. Now when it is done something happened . " Sir Karen , something is interrupting our signal in the ship , we have lost total control over our ship and the fleets . " What the heck is this ? , when did that bastard William's interference ability grow to such monstrous level " shouted Karen . " Fine let's see how long he can last , once it's over I myself shall go into that puny ship , massacre them and bathe in their blood " he said with a killer look .

"But s-sir..... they are approaching us " said an Officer.