

Trying to cram for a test to enter a prestigious school known across the universe, a necromancer went through his family’s library to find some knowledge to help him get a scholarship for lost magics. He stumbled onto a book made of flesh and bone. The cover was labeled ‘Tips and tricks to become a lich.’ However as he opened the book there was only a few words…

Notaduck · Horror
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2 Chs

I would rather die than let go of this tea!

'Why did I believe my family would let me go out of the house for college? I thought with how well off we were, they would just pay for any school I picked no matter the cost. But before I could even mention which school it was, mother told me there was no one better to teach me necromancy than our family.'

'She should know I hate dead bodies, I never wished to be born into this family. The only way to make this work is to become a scholarship student. Luckily as long as I show off a lost magic, I can qualify and get in. Our family's library should contain tons of different lost magic, thanks to grandma having weird hobbies.'

'It is a good thing I spent so much time there, or they would think I was going against their decision. Of course I could always get the key from grandma but she scares me. Huh, the door is already open?'

Slipping into the library, the teenager checked to make sure there was no one around. He smiled as he found no one.

'If I am fast enough, I can get over to the forbidden section and snag a book. But who would just leave the door open like this? Mom and dad lecture me all the time to make sure I keep the door closed when I am in here.'

He quickly found his way over to the forbidden section of the library and grabbed the first book that looked interesting. It looked like the book was made from flesh and bones but it simply felt like a normal leather bound book. The cover read, 'Tips and tricks to become a lich.'

'Of course I would find something like this. But this is just treated leather, why go through the trouble of making it look like this? The scholarship test is next week, so I should pick something similar to the theories I have already learnt I guess.'

'Wait, maybe this will give me an undead that can do all the heavy lifting and I don't have to mess with any dead bodies myself. This is the right book after all!'

Opening the book, the youth's eyes went blank. Inside was the line, 'Try being dead and then don't.'

"Let me take that for you. I got to get him out of here before mom and dad noticed the swap. Oh, your name is Nekros Gray. No one really talked to him since he spent all his time here. Only me and grandma know about this, good luck."

A woman who looked like she was in her late 20's took the book from the dazed Nekros and quickly left through the library door.

'Last thing I remember was being in my cave finishing that stupid thesis paper, why am I in such a nice library. Did I go drinking and wake up here? Wait, I haven't been able to digest anything for centuries now.'

"Time like these, I check the pockets of my robes. Oh, skin on my hands, yep I am not in my body anymore." Nekros pulled out a folded piece of paper that was already falling apart from the constant folding.

'Apocalypse Mega-University? This is the same school that kept rejecting all of my thesis's because there was no proof it worked. But last I checked it was a stuck up community college that only let types of undead in. How was this guy planning to get in?'

There was another piece of paper that was folded with the flyer for the university. 'Plan to get a scholarship. Step one, learn a lost magic. Step two, get in. I guess since this guy wasn't using the brain in this body, it is fine for me to be in it.'

'But something doesn't feel right and I don't mean this library. My soul should have scattered after I finished writing my thesis. I had planned to detonate my soul particles when the person from the school came to collect my papers. So why am I standing here, I didn't become a lich to live longer but to get into that stupid school.'

Nekros made his way out of the library and started exploring the house. However as he shut the door behind him, an old lady walked out of a shadow holding a teacup inside the library. She walked up to the forbidden section of the library and waved her hand.

The books quickly vanished and she took a sip of tea. "There are more prisoners who want a body to move in. For your sake, your thesis better not fail you. Or you will have to give up the body to another."


Nekros sat in a small room with no furniture but a futon. 'This is the only room that sucked in the mansion. Hell, even my cave had more furniture than this. Maybe it wasn't that the guy was stupid, but he was just determined to leave this place. Even the horse stable had a better bed then him.'

The door to Nekros's room slowly creaked open and a man with sharp eyes peered into the room. "Young ,aster Nekros, the royal head wishes to see you in her tea room. Please make haste."

However before Nekros could move, the man was already in the room holding him by the back of the neck. "I said make haste." The man sighed and picked up Nekros by his neck and carried him to the tea room.

'What kind of servant carries their young master like this? His hand is kind of tight and I am getting lightheaded. Ah, is he trying to crush my windpipe? An assassination on my first day in a new body?'

The servant placed Nekros in front of a door and bowed to him before walking away. Nekros rubbed his neck and felt pain from some bruises that were old and new. 'Maybe this is the way that this body is used to going around the house? If so, I really need to get out of this place.'

Opening the door, Nekros found an old lady sitting down drinking tea. While trying to think of how he was supposed to address her, she simply patted the seat by her. "I made your favorite tea, your diaries were mixed in with all your notebooks and I found the closest thing to the tea you mentioned."

'Oh, this old lady read this kid's diaries? But she is the royal head of the family or whatever. She could have just asked, I wondered if this kid has the same taste as me.' Nekros sipped the tea and smiled.

The old lady also smiled. "You tried destroying your soul in front of me to set up an explosion. I thought you did that to make sure no one read anything you wrote. Then I guess you were just running an experiment and it failed. Luckily I was there to collect your thesis or you wouldn't have gotten to see another day."

Nekros frowned and started drinking his tea faster. The old lady tilted her head and her bloodshot eyes caused Nekros to inhale some tea. "Normally people freak out and drop their tea cups when they run into someone they failed to kill. But you can still sit here drinking tea so casually."

Nekros poured himself more tea and looked at the old lady. "This is the best tea I have ever had. Drinking this gives my life fulfillment. Why be shocked when I can just drink more of the tea before you kill me?"

A cackling laugh came out of the old lady as she also poured herself another cup of tea. "I won't kill you. You may not be my grandson, but the body you are in is his. I am sending him off to a place that will treat him much better than here. He would of never got into the school, but you are a different story."

Pouring himself a third cup, Nekros stared at his reflection in the tea. "This body seems too fleshly to get into that type of school. So unless they changed up since becoming a Mega-University, I don't think I have a chance."

"You can be an undead with flesh like yours. But they changed the rules of letting living beings into the school long before I found you in that cave. Also I hate to break it to you so late, but you know writing a thesis before getting into a school isn't a thing. You write them before getting your degree, not before getting into the school. The things you wrote were later published under the names of the school facility to expand the school to reach a level where instead of one building, they have a whole planet for their school."

Finishing her cup of tea, the old lady got up and pulled the arm of Nekros. "I did some experiments with your last one, but never published anything about it. So just focus on that and you can get in."

I have always liked horror and wanted to take a try. My other book on here I just lable the chapters with numbers, so I wanted to try doing titles with words. I couldn't think of anything for it though lol. Most people think having magic would cause one not to be scared of the unknown, but a magic person would still be scared of a magical unknown because giving both magic doesn't change their dynamic.

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