
(The Flowing Red-Bloom Cultivation) {BL series}

This story is about a Cultivator Prince called Ài hóng and a Demon King by the name Yāo wàng. They meet one day on a mountain, They end up making friends, Yāo wàng seems to be hiding something from Ài hóng, He wants to talk with him about it. But unfortunately, there are some things or someone who doesn’t want Ài hóng to remember anything. Now they have to fight for their happy ending, what will happen? Will they get their happy ending, or will it turn out a little bit more difficult then they want..? Find out by reading!

Xiyue_WebNovels · Fantasy
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6 Chs

(4) Carrot (P2)

As Ài hóng prepared some soup, Yāo wàng began to transform back into his Demon form.

Ài hóng wasn't the best when it came to cooking, so naturally he burned the soup.

"Aw.. dang it- uh.. I cant tell The Demon King that I just burned soup.. Why can't I be good at anything ugh.."

Yāo wàng walked over to Ài hóng and looked over his shoulder, his footsteps were quite light so it was extremely difficult to hear or sense them.

"How's it going with dinner?"

Ài hóng's soul almost left his body, he jumped out of fear, causing him to spill the soup all over both him and Yāo wàng.

"Ah! I'm so sorry Yāo wàng! I-.."

"It's quite alright, but the dinner is ruined now." Yāo wàng bent down to examine the spilled soup.

Ài hóng quickly became flustered, mainly because he not only burnt the soup, but he also ruined it by causing it to spill.

"I-It's fine.. It was already burnt. I'm not the best at cooking as you can see.." He sighed. To embarrass himself in front of The Demon King was such a disgraceful thing to do, he was a prince and didn't know how to cook due to having maids always around to do the cooking for him.

Yāo wàng saw the disappointed look on Ài hóng's face, he looked down at the soup then back at Ài hóng. He sat up and walked closer to his face, their eyes met. They were so close both could hear their breathe, Ài hóng got confused and backed away, Yāo wàng followed him with every movement. Causing Ài hóng to be backed into a wall.

"Uhm.. Y-Yāo wàng..?" Ài hóng now tense and backed against a wall, he felt like a trapped bird.

"Your eyes changed again.." Yāo wàng leaned in closer and closer, at least until they were close enough for kissing distance.

Ài hóng "Wha- What do you mean my eyes changed again..?"

Yāo wàng "They are a different, Mn.. Expression..?" Yāo wàng had never ever been around other humans in his life, so he was very curious on what these new emotions may be.

Ài hóng "Wait wait.. Let me get this fully straight- you leaned in close enough to basically hear each of our heart beats, to tell me my eyes changed and not to kill me for messing up the soup..?"

Yāo wàng nodded, his look expressionless but still curious.

Ài hóng let out a soft sigh and relaxed his tense muscles.

"I thought you were gonna kill me!"

Yāo wàng tilted his head, he then backed away from Ài hóng.

"Why would I kill you over soup?"



Ài hóng then coughed, quickly he walked over to a nearby log.

Yāo wàng hopped over to the log as well. Ài hóng sighed as he felt a fluffy rabbit nuzzle their way into his arms, meaning Yāo wàng had just transformed into a rabbit again.

Ài hóng "This is gonna be a long and eventful year.."

AUTHOR NOTES: sorry for the short episode today! Have some personal issues happening and I haven't really had loads of motivation, Ik I promised a long episode so I will make the next episode tomorrow as long as I can! Love you all! Peace and Love!