


Puet · Fantasi
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6 Chs

Chapter 7(Save me)

"I'm no human Miranda, just a soul shifter assigned to take the life of whosoever has the pendant" she poured and I almost fell on my knees if she haven't held me but I shoved her away scared and going breathless. Was she serious? Now I could see why I had this feeling that she wasn't human judging from the creepy tales she told me.

"You're a ghost?" I squeezed out of my shaky lips. Avoiding eye contact with her. From the looks of it, I was yet discover more things and it all points out to the fault of that pendant.

"Not exactly...just an agent from the underworld, the instructions says, find the girl, get the pendant and kill her, though I had no reason why he said that"

Really? How does she expect me to react when she was revealing this to me now? I intended to ask her why she didn't go ahead with the idea but then that question faded away when I heard footsteps from outside the ward approaching us.

"I know you have a lot of puzzling questions Miranda but sadly I can't reply them now, even I want to know what that pendant holds" she furthered trying to calm my nerves. Of course I had a lot of questions but those questions never had the right answers because something else disrupt such important moments and now someone was heading our way which was all creepy for the night. It was like I was in a thriller movie where I want to discover the truth but something comes to refrain me from that truth.

"I didn't kill that's because I saw through your future... you're the one!" She pressed drawing closer to me. Seriously? Wasn't she bothered about the footsteps outside? What if it was the underworld being that had come for me and her because I doubt if that was the doctor! That reminded me of her last line, what did she mean I was the one? My lips intended to usher her into explaining in details what she saw in my future. However, the discussion came to an end when we both shove our face to the door knob which was swiveling slowly to get open. I had already in a sitting position due to fright. Presently, a soul shifter is standing in front of me and now something stranger was at the door!

Those heels knocking the ground halted and a knock was heard on the door but neither of us spoke and so Whosoever was by the door had to open it. It turns professor Helen with two of her intelligence team. That wasn't a relief because her appearance wasn't for something good. I wouldn't forget the rude Simon and Adrian, the shy one. They appeared like the FBI having a stern look at me and Nate, probably. They were putting on dark outfit just like spies with briefcase each and hats on. In my view, they looked like serial killers haunting me. What took them so long to visit me now? When the darkness had filled up the day? If they were coming to check on me, why were they dressed like that? Those questions were buried inside me as their serious gaze rested on me making me squiver where I sat on the floor and reflecting over the next action. I wish I got a chance to speak with Nate over what would happen next since she claims to see the future. Somehow, I found myself believing her words. My eyes were just on these three and not Nate. My stomach twitched as more adrenaline pumped inside me while I gulped hard.

"Excuse us girl" professor Helen ordered indicating that Nate should leave me to them. Seriously? This was tougher than I thought. Everything was happening quickly and somehow, I felt like disappearing from the spot which I stood. How did I ever get involved in this quest? It was all because of a pendant! My decision of exacting revenge on the Chevy company was still pending. Right this moment, getting that pendant was all that matters and saving my life. This was the time where Nate could be useful, that's if she has some superpowers to make us invisible. Deep inside, I didn't want Nate to leave but it tends to be that she couldn't disobey professor Helen who had no idea of who she was. Though, she hesitated before leaving. My expectations were cut off as I was glued to where I sat, curling my knees closer to my breast and narrowing my eyes at their feet. Who would save me from these people because I was petrified and knew their appearance wasn't for anything good.

"Lay her on the stretcher, I need to confirm something"

That was professor Helen's instructions with a wry smile at me. Wow, it seems anyone who wants to commit evil always give me a wry smile.

"What are you trying to do to me!" I snapped like one who had power to challenge their moves on me. These two men yanked me from the ground like a weightless object and slammed my back to the stretcher. I winced in pain, how cruel of them, certainly, they had no human heart. The two men held my hand side by side as this woman cartwalked towards me. I tried to break away from their hold but it was futile. My eyes followed professor Nate who brought out a mini knife from her coat and gave a sided smile while pointing the knife to my face.

That smile was different from the first day I saw her at the office, this smile drew me back to a dreaded night. So were her heels similar to that night which was 5 years ago.

"Let me go!!" I snarled kicking my leg in the air as I was going numb yet didn't want to give up trying to break out of their hold.

"You really are witty about who you truly are...what a shame Miranda, if I can't get the pendant, then I can get the chosen one's blood to unlock his greatest enemy or should I say... rival" professor Nate snapped in a harsh tone.

"Chosen one?" That was what rang in my mind as this discovery about me was baffling. I really didn't want to hear her sermon and was battling for my life with these two men who held me firm. Couldn't Nate see that I need help desperately?