
(OLD) My Hero Academia: The Overdrive Hero!

(OLD! I HAVE A REVAMPED VERSION ON THE WAY!) Waking up and having a rather powerful Quirk? Check! Not knowing how to use it because of an injury sustained by a Villain? Also... Check... Bad luck is no stranger to Alyx Leonidus, but in this case, it took a turn for the worse. After waking up with no recollection of who he is or where he was, Alyx is seemingly thrown into the world of Quirks! Being forced into relearning the ropes of his Quirks, how will he stack up with the rest of the students at U.A. High? Through tough trials and experiences, Leonidus must retrace his steps in order to understand his past and embrace the future!

LeoLyonWriting · Komik
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228 Chs

U.A.'s Power! An All-Out Super Brawl!

(I.R.P.: Listen to "Limit Breaking New Power" by Pokemixr92!)

The ground trembled beneath Alyx and Tomikoa as their pressures increased dramatically. Everyone watched on, waiting with anticipation. Nobody really knew what to expect!

"Infinite Mode, it truly is somethin' else." Bakugo muttered.

"Yeah, but that glow on his hair, doesn't that remind you of Shigaraki?" Deku asked.

"He hasn't fully awoken his Quirk like Shigaraki has, that's why his tips are white." Annie finally spoke.

"W-what? What do you mean?" Shoto questioned.

"Once Tomikoa hit him with her attack, it was like a chain reaction went through Alyx's entire body, sending him into a deeper state of his Quirk to save him from dying. So, whenever Alyx enters this state, he vastly improves his Quirk, which is why his hair isn't completely white like Shigaraki's was. Think of it like a butterfly breaking out of its cocoon, it takes time, but I think that time's almost here." Annie explained.

Mr. Aizawa agreed, "Right, but this will only go so far. He's already used up his Quirk to its limit, we don't know how much he's got left in him. He could very well be bluffing, simply stalling while Yaoyorozu devises a plan. If it is like what you said, Annie, then we may be in luck. We'll see though, we'll see."

"Come on, bro! You've got this!" Kirishima shouted from the stands.

The students of U.A. High all shouted encouragement to Alyx, Alyx gently smiled as he felt the radiance of hope shine down on him.

Tomikoa looked up, "It seems as if they truly do believe in you, how cute."

Alyx stood and stared, not saying a single word. He got in his fighting stance and so did Tomikoa. The entire stadium was on the edge of their seats! Wind was heard down below, whipping and gently whistling as the two students stood off. Within the blink of an eye, Alyx and Tomikoa clashed forearms! They darted up in the air, striking each other at incredible speeds! They moved from one place to another across the arena in a flash, creating explosions upon each impact! Alyx slid across the air and Tomikoa appeared in front of him.

"HRAAAH!" Alyx shouted as he threw a hard right hand at Tomikoa!

Tomikoa ducked it and threw a kick at Alyx, which he dodged as well. Tomikoa sent Alyx down to the ground with a Ray Blast, Alyx rebounded off the ground and stood back up. Tomikoa was in front of Alyx within seconds, both of them clashed their fists together. The surrounding area shattered completely, and the two were now fighting in the air once more. Alyx overwhelmed Tomikoa with his speed and had her on the defensive side of things!

Alyx created 5 afterimages, all hitting Tomikoa successfully! Tomikoa burst out of the attack and sent Alyx flying backwards and through a mountain! Alyx brushed it off and charged towards Tomikoa. Annie noticed how Alyx's aura was getting much larger! Tomikoa was caught off guard and was sent flying back to the ground by Alyx's Overdrive Fist! Alyx held his hands out to the side and charged up a move.

"Ka... Me... Ha... Me..." The beam grew larger and larger.

Alyx appeared in front of Tomikoa, and let his attack loose!

"HAAA!!!" Alyx roared as he fired his Kamehameha right in front of Tomikoa!

Tomikoa was getting pushed back by his attack, but somehow retaliated with a beam attack of her own! The clashing beams exploded and the two rushed towards each other once again! Exchanging hard hitting blows back and forth, with neither seemingly getting hurt! Tomikoa blasted back Alyx and coughed up blood.

"Alright, enough!" Tomikoa yelled.

She fired off a barrage of ice shards at Alyx. He dodged and jumped around, slowly getting closer to Tomikoa. She had him right where she wanted him, and she detonated an explosive attack!

(I.R.P.: Listen to, "Ultra Instinct Perfected" By PokeMixr92!)

The explosion created a huge mushroom cloud that could be seen for miles! Tomikoa took a breath of relief. Tomikoa's eyes soon widened in disbelief as an orb of white light appeared where Alyx had been. The white orb slowly faded away and there Leonidus stood. His entire body was glowing white and he stared Tomikoa down.

