
10 Billion Transmigration - The Supreme Will!

Fight for Hegemony - A World in which not only Humans but Orcs , Goblins , Half Humans , Vampires , Demons , Ghosts , Angels , Devils , Mermen , Spirits and many other races will take place. In The year 20XX the Total Human population on Planet Blue Reached 10 Billion. And Supreme will appear which takes all the Humans to a Primary Continent to fight for Hegemony , for power , status , fame and Race Rankings. Main character - Harsh He is an average college student who got a SSS Rank Overpowered skill The King of Death , by using his intelligence he makes his own empire and fight powerful races. This novel focus on kingdom building but also shows Adventure , Action , Some Romance and a lot of war and army stuff...

Suryaputra_Karan · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
21 Chs

4 HoursTime skip , Evening arrive's

Harsh looking at the system panel that showing his personal information , it's been more then 4 hours Harsh don't know how many hour's actually has passed because there's no way to detect time here.

When he look up at the sky which now become yellowish-orange from bright yellow and the light blue clouds also turn little dark blue.

The change in the colour of the sky and the atmosphere instantly turn little cold clearly it already pass the afternoon time.

Harsh now guess that soon it going to be night here and it's best to go back to the protective place where he has provided shield barrier from any outside monsters.

In The darkness of night and at this place where the whole land is surrounded by dense grasses even in day time someone can hide easily then in night it will be going to become very hard to find the enemy plus the trees also make the situation rough to fight.

Harsh understanding the flow of time make the decision to go back.

since after arriving here he only fight with Orcs to gain Exp and don't even form a team with anyone , looking at the system panel and progress he made until now a smile comes on his face.

Name - Harsh Tejasvine

Level - 0 (25/9000) Exp

Race - Human Race

Skills - Kings of Death ( SSS Rank )

Kings of Shadows ( SSS Rank )

Body Hardening ( E Rank )

Shadow Soldier - 27 { Shadow Orc }

Health - 10

Strength - 6

Agility - 6

Body - 3

Dark Mana - ∞

Vitality - 7

Intelligence - 13

Endurance - 4

Luck - 10

(...He strength increase from 5 to 6 when he use +1 free attributes points...)


( Sence change to past )

When he set out to gain more Exp and to make more Shadow Soldiers after making the heptagonal shape like formation.

Harsh encounterd many Orcs which comes at him and his shadow Soldier's one after another.

There also a time when a Orc rush to attack on him and 3 shadow Orc's confront him.

Thinking about the 3 Shadow Orc fighting with 1 Orc like a 3 on 1 handicap match.

The 3 Shadow Orc's one after another showing there moves on the poor Orc thinking that there Owner (Harsh) will praise them , although Shadow Orc's are 100% to him they still have there mind and can process there own thoughts.

The poor Orc one after another taking fist's and kicks sometimes on stomach sometimes at the back , Harsh who is watching the scenes from aside protected by Sword Shadow Orc have nothing to say.

There behaviour really stunned Harsh for a movement , he understands that they wanted to show there strength to him unexpectedly he never thought that they can also try. By there ways to get his attention.

Well Harsh really enjoyed the show it really feel like he is watching a fighting match back on his blue planet.

One of the shadow Orc give a Superman punch to the Orc then the Second Shadow Orc come and he gives him a DDT and just after giving him DDT the third Shadow Orc comes pull the Orc from the ground like pulling a plastic chair.

With both hands he lift the Orc above his head and then throw him down with force like giving him a F-5.

The Orc instantly die under the assualt of Shadow Orc's even with his high endurance capabilities he is no match for them.

After enduring the countless punches of Shadow Orc's and violent kicks from behind the poor Orc cannot be more dead.

After constantly coming into contact with Orc's Harsh Shadow Soldiers also becoming more and more in numbers.

When a Orc is killed Harsh quickly go to his Corpse and use his SSS Rank Skill The King of Shadows. There are also times when a Shadow Orc seeing Harsh going to a corpse to use his skill they pull the corpse and come by his side.

And Make proud expression , when this happens first time Harsh was stunned for a few minutes that this shadow Orc understand what I was going do and he brought back the Corpse back with him , but as the time passes more Shadow Orc's start doing the Same thing without Harsh giving them any commands to do.

They brought back the Corpse with them after killing the Orc , Harsh comes to understand that they can understand the situation and react with it even if there intelligence is low and they are Shadow Soldiers which comes from his skill the King of Shadows.

In the past when he made his first shadow soldier he was very excited more then anything else he did until now never has make him this much excited in his life.

The feeling of using this SSS Rank skill , the black mist coming out of nowhere and the thrill of a knight bow down to you like you are a king.

Clearly feels too great and awesome.

And as the time passes he make more shadow soldier, after he let them fight with there own Race and when he kill them he not only gain Exp but he also gain +1 shadow soldier.

I don't know if the shadow soldier have a limit on there number like if there is no limit or a fix limit on how much I can create them.

