
ninety - one - "code pink" - ninety - one

After her trip to California with Colton, Anna found herself invited to Jackson's apartment for a party honoring Amelia and Tom's successful surgery on Catherine. When Anna arrived, caterers were still setting up, and Jackson and Maggie were the only two in the room.

"Welcome Anna." Jackson greeted her with a smile, ushering her inside, "You come alone?"

"Hi to you, too." Anna entered, looking around and whistling with approval, "Colton's working. Woah. This place looks nice."

"I know." Jackson agreed, giving Maggie a look, "It looks nice enough for more than just one person to be living here, right? Maybe you can help convince someone to move in."

"Jackson," Maggie sighed, turning her attention to Anna, looping an arm around hers, "Shall I give you the tour?"

"So you know your way around?" Anna teased, wiggling her eyebrows as Jackson smirked behind his wine of glass.

"I'll finish lighting these candles. God forbid one's not lit when my mom shows up."

Maggie took Anna upstairs, "So... had a pretty eventful vacation yourself, huh?"

"Are you asking this because you really wanna know or are you asking because of Meredith and Amelia?"

"Meredith." "Amelia." They both said in union.

"Right." Anna refrained from rolling her eyes and admired Jackson's expensive decor instead, "Tell them that I'm fine and I'm not moving too fast, or whatever."

"If he offered, would you consider moving in with him?" Maggie asked, opening up one of the bedroom doors.

"This rug is really soft," Anna commented, shrugging, "I don't know. Maybe. If it didn't feel weird, I guess, I might?"

"Do you think I should move in with Jackson?"

"You're the older one, here, aren't you supposed to be giving me advice?"

"I plan out everything. I make pros and con lists for everything. I'm not-"

"Adventurous?" Anna snorted, getting elbowed into the side, "Okay. Honestly... I think you should. You've been together awhile and things are serious, right? What could it hurt?"

"Okay." Maggie seemed satisfied with her answer, "But you'd tell me if you were thinking about moving in with Colton? Anna?"

"I'm walking away now." Anna went back downstairs as more guests arrived.

She spent some time with the interns, Richard, Alex, Amelia, Owen, Teddy, and then mingled, met some strangers, and then Amelia and Owen started to get into a very passionate conversation in whispered voices.

"What are you saying?"

"I'm saying I'm dizzy. Owen, I'm... I'm dizzy. I need to step out of the circle."


"I'm saying this is an impossible situation."

"And you are in it no matter what because there is a child involved."

"But I'm not. I'm not in it, no matter what. I'm saying... I'm saying I'm not in it anymore."

Amelia walked over to Anna, tears in her eyes, "I'm gonna head home, 'kay? Stay here. Maggie will freak if we both leave."

After she left, Anna backed away from the ticking time bomb that was Owen Hunt, and ended up walking right into Meredith and DeLuca who arrived.

"Anna." Meredith greeted with a strained smile, "I... I didn't know you'd be here."