"N-No... It can't be!" Tomikoa muttered.

The glow around Alyx dissolved and revealed his Quirk's awoken state!

"That glow... He's really done it hasn't he?" Deku mumbled.

"Yeah, he has..." Annie replied.

The entire U.A. student body was speechless, including the teachers, what could they even say? Momo watched on from a far, she grinned as she realized her prediction came to pass!

"Beat her ass, babe!" Momo said to herself as she continued to devise a plan.

Back in the stands, Shiketsu High grew worried.

"Damn it... Just when we had the upper hand!" Seiji shouted.

Camie looked over, "I ain't counting her out yet! She's def got this shit!"

Tomikoa charged towards Alyx, within milliseconds, Alyx appeared behind her! He unclenched his fist and Tomikoa was pelted with dozens of hits! She went flying through 2 plateaus, everyone was awe struck!

"T-That... D-Did you even see that?!" Kaminari shuttered.

Bakugo was the most impressed, never would he have imagined that Alyx would obtain such raw power! Alyx turned towards where Tomikoa was, he walked over towards her, and the fight was on!

(I.R.P.: Listen to, "Hero -Kibou No Uta-" by FLOW OR listen to Jonathan Young's Cover of "Ultimate Battle"!)

With the hopes of U.A. fueling his strength, Alyx kept on fighting! Alyx glided towards Tomikoa, lighting her up with hundreds of strikes within seconds! She went flying backwards, but rebounded and launched more ice spikes towards Leonidus. She copied Alyx's afterimage move and made 7 of her own! They all rushed Leonidus, but were quickly dispatched by his quick and powerful strikes. Tomikoa nailed Alyx in the face with an Overdrive Fist which sent him flying into the air. She then followed suite with a Ray Blast.

Alyx knocked the blast into the sky and raced down to Tomikoa! She tried to hit him with a cheap shot, but he easily dodged it! Alyx let her attack rapidly, dodging each and every strike with peak precision! He grabbed Tomikoa's forearm and headbutted her. Alyx let loose his air fist attack, which sent her into the ground. He appeared right above Tomikoa, where he sent a volley of Flash Cannons down on her! They all detonated, but Tomikoa emerged from the explosion, catching Alyx with a right hand to the face.

Alyx pushed her hand with his face and hit her in the jaw with a tremendous fist! The punch cracked against Tomikoa's face so hard it was heard twice! Alyx roundhouse kicked her straight into the ground. He darted towards Tomikoa, he flew in and punched her in the face. He kept zooming in and out, striking Tomikoa as hard and as fast as he could! Tomikoa let her Quirk out at full power, which knocked Alyx backwards towards the edge of the arena.

He used an Overdrive Whip to latch on to Tomikoa, he swung forward and dodged a powerful uppercut from her! He slammed a Supernova Fist into her stomach, which knocked her clear to the other side of the arena! In an instant, Alyx appeared behind her, kicking her into a Diamond Buster he launched while flying towards her! Tomikoa rolled and bounced off the ground, Alyx didn't let up, and he punt kicked her into a nearby mountain! She slammed against the mountain wall, where Leonidus charged straight into her, pushing her through the mountain! Tomikoa created an explosion that sent her out of the mountain, but let the mountain completely crumble on Alyx!

Alyx cut through the mountain as he zoomed towards Tomikoa! Her tactic didn't work, as she was met with Dorarara Rush from Alyx! His last punch sent Tomikoa spiraling into the air. He appeared behind her once more and back handed her down to the ground! He shot his Stardust Shoot towards Tomikoa, which she managed to block! He out put more and more beams of Stardust Shoot, which started to break through Tomikoa's tough guard.

"Woah... He's so focused! I've never seen him like this!" Uraraka noticed.

"Yeah, this is insane!" Mina shouted.

"Whatever the hell is going on, he's moving so fast that I can't even track him!" Annie piped in.


He could feel his grip loosen on his Infinite Mode transformation! Alyx got to Tomikoa and held out two Flash Cannons, he detonated them and it sent Tomikoa flying into a nearby mountain! Alyx flew up into the air and charged up a Diamond Buster, it was the biggest one he's ever charged up!

"RAAAAAH!!!" Alyx shouted as he fired it off towards Tomikoa.

The blast hit Tomikoa dead on and violently exploded into a bright violet blue! Alyx kept his hands held out and was breathing heavily. The glow of Infinite Mode faded and he fell out of the sky. Everyone held their breath, maybe he would wake up?

"Oh no! He's gonna fall out of the arena!" Uraraka shouted.

"AMNESIA!" Bakugo shouted.

Right before Alyx fell out of the arena, a familiar Capturing Weapon wrapped around Leonidus and pulled him up!

"Damn... That was close." Shinso muttered.

