
10 Billion Transmigration - The Supreme Will!

Fight for Hegemony - A World in which not only Humans but Orcs , Goblins , Half Humans , Vampires , Demons , Ghosts , Angels , Devils , Mermen , Spirits and many other races will take place. In The year 20XX the Total Human population on Planet Blue Reached 10 Billion. And Supreme will appear which takes all the Humans to a Primary Continent to fight for Hegemony , for power , status , fame and Race Rankings. Main character - Harsh He is an average college student who got a SSS Rank Overpowered skill The King of Death , by using his intelligence he makes his own empire and fight powerful races. This novel focus on kingdom building but also shows Adventure , Action , Some Romance and a lot of war and army stuff...

Suryaputra_Karan · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
21 Chs

Hungry! Harsh , Mysterious Enemies?

Harsh panicked not because he may find some enemies , he can fight even an Orc to Death if situation arises like that but the gurgle sound comes from his stomach.

His desire to come on top is too much and great that he has not eaten anything neither did he drink any water from the time he come here into this world.

It been half a day atleast and without drinking any water he also begin to feel thirsty a little , his brain start to warm him that he is dehydrated because you're not drinking enough water.

Harsh also realised just now that he has not eaten anything , and the worst was that he is in a damn forest and there is no way he can order food here the world has change there is no Zomato or swiggy here.

As well as he don't even know how to cook good food , his mom always cook's food for him whenever he comes home hungry from school.

Well he can cook some simple food to eat but how the hell is he going to find the ingredients here , damn there is also also no sign of vegetables at all in this area.

Although he like to watch some wild-life and scientific discovery channel on television back when he was on Planet blue.

But he never has experienced it in reality having knowledge and real experience are two different things and in all of that he is also a vegetarian....

Damn do I need to eat Orc's...meat!...

I never even eat a chicken before...(

Harsh knows the situation he is in... the world has changed , he already running around here and there since the time he come onto this world and he only find Orc's beasts and nothing else even no source of water.

I'm a vegetarian , I never eat meat before in my whole life and don't even think that I'm a vegetarian so I gonna eat grasses here I am also not fking... Omnivorous.

What to do... What to do , Harsh is in a panicked situation because of hunger , yes he do got a rare SSS skill but even that can't help him in a situation like this.

Hungry starts to overwhelm his mind and thoughts , Harsh look up at the sky again and starts to think rapidly to get a solution , he need food and water to remain alive.

Looking at the light-redish orange sky , there still time until it going to be night and darkness arrives.

Harsh commanded 25 of his Shadow Orc Soldiers to look for something to eat , there intelligence may low but they don't eat each other when they are hungry right? Atleast they got something.

He don't let all of his Shadow Soldier's out to find something to eat 2 Shadow Orc Soldiers remain Guarding him , one is Sword Shadow Orc he got the highest physical strength for now so he is the best Shadow Soldiers Harsh has for now.

If any enemy comes for him this Sword Shadow Orc can easily deal with him.

The another one is for an extra layer of protection from back.

Harsh also don't stay still with 2 Shadow Soldiers guarding him he search for anything eatable in the surrounding area.

He is exauted physically and mentally but his mind always sending signals of hunger and thirst.

He try to remain peaceful and calm his mind and with slow movements his eyes searching for things to eat.

Half an hour passes with all the shadow Soilder's and Harsh himself in search for food seprate in entire 3 km area ( 1.8 Mile approx ).

Suddenly a Shadow Orc comes in front of Harsh and in his Hand there's a yellowish colour fruit, The fruit is total yellow in colour there's also a pinky finger size peduncle on its tip , the fruit is big enough to compare with a coconut.

The Shadow Orc apply his 13 points of strength in that fruit and break it in 2 half and bow down , then move his both hands forward in which he holding the big coconut like fruit like a servent.

Harsh was stunned When the Orc apply force to the ball like yellow Object but when it breaks a sweet smell enter harsh nose.

Harsh quickly took the half portion of the big coconut like fruit from shadow Orc's hand.

A few drop of Water like juice touch his hands which coming from inside the half portion of this fruit.

The sweet smell making his mouth want to taste the fruit because of his hungry stomach he also can't deny to not eating it.

Just a thought still linger on Harsh mind is this fruit like thing okay to eat? Because it may be poisonous as he knows many fruits find in wilderness are not good.

Harsh take a bite from the half portion of fruit

He still hoping in his heart that this fruit is not poisonous. The bite of the fruit enter Harsh's mouth.

It tasted sweet just like guava , it has water inside as well as nutrients taste good also bigger in size.

Harsh eat the whole thing and took the other portion from the shadow Orc's hands as well.

