
(The Flowing Red-Bloom Cultivation) {BL series}

This story is about a Cultivator Prince called Ài hóng and a Demon King by the name Yāo wàng. They meet one day on a mountain, They end up making friends, Yāo wàng seems to be hiding something from Ài hóng, He wants to talk with him about it. But unfortunately, there are some things or someone who doesn’t want Ài hóng to remember anything. Now they have to fight for their happy ending, what will happen? Will they get their happy ending, or will it turn out a little bit more difficult then they want..? Find out by reading!

Xiyue_WebNovels · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
6 Chs

(5) Unwanted memories. (P1)

Ài hóng, "Mm. It's.. Freezing.."

He shivered, The air was extremely cold due to the high mountain air, Although he was used to living up in the highest mountain, he always had warm clothes to sleep or wear whenever it became cold.

But now he can't, because he decided to be a 'rebel' and escape his horrid life.

Yāo wàng, "Are you cold? I feel your body shivering.."

Ài hóng had almost completely forgotten that Yāo wàng was sleeping in his arms, almost causing him to have a heart attack from the surprise.

Ài hóng made an 'Ah!' Sound before regaining his senses, "..No I was just uh.. Well yeah actually I'm extremely cold.. Nothing to worry The Demon King though!"

Yāo wàng sighed, he then transformed into his human like demon form.

"You mustn't worry about me, you must worry about your health. Let us get you to a hot spring."

Before Ài hóng could refuse, Yāo wàng had already gently picked him up and began to carry him. Ài hóng was in absolute shock.

No way The Demon King is carrying me.. I must still be dreaming! R-right..?

Ài hóng still in his thoughts, had no idea he and Yāo wàng were already at a hot spring. Just before his senses kicked in, Ài hóng was already standing up next to Yāo wàng.

Ài hóng looked at the hot spring then looked back at Yāo wàng.

"Am I.. Supposed to uh.. bathe here..?"

Yāo wàng then nodded, he grabbed a towel like cloth from his sleeves and handed it to Ài hóng.

"Oh! Thank you- wait where did this come from..?"

Yāo wàng turned around, facing a wall. "Do not mind that, please undress and bathe in the warmth of the Hot spring."

Ài hóng slightly flustered, he turned around as well and got undressed, he put the towel like cloth over his body.

Ài hóng slowly stepped into the hot spring water, he reacted to the hot water quite quickly, making an 'Ah!' Noise again.

Yāo wàng turned around to see a tiny Ài hóng behind a bush.

"Is something wrong?"

Ài hóng, "yeesh that's hot... H-Huh?! Oh! I uh.. Well the water is kinda hot, and I've always had very sensitive skin.."

Yāo wàng's pupils slightly enlarged. His curiosity turned into worry, he then went into the hot spring. Ài hóng immediately became shocked.

Ài hóng, "W-what are you doing..?!"

Yāo wàng, "I will help you become aquatinted with the warmth. Here, take my hand. I will guide you."

Ài hóng was even more shocked!

The Demon King, Yāo wàng, wants me, just a prince from a powerful sect, to take his hand into a Hot spring?!

This must be a dream..

Ài hóng was freezing though,so he complied. "O-Okay.."

Ài hóng walked towards Yāo wàng, and took his hand.

Yāo wàng slowly but surely guided Ài hóng into the hot spring.

Ài hóng closed his eyes as he slowly got used to the warmth, when he opened his eyes he was surprised to be in the warmth embrace of Yāo wàng.

Ài hóng slightly blushed, he then quickly slipped out of Yāo wàng's embrace.

Yāo wàng slightly frowned.

Ài hóng coughed and turned around to face the water, Ài hóng thought to himself.

Why was he warm? Aren't demons cold blooded?!

Yāo wàng eyes slightly enlarged again. He then called out, "Ài hóng."

Surprised to hear his name from Yāo wàng, Ài hóng snapped out of his thoughts, and turned around to face him.

Yāo wàng, "May I ask, how did you get those scars on your back..?"

Ài hóng had totally forgot.. He wasn't prepared at all. His back was covered in scars he would usually cover up with his Pífū fùgài.* How could he have been so careless..?

Ài hóng, "It's.. nothing to be worried about haha.."

Yāo wàng frowned. His expression now darkened, he walked towards Ài hóng, causing him to slightly jump from the sudden movements, he started to walk backwards to back away from Yāo wàng.

Ài hóng, "Ah, Y-Yāo wàng..?"

Yāo wàng kept walking towards him, until finally Ài hóng was up against a wall he couldn't escape.

Yāo wàng stood over a quivering Ài hóng.

"Please allow me to understand you better.." Yāo wàng face stayed in the same frown as he had before, he clearly wanted to know about Ài hóng's past.


Yāo wàng softly spoke, in a pleading tone. "Please.."

Ài hóng couldn't hold it back, seeing Yāo wàng looking like a lost puppy asking for help. He sighed and gave in.

"I'll.. I'll tell you. But only once! I really don't like talking about this much.." Ài hóng noticed Yāo wàng backing up to give him space, causing Ài hóng to relax and find a place to sit.

Ài hóng, "Sit next to me here."

He patted a spot next to him on a stone in the water, making Yāo wàng walk over and sit down, he made an sighing 'Ah..' sound as he began thinking how to explain.

Ài hóng tapped his lips for a bit wondering where to start first, Yāo wàng waited patiently. Finally after a moment of silence, Ài hóng built up the courage to start.

Ài hóng, "since you don't know my parents, I guess I'll start when my mother was still alive."

AUTHORS NOTE: apologies for being gone so long, high school has me on my toes, please excuse any spelling mistakes! Part 2 will be coming soon(gonna be back on my schedule of uploading chapters!)

/Learn the words!\

Pífū fùgài: otherwise known as skin cover! This is mainly used to cover tattoos or scars before a ceremony. (This is only Fictional, these do not exist in real life, so if you get hurt please seek medical attention!)