Shinso was still in the tournament! After successfully hiding and taking potshots at passing opponents, Shinso's strategy paid off.

"Hard to believe you're still kicking, Alyx. I figured you were done once she hit you with that light blast." Shinso laughed a bit.

He reached into Alyx's pouch and pulled out a capsule of Overdrive. He shook the capsule around and looked at it.

"Huh, healing couldn't be that hard. Hatsume did it." Shinso muttered.

Shinso popped the capsule and poured the contents onto his hand. He put his hands together and looked down at the unconscious Leonidus.

Shinso rubbed his hands, "Here goes..."

He quietly made ambulance noises as he knelt down to heal Alyx. Alyx slowly regained consciousness, and opened his eyes and saw Shinso!

"S-Shinso...?" He asked.

"Yep, you're right. And before you ask, I've been here this entire tournament." Shinso told him.

"From what it looks like, you're completely tapped out, and I used your only Overdrive capsule to heal you." Shinso informed him.

Shinso then helped Alyx up and put his arm around his shoulder.

"I-It's okay... I kind of used everything I had left when I fired off that Diamond Buster. I didn't eliminate her, but I definitely did some damage." Alyx noted.

A huge explosion was heard, and a red light was cast overhead. Alyx blinked twice and saw Tomikoa, Momo, and Monoma's Heat Energies!

(I.R.P.: Listen to Samuel Kim Music's cover of "You Say Run")

"S-Shinso... can you... can you throw me to them?" Alyx asked.

"I think so, it's worth a shot. I've never thrown anyone before, but there's always a first time for everything." Shinso replied.

Shinso wrapped his Capture Weapon around Alyx and swung him around. He let go of Alyx by pulling the Capture Weapon back to him which unwound from Alyx. He flew through the air towards Tomikoa's location, once he got close, he hit the ground hard. He slowly got back up and saw Momo and Monoma holding back one of Tomikoa's attacks. He hurried quickly over to help.

"H-Hey!" Alyx announced his presence.

"About time!" Monoma shouted.

Alyx stepped forward and helped them keep the attack back.

"This isn't working, I thought you 2-A kids were supposed to be the best?!" Monoma ridiculed.

Alyx looked over at him, "For once... could you please be cordial? The only way we're gonna get through this is if we work together as a team. You know that as much as I do, Monoma!"

Monoma snarled and rolled his eyes, but then smiled, "You really are naïve, Leonidus. But you're right, let's do this!"

The U.A. trio pushed back Tomikoa's attack! It shattered and revealed Tomikoa standing a few feet away from them. She smiled and let out a battle cry, Monoma and Alyx returned the favor and they charged towards each other! Their fists clashed and they started their fast-paced combat once more!

"Woah! Alyx and Monoma are actually working together!" Mina yelled.

Bakugo looked disgusted, "Are you... Fucking... Kidding me?!"

Tomikoa slammed her fist into Alyx's stomach! Alyx pushed through the pain and pulled her arm forward, where Monoma activated Kirishima's Quirk and smashed her in the face with a sharp elbow! This knocked Tomikoa for a loop, and Momo shouted.

"NOW!" Momo yelled.

Monoma and Alyx stepped to the side as Momo unleashed her laser cannon that hit Tomikoa dead on! It sent Tomikoa flying through the air and she landed on a plateau. Alyx and Monoma ran towards Tomikoa, not wasting a second! Alyx pushed himself into Mode One and both him and Monoma jumped towards Tomikoa! Tomikoa caught both of their fists and sent them flying through floating debris after a barrage of punches. Tomikoa darts down to Yaoyorozu, slamming the ground below her, nearly knocking her out of the arena! Momo created a staff and fought off Tomikoa best as she could!

"Leonidus! Give me your arm!" Monoma shouted.

"Alright! Here!" Alyx yelled back as he extended his arm out to Monoma.

Monoma slapped his arm and went into Mode Two! He rammed into Tomikoa and drug her through the arena floor. Tomikoa erupted and pushed Monoma into the ground instead! Monoma still held on, screaming in agony, but he pushed through the pain!

"HUUUURRRRAAAAAAHHH!!!!!" Alyx came flying down, pushing himself all the way to Mode Four!

Alyx runs right into Tomikoa, now both him and Monoma were trying to push Tomikoa out of the arena!

"WOOOOAAAAAAAAHHHHH!!!!!" Monoma and Alyx shouted as their power increased!

Tomikoa tried to break free from Alyx and Monoma's grasp, but Shinso had found his way onto Tomikoa's back before she could move! He wrapped his Capture Weapon around her!

"ALYX! MONOMA! GOOO!!!" U.A. High all shouted.

Shinso dropped down off Tomikoa and left his Capture Weapon around her.

"LEONIDUS! NOW!!!" Monoma shouted.

