
(HP X MCU) Multiversal Adventure : World Outside Hogwarts

This story is a meta story that i decided to write after the boring same fan-fics. everyone has a overpowered talent or system that helps them. in this story, the MC has no special talent or system. The story is realistic and grounded. The MC has to put effort to gain something. And things have to make sense to happen. There is a lot of details be it about science or programming. and people talk. Finally, the MC does not just want to be stronger for no reason. He would much rather be watching TV then fighting a dragon as it is dangerous and because THATS WHAT A NORMAL FUCKING HUMAN WOULD . ------------------------------------------------------------------------- The MC transmigrates into another world. But there was an error, so he did not die and later finds out that the one he calls his brother was supposed to be him. This error made his system nonfunctional. The MC lived until he was 15 when he found out that the world was the Harry Potter world all along. Hogwarts letter came not for him but for his brother. When the MC was alone, he got contacted by a mysterious man and got the power to travel to the MCU. When the MC goes to the MCU to become strong, he finds that there the Harry Potter movie here had his brother as a character. The MC realizes He was an extra in a HP fanfic movie all along. Join him in his exploration of the world outside Hogwarts ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Attention- #This will not have harem and 18+. # The story will be more like a slice of life adventure and action combined type of story. # MC will not be OP #System will only be his phone with few functions ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------

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34 Chs

Chapter 32: Behind the Scenes

Auther's Note- I dont think there has ever been a chapter like this in any Harry Potter fanfic before. If you do know, then please comment.


[Rohan Pov]

It has been another week and I am fully healed now. Though, I am told to not exert myself too much. These past few days have been eventful, to say the least. It took just 3 hours to get our first visitor, and then we got a dozen more in the next 3. And then the attacks began. They were small botnet attacks, trying to take down the website. Luckily the AI was able to handle them. They even got a note telling them what they did wrong and how to get better at hacking. After a day even more attacks happened, these were too big to be an individual so they must have been the government. but the AI was still able to handle them as well, I even kept a surprise for them specifically. 

I was really surprised by how the AI was able to handle them. So much so that I created a leaderboard on the site that showed the hackers on a leaderboard.

The news was also another highlight, the anchors especially those who were made fun of by Wrench were particularly angry. The global news as well as governments were also questioning the US. At first, there was not much response from the public, then a photo was published, it was from a journalist who went to Cuba to verify it for himself and got a few pictures that showed US soldiers taking in prisoners. This confirmed it for most. 'if this is true then what about the experiences?' they thought

Some protested in front of the White House while some did not care at all, they were even supporting the government. 'it was the terrorists who were getting tortured after all, what was there to get angry about'. All in all the times were very vibrant.

Other than that, I checked all the documents I had gotten from the lab and compiled a comprehensive record of all the data regarding the super soldier serum into 10 thick folders(the real ones) they contained all of Dr Erskine's work as well as research done by the US government. This included everything done to Isaiah Bradley as well as his blood.

With that out of the way, I took a big sigh of relief as I completed my goal before my return which was now just 2 weeks away. Of course, I didn't get Steve Rogers's blood, that was a shame. I had wasted too much time looking somewhere else now so I gave up.

Now I decided to focus on other matters, I looked at the envelope in my hand and smiled. It was something that I was not expecting to get. But as I got it, I was not about to refuse this opportunity.

I then packed a small bag and looked at Wong. He was with me in the room, He started watching the news daily in my room and seeing how everything unfolded.

"Wong, can you drop me off somewhere ?"

"Sure, where to ?"

"King's Cross Station, London"


[2.5 hr later]

I was sitting on a train looking out the window at all the greenery passing by. After being stuck in a room for a week, this was a great change of pace. now, I could have asked Wong to directly take me to the place but I wanted to see the UK of MCU for myself. From the looks of it. This was very similar to the UK in HPU but the main difference was in the names of a few places. it was understandable, what if some great leader was never born or died early, who would you name the place after them ? . It is even more so for the smaller villages and towns. some were completely new to me.

For the past 2 hours, I kept myself busy by cross-checking the maps from HPU and MCU as well as my world and the conclusion I reached is that HPU is the most different, than came the MCU and my world. This showed just how much magic impacted the history of the world. There were no anomalies in my world so it could be counted as a control. The MCU had only some key characters throughout history so their impact was less, than the HPU, where a lot of unnamed wizards and witches existed and greatly impacted the history.

At first glance everything was identical but the differences lay in the names and shapes of the lands like small villages, roads and borders.

Anyway, I realised that the train was about to reach the station so I quickly picked everything up and got ready. 

I step out of the train and look around. I was in a town called Brookfield, which was in the East Midlands region near the county of Leicestershire. The station was small and seemed a bit rundown.

I walk out of the station and see the town. Rows of cottages, In the distance, the hum of traffic could be heard as cars whizzed past on the nearby highway.