Until now there is no sign that I have reached the upper limit of creating my shadow soldier Orcs...

The journey of 1 Shadow soldier Orc to 2 from 2 to 3 and 3 to 5 unexpectedly from 5 to 7.

After gaining 7 Shadow Orcs with the heptagonal formation he kill more Orcs that comes on his way.

From 7 to 10 , from 10 to 15...

After having 15 Shadow Orcs he unexpectedly clash with a little bandit like Group of 10 Orcs.

The group of 10 Orcs Don't have any powerful Orc they all were level 0 with strength of 13 and a few 14 points.

Harsh commanded 15 Shadow Orcs to a head on fight with the Little Group of Orcs.

The instant fight lasted for more then a quarter of an hour. At first the Group of Orcs have a dominant side they fight with everything they got .

Both Shadow Orcs and them got same strength , but with time as the Sword Shadow Orcs takes down 1 of them with a single move of his sword the monsterous strength of 17 points come into play.

The Group instantly lost there advantage (there confidence and experience). With the little fight goes on as the time passes by after 5 min 3 more Orcs died from the little bandit like Group.

Shadow soldier without any fear and tiredlessness , throw every single punch with there full strength as before where as on the other side of opponent they lost there advantage in numbers that they never even had.

And with time they became tired there movement, speed and agility drop which effect there strength.

And killing them became more easy.

Harsh also take part in this little fight he take his time to Target the Orc aim preciously and shoot at the right time.

He shoot all 3 arrows on different Orc at the right situation when needed and with it the little Orc group also have a little hard time.

In this little fight without a single losses or injuries Shadow Solider Orc's have complete victory.

And the opponents die miserably they decrease in numbers with each passing minutes from 10 to 9 and then from 9 to 6.

From 6 to only 2 , the last 2 Orcs both have the strength of 14 points that's why they are still fighting.

But at this time the Shadow Orc with Sword Silver Rank ( low level ) comes at the front and slashes his sword again them the Orc try to dodge the Sword and other Orc take it head on.

Consequences of taking the silver rank ( low level ) sword head on the Orc right hand got cut of instantly and he also fall to ground with a miserable cry howl.

The other Orc comes at full force trying to attack the Sword Shadow Orc at this time (after successfully dodging the sword because the other Orc takes it head on) but he also meet his end with 2 sword sliceses one vertically and one horizontally instantly takes his life.

In this fight Harsh not only gain the most amount of Exp but Shadow Solider Orc's as well.

Harsh commanded his Shadow Soldiers to bring the Corpse of this Orc and use his SSS Rank skill The King of Shadows on all the Corpses.

10 Shadow Orc's all Arises from there Death and came infront of Harsh and bow down like a knight.

15 + 10 a total of 25 Shadow Orcs Harsh now has.

25... This number can also said that they are a squad. And if they are a Squad then Don't the Sword Shadow Orc will be there sergeant.

Just the thought of this send a chill down Harsh spine a shadow Soldier army having there on general just imagining it is too exciting.

After Harsh created more Shadow Soldiers he became a little tired by continuously moving , running , thinking , staying cautious and trying to understand the situation he is in.

He sit down for a few minutes for rest and start to relax a little, on his right hand he feel a little slight pain because of shooting the arrow his hand became a little rough well he never use bow and arrow before so it's hard to grip it sometimes he grip the bottom of the arrow to hard which causes pain to his fingers.

Also his left hand is slightly paining from the elbow because he takes an Orc with literally 14 points of strength head on.

Well he did use his E Rank skill Body Hardening but it doesn't even come close to protect him if not for the Shadow Soldier's stoping him.

His strength only increased to 8 points that time and the Orc strength was 14 almost double his strength if look it that way.

When he was resting , 2 more Orc's comes at him for his life but they were killed by his Shadow Soilder Orcs easily.

Harsh also converted there corpses to Shadow Soldiers.

So after this much time he has a total of 27 Shadow Soldier Orc's In his position.


( Scene change to present )

Harsh after looking at the gain in his personal information , He gain 25 Exp a new E Rank skill and also a free attribute point that he use it on his strength.

With all this he has become stronger atleast much more stronger then he was before coming here to this world and the best thing he has for now are his Shadow Soldier's.

Harsh stop thinking about the ongoing thoughts and decide to go back because he already predicted in his heart that night going to fall soon and it becomes more difficult to even see things how can he think about fighting then.

And who knows if it's become more dangerous at night, Harsh knows nothing about the wild Orc's nature they are like wolf so it best to go back.

Just as Harsh start to go back from where he come from , In his ear he heard a low sound of gurgle gurgle coming from down.


Q.) What's is this sound of Gurgle-Gurgle?

A - An enemy gonna appear from the ground.

B - This sound come from his Shadow Soilder Orc.

C - This sound come from the Harsh itself.

( Answer will come in the next chapter)

I trying to be more creative well hope u all like it.

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