The Shadow Orc which brought back the fruit look at other shadow Orcs with a proud expression with his chin up.

Harsh don't saw that but the other Shadow Orcs also looking at the proud expression of the shadow Orc who bought back the fruit.

A look of Envy is in there eyes , Harsh all focus is on eating the fruit he is unaware of his surroundings for time being.

After eating the fruit Harsh mind calm down and he also not feel hungry anymore , he look at the Shadow Orc who brought this fruit from him.

Where did you find this fruit? Harsh says in a low voice but it is enough that the shadow Orc can hear it , even without speaking Harsh can convey the message by mind Telepathically.

He just not use to it because he never has this kind of power before , the Shadow Orc move his left hand and point in the back direction from where he comes from.

Harsh understand and with all Shadow Soldiers Orc's he move to that direction.

In About 10 minutes Harsh comes to a place where he can see a tree same as others but on this tree there are fruit in its branches.

The same yellow colour fruit that he ate also there are a few here if counted atleast more then 20+.

They are big in size easily noticeable it just they are a little high in the tree branches.

A Shadow Soldiers look a Harsh and then he jump to the tree branches which having fruits , with his high points of agility he climbed the tall tree and pick up the fruit with his both hands.

Fall down and give it to Harsh , without even Harsh commanding him. Harsh is surprised at this shadow Orc , it is none other than that old red colour Orc which is now become Harsh Shadow Orc Soilder.

Harsh is not hungry anymore but he can eat more fruit, harsh sit down and start to eat the fruit with relax and no anxiety of an enemy appearing to harm him.

All 27 Shadow Soldier Orc's is guarding Harsh so how can he easily be harm also now he can't find any more Orc's in this area , maybe he already killed them harsh think.


( Scene change )

20 kilometres (12.4 Miles ) away from Harsh , in a ravaged like tent there a meeting taking place.

The tent has too much dirt on it and look damaged from many sides. Inside it some figures can be seen sitting there were 13 Orc's subordinates around and at the back another Orc Sitting aside from them all.

They were all Orc's and it look like they were having discussion. In there language ,

like Orccak orraaa Orakkkk Orkk orrrkkk....

( Translation to human language )

One of the Orc that is sitting among 13 stand up and says...

Chief our younger brother has not come back , maybe he is still roaming outside.

Another Orc stand up and says Chief we found a human base camp near our area , also around 20 km ahead there seems to be another base camp of human race...

They all showing respect to someone who is sitting on the end he is also an Orc but something is different about him.

His aura and strength as well as his muscles are bigger then any Orc around not only that all subordinates addressing him as chief.

The aura and strength of that Orc is not some level 0 Orc can have he clearly is in another level.

The chief then look at the Orc that just said that they find 2 human base camp and then his eyes look past him and he sees more then 30+ human corpses lying down that they hunted.

He open his mouth and says Human's are weak creatures but they are cunning...

You take your 100 men's and go to one of there base which is near ours to show our power.

They are of no use to us they are pathetic but we can capture them and sell them to the tribe leader and I hope it can increase our ranking.

All Orc's showing excited expression at first but when they heard the last sentence they all show a look of sadness.

A Orc suddenly stand up and said don't worry this time we will not be the last on ranking , I am sure our tribal leader will give us many benefits and our ranking will definitely go up.

We the Li family will surely rise up this time and take over Su family ranking.

Just as he said this word everyone expression turn serious and excited again.

Another Orc stand up and says Elder brother, That right why not I also take some members from the family and go to another human camp they are all weak...

The Orc says in excitement.

That upto Chief to decide another Orc said.

Everyone look at Chief again with a respectful look , clearly they follow that Orc which is different then anyone here present

Power , strength , reputation in everything.

The Chief Orc open it mouth again and says

I am already become Old you have to take decision on your own now, I may be a level higher but the fact that I don't possess the strength that I have once in my prime.

We have more then 800 warriors in our Li family currently , we are the smallest in numbers it better if we do things together.

Everyone nodded there head on Chief elder word.

If you also want to go then you can also take 30 members and go to another base camp that's far away.

I will go Chief thank you for trusting me...


( Scene change ) to harsh...

Harsh unaware of the mysterious family of Orc thinking he has kill all the Orc's near this area , eating fruits until his stomach feels full.

Alright time to go back Harsh says to himself and stand up from the ground rub his back and stretches a little.

He look up at sky, dark blue clouds starts to block the sunlight and the sun's also barely visible.

Harsh call up all the shadow Soilder's and hide them in his Shadows, he then start walking towards the way where he come from.

Hoping to go back to the area which is protected by shield barrier before sun set and night comes.