Alyx and Monoma flew into the air, Alyx smiled as he realized what Monoma was talking about.

"OMEGA BURST!!!" Alyx and Monoma shouted in unison.

The arena lit up in a golden light! Everyone covered their eyes as the explosion ripped through the arena! Shinso guarded Momo from the insane pressure the Omega Burst let off! After a few seconds, the explosion stopped! Shinso and Momo looked towards where the Omega Burst explosion happened. The entire arena was silent, did they eliminate Tomikoa Muteki? A couple seconds later, Alyx and Monoma appeared on U.A.'s side of the stadium and Tomikoa appeared on Shiketsu's side!


I hit the bleachers hard with Monoma crashing down on to me. He got off of me and brushed himself off. I could barely breathe, I guess it was because of the strain I put on my body.

"Are you alright?" Shoto asked me.

"Y-Yeah... I'm fine...!" I panted.

"Wow! What an incredible finish! Hitoshi Shinso and Momo Yaoyorozu are the only two left on the field! Which means... U.A. HIGH! YOU'VE WON!!" Present Mic announced.

We all roared and cheered, except for me, I still hurt like hell so all I could do was smile. Momo and Shinso appeared on the bleachers, they rushed over to me and Monoma.

"Holy shit! That was crazy!" Shinso exclaimed.

"Yeah! Wait, where's your scarf thing?" Kaminari asked.

Shinso simply stared at Kaminari, "It sort of blew up."

"Geez, how are you so cold?" Momo asked as she hugged me.

I laughed, "I guess it's got something to do with my Quirk!"

I stumbled to my feet and faced towards Shiketsu's side. I found Tomikoa who was barely conscious, she made eye contact with me and smiled before passing out. I smiled back. After the tournament was over, we went back to the dorms, Annie healed me while we were on the bus. It didn't hurt, thankfully!

"So, how'd you do it? That white hair thingy?" Mina asked me.

Jiro peered over, "Yeah, how did you do that? Wasn't that Infinite Mode or whatever?"

I honestly wasn't entirely sure how it happened, but it definitely felt like Infinite Mode.

"I think it was? I really have no idea how it happened, I still kind of feel cold, like you know that feeling when you chew mint gum then drink water while chewing it?" I replied.

"Ah, yeah. Holy hell, that cold?!" Mina exclaimed.

"Yeah! Just feel my arm!" I told them.

I extended my arm out to them, Mina and Jiro touched my arm, they shivered as they made contact with my arm. Kaminari also touched my arm and froze.

"G-Geez! You almost as cold as Todoroki's ice!" Kaminari remarked.

We got back to the dorms after about an hour of driving. It was safe to say that I learned quite a lot about my Quirk today and what I should expect from everyone else! Jiro brought down some sort of machine from her room. It kind of looked like a small jukebox!

"Oh? A Karaoke machine? What's that for?" Deku asked.

"Well, I figured we should actually relax and have some fun today." Jiro replied.

I sat up from the couch, "That tournament was pretty fun though!"

"Not everyone likes fighting, Alyx. You might be the only person I know that actually enjoys fighting! Other than Bakugo, maybe?" Tsu noted.

I could tell that Bakugo's blood was boiling, but he didn't say a word, he only scoffed. Iida and I helped Jiro hook up the Karaoke machine to the T.V.

"Okay, now, let's see who's going first!" Jiro exclaimed.

She pulled out her phone and put all of our names in some random picker thingy. Her eyes lit up with excitement as she saw who's name it picked.

"No way! What?!" Kirishima shouted as he looked at Jiro's phone.

"It looks like your up first, Alyx!" Jiro told me.

My face turned red and I tensed up, "W-WHAT?! I... T-THAT CAN'T BE RIGHT!?"

"What's wrong? You usually sing to me all the time." Momo mentioned.

"Y-Yeah, but that's different! I joke around when I sing, I sound terrible!" I tried to get out of it.

Kaminari laughed, "Well, hey! Try singing for real then!"

I guess I couldn't get out of this one, so I reluctantly walked up and Jiro handed me the microphone.

A huge thank you to @meshinzou on Instagram for allowing me to use her OC Shona Meshinzou!

Hey! I hope you all have been enjoying this story so far! If you'd like to support me even more, feel free to leave me a power stone, review or comment on what I should do to improve the story or even just a suggestion as to what you'd want to see next! I'd really appreciate your thoughts, ideas, and support! I really would like to see this rank high up in the rankings!

Also, I've got an Instagram page dedicated to posting various art from the story and other things! It's the same username as the one I have here: @TheOverdriveHero

Again, I can't thank you all enough for reading my story! I hope you all enjoy! (Also, if you'd like to send me any fan art or ideas, you can message me on my Instagram as well! <3)

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