

Trying to cram for a test to enter a prestigious school known across the universe, a necromancer went through his family’s library to find some knowledge to help him get a scholarship for lost magics. He stumbled onto a book made of flesh and bone. The cover was labeled ‘Tips and tricks to become a lich.’ However as he opened the book there was only a few words…

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2 Chs

First Servant

'These aren't the same books my notes were in. Also everything was either dumbed down or just cut out of the notes completely.'

"I see you took everything about how to control souls out. Was it so hard? I mean I know I sometimes get wordy and for the most part you made it better. But you took this out and it was the whole cornerstone to make everything work right. Without following, all the experiments you made probably went out of control."

The old lady nodded. "They all did go crazy, but they didn't dare attack me or my family. Though I keep them in the school most of the time so I don't know how violent they are."

'Unstable experiments that can target the soul directly? Is going to this school really worth it anymore? I can always die again and become a lich. Though having flesh means I have organs to eat things and taste them.'

"Well I will brush up on this knowledge, but it will be a pain to remember the parts about control."

Patting his back, the old lady laughed. "Don't worry, controlling magic was even before my time. You just need to get the feeling of the power. The school will hand you a system that will force the magic through you. No need to be good at using it, it is why it got so popular."

"They hand out systems now? Did that stingy bastard finally die? He was working on prototypes last time I saw him. I wanted one to test out the magic theories I made up. But he was so adamant about not letting me touch one."


Nekros has spent a long time studying all his notes, even skipping many meals. However he found himself at a dining table one day. 'When did I get here? My book is also gone, did I get mind controlled to the table? But that shouldn't be possible, I thought this family was necromancers. Why would they branch out so much? Or rather was it one of their raised undead that brought me here?'

"So my mother mentioned that you were still applying for her school, despite the fact I told you that you would be home schooled. I told her you would be a disgrace for our family if I were to let you be near others. However she said she was going to test you with one of her toys. If you pass, your father and I won't be able to stop you."

A gray haired woman with stitches lining her face said to Nekros without opening he mouth. Even the food in front of her was slowly decaying into a gas as she passively inhaled it. A man with red hair sat in his chair stabbing the same piece of meat in front of him without speaking a word.

He finally sighed and ate the piece of meat. "The last time slot for the scholarship testing is tomorrow morning. Make sure you pass the test in time. You should be able to get a sub system, your grandmother isn't stingy with them after discovering them at the school she ransacked back in the day."

The old lady grabbed Nekros's arm and led him away. After the two were gone, his mother got up and left his father behind. He started mumbling about the meat on his plate but kept eating as if he was starved.


"Behind this door will either be your first servant or the next one to use my grandsons body as a vessel. So good luck in there."

'She tossed me in here before I could get her to explain what the hell she meant, hag.'

"You shouldn't think bad thoughts about her in her presence, she can hear it after all."

Nekros looked at the person who talked and didn't know what to say. Though it was a person, it was as if Nekros was looking into a weird mirror that didn't reflect any actions he was doing.

"You are an odd one. The body you are in is so young but your soul is ancient and smells like a rotting cave. Your life is so sad that it is hard what to use against you to make you kill yourself. Hmm, the first topic is love life."

'Is this one of those lame face your inner demon things? I thought I would have to fight some scary cannibal monster or something. My isolation life style prepared me for something so trivial.'

"You have never truly been in love with any of them. You just confused the feeling of someone being nice as what love was. Which caused many more problems in your life. At least you aren't materialistic, just whoever showed human kindness to you was your target of affection."

"I can finish this topic for you, I always picked the worst because they only showed kindness so I would sleep with them. After they got what they wanted for me, they abandoned me for someone else. Then I gave up on love and lived in a cave, the end."

The inner demon monster frowned and said in a gravelly voice. "They left you because your brain lacks the capacity of pretending to make others feel better about themselves. You felt no sexual feelings for them and they went and found someone who did."

'This guy sucks at his job, is he trying to help me or make me feel bad? Maybe if I do a staring contest with him, I pass or something? Like if you face your inner thoughts you get better?'

The two had a staring contest, which only caused the inner demon to get pissed before Nekros showed any negative feelings. After awhile longer, the inner demon looked away.

'Easy win for me. So I guess I can leave now?'

"You have numbed your emotions so much that I can't get a reaction out of you at all. I give up. Just know the ones you will have to face later are worse then me."

[Undead Servant Sub-System Unlocked.]

[Feed your servants the flesh of humans to make them grow stronger.]

[Soul Manipulation Servant. Turn the soul of the target against themselves.]

'Why did he shrink down to a key chain sized voodoo doll? How is this a undead servant? Can it even feed itself when it is this big? Damn I think I got scammed.'

Walking out of the room, Nekros spotted the old lady looking at him weirdly. "That only took you an hour? It wasn't even hostile against me but took me 3 hours to break out of its hold. How did you do it?"

Holding up the voodoo doll key chain he smiled. "I said he would look cooler as a key chain and he thought it was a good idea. So I guess I can go to school then?"

The old lady smiled, which Nekros has seen before, but for some reason it felt a bit off. Her smile looked like it went ear to ear for a second.

'That was a little creepy. Wait, why is my shoulder in so much pain right now?'

"You are more talented than I thought. It is disappointing that your servant is so small, like father like son. But at least it should grow into something bigger. Seeing how easy that was for you, you should end up doing well in the school. I met your father at the school, I was visiting mom and she introduced me to him. She said our child would unlock a good system. But seeing how worthless you were growing up, I doubted it all this time."

She leaned in and looked at Nekro's face up close and opened her mouth to speak. Her mouth was full of maggots and her breath almost caused Nekros to pass out.

"So I don't know if I should say good job son or ask when you took over his body. I know my mother and she likes to play tricks on people. I had to fight for control of my body many times, so be warned. If my son can't get his body back from you, I will have no qualms turning you into an undead to be his bodyguard. I will make sure you get the ugliest body to do so as well."

'This family is so weird.'


The next day Nekros and his grandmother went to the school for him to take the test for the scholarship. However as soon as the testers saw him, he already faced many problems.

"Why would someone from the Gray family need to test out for a scholarship? Can't you use all the money you got from wiping life off of so many worlds?"

Nekros walked up to the tester and grabbed him by the collar. "If I personally had money on me, do you think I would be coming to take a scholarship test you little shit."