


Puet · Fantasy
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Chapter 8(Save me 2)

"You...got...the... wrong... person!" I stuttered gasping softly as my energy was draining but from speculations, she wasn't willing to listen to my protest rather, she told about how she got to know about me. This professor had been doing her research on my mother and got to know she had a daughter which was I and it got to her knowledge that I had the pendant. She had been monitoring my every move while conducting a research on the jeva island where the greatest project was. This woman told me to my face that she only employed me to unlock the project. However, the pendant which could unlock that stuff was missing because of that ship wreck which I caused ignorantly hence, she had to resurrect someone to carry out the assignment and my blood was the only one to do it. Furthermore, she had made up her mind to let me die by the sea shore but then, a thought rang to her mind to let me live because my blood was vital when awake. I wasn't really understanding what she was saying because right now, I was still struggling from the hold of these men who could break my hands with how vicious they held me pinned on the stretcher. What I was made to understand was that she needed my blood when I was awake and that's when some kind of ritual would be active. Professor Helen was someone who was quite acquinted with ancient books and anything she was awakening was for her benefits.

"Why me?" I muttered as tears had clouded my eyes. Why do I have to be the one and what the hell was I chosen for? Professor Helen leaned her face closer to me and rubbed the blunt edge on my neck. Her looks were really scary and she would fit for a witch who wants to eat me up. All my life had been filled with perplexing experience that no one to answer me not even my mother.

"You still don't know who you are?" Adrian chipped in with a mockery tone, for Simon, he only snickered. These two men were worsening the situation as they were just following orders. I could feel my head aching already because of the pressure mounted on them by these two men. Today might be the day death was calling. I should have just died in the sea that witnessing myself being murdered and my blood awakening what only the heavens knows.

"You shouldn't have been born in the first place...your survival was the beginning of your chaos, Miranda, this is the perfect age" she whispered, shifting her face from me and raisng the knife to point me and I screamed loudly.

"Please help me!"

The lights suddenly went off and a loud blast was heard in the room. That sound made me shuddered where i was and I inhaled deeply. I was still breathing which was a relief that professor Helen haven't carried out her plan. My hands weren't feeling the strong grip of the men anymore which meant they had let go of me. I sat on the stretcher, massaging my sore hand while my eyes evaluate the situation. This ward was covered in dust that I couldn't see anything. I had to stop what I was doing to think probably about this part. Did Nate come to save me with superpowers by breaking into the wall? There was darkness here and it was difficult to get sight of anything. My throat was choking from the dust that had arose due to the blast. I had to cover while wading off the dust from my face. How many more discoveries awake me today? Oddly enough, today was my supposed birthday. Well I didn't remember that until now. Maybe, I would die on my birthday because everything happening today was a sign. It wasn't really necessary for the doctors to revive me when I would still die again.

What was going on? I couldn't hear any sound which was more terrifying. I jumped down from the stretcher but didn't make a move because I wasn't still sure of what was happening. All I knew was that a blast took place and the three in the room where gone except me.

"Hello? Nate? Is that you?" I called out still choking from the arosed dust which was subsiding gradually. The dust was coming the door side and I strain myself to see if there was anything unusual in this place and I found it! The dust was suddenly forming the shape of a human and another footstep could be heard.

My feet were moving me backward away from that shadow as this wasn't what I was expecting! There was no way out because I could feel my back leaning on the window now.

"Nate?" I called again shivering and wishing that wasn't the devil who had come for me because it was so dark here and only the shadow was visible. Was I dead or perhaps in a trace since I had no idea where Nate and her men went. This must be a dream that I desired to wake up.

"Show yourself!" I ordered mustering courage so as not to pass out. My heart pounced that I guess the next person would hear it race loudly.

My eyes were anxious to see who was that shadow. The dust suddenly vanished as I curiously anticipated for this person to show his or her face. My hands were folded into a fist and I made up my mind that whatsoever happens, death was the only option. Besides, according to professor Helen, I wasn't meant to be alive. It reminded me of the tale my mother told me often, that I had died in the womb along with her. In my own opinion, I shouldn't have been resurrected. I wondered who resurrected us both and gave my mother that pendant which got me involved to protect it because I was the owner. Now here I am, thinking of death on my 23rd birthday.