"Hey kid, are you here for the shoot ?," an old man standing beside an old taxi yelled from the other side of the road

"yes," I replied looking at him.

"Well, you're late, get in, and I will drop you there. "

I get in the cab and he starts the cab and we quickly leave the station behind.

While travelling, I look out the window and watch the town. There were quite a lot of people around for such a small town "It's just like last year, everything is lively again" the old man noticed me looking outside and said while driving

"again ?" I ask looking at him

"yes, normally, nothing much ever goes on in this town. You see, this town had an aircraft factory built during World War II. Back then this town grew very quickly as many people came to work here, then they closed the factory in 72, since then, this town is shrinking as people leave for better life.

If it weren't for him, I would have never seen this town so lively again."

"Do you mean Harry Adams? do you know him?" I ask him

"know him? I saw him grown up here, he is from Brookfield after all "

"wait, Harry Adams is from Brookfield ?"

"Aye, that's right!" he chuckled "yes he is"

"he left this place after School, he wanted to make movies he said, then after years I heard he became a big-name director over at America. Still, I never imagined he would ever return to this place much less like this."

The old man liked talking so he kept at it, it was free information after all

"A few years ago I heard he was in town, and then I found out he had purchased the old aircraft factory. We were all surprised, then he told us he wanted to make his dream movie here of all places. Can you believe it "

"Then the work began, hundreds of trucks came as well as people and the whole place got renovated. Not only that he even helped fix some of this town's old houses, he said he was making places for his crew to live."

Then last year in February, hundreds of people came here, we did have a few problems but no one was complaining, it was good for business after all. For the next six months, this town was really busy, Some businesses that were on the verge of closing, are now thriving thanks to Him. Then in June, everyone left and it was back to how it was.

Now once again, people have started to come here so this town just like last year. So we are all excited again"

Then I started to see some tall buildings far away, When we got close, I saw it was a massive arched warehouse.

The cab then stopped in front of the gates. I get out of the cab and the first thing my eyes meet is the signboard.

"Wizarding World Studios" I read it out loud with a smile. Yes, it is that place, the place where the Harry Potter movies are being shot.

Of course, I had not forgotten about the Harry Potter movies here, So I kept an eye on all the information I could find about the movies, the cast and the crew. So I knew early on that they were going to hire young extras for the scenes in the Great Hall.

Normally, the casting director just contacts a school for students but I was able to get a pass by hacking one of the schools. My main reason for coming here today was to check out the cast for myself and most importantly see Harry Adams.

Harry G Adams is a renowned director in this world and is counted among Spielberg and Cameron. He is in his 50s and has earned many Awards to his name. In 2000, the news of his new project spread, He was going to adapt Harry Potter, a little-known novel written by a mentally ill man, the books were horrible to read through and were considered very obscure, no one knew why Harry had chosen to adapt them.

In an interview, he said that he found the Harry Potter books in the bin of a bookstore he often visites, What attracted him was that his name matched with the main character. He didn't have friends so Harmoine and Ron became his friends through the books. Now this was his dream project, to tell this fantastic story.

True to his words, soon rumours started coming in, he started his own Studio in his hometown far from London. He also got a cast and crew because of his rich history in the industry. The shooting goes on for 5 to 6 months and then everyone moves back to London for preproduction. I have heard that he has made the main cast shift to London so that they could work on their accent.

I walked in and started to see other children my age, they were also there as extras, I joined them. I looked around and estimated that there were close to 300 children there.

Then a woman came and took us to the dressing area, here we were given robes of different groups, I got the Hufflepuff robe. Soon after we all were dressed, we were taken to the great hall set, it was just like the one I had built but this one didn't have a ceiling.

everyone sighed admiring the set, it was huge. On the other hand, I was thinking how it was smaller than the one I had built back in HPU and i was feeling proud thinking how mine was better. 'those house elves know what they are doing.' i thought to myself.

we were then given a seat and luckily i was given a seat in the corner overlooking the whole room.

Then someone on the speaker announced what we were supposed to do. For this scene we were only supposed to act as if we were talking among ourselves.

I looked to my side and spoke to some of the extras around me, they were really excited and were discussing how good the first movie was and were hoping that this was is great too, others were hoping that they make it into the final cut, even for a second.

I tried finding the cast while talking to them, if my guess was correct, this was supposed to be the scene where Ron uses tape to fix his wand, then Colin Creevey appears and takes a photo of Harry, and then Ron receives a Howler from his mother.

I soon found the cast, everyone looked just like they did in in the movies of my world and most probably the same in HPU, Ginny was the only one i saw personally and she was completely identical too but my focus was on the actor who was playing Chris, he looked just like him, so much so that even I would have a problem recognising him, sadly it was only limited to appearance, the body language was a dead giveaway. He was way too confident.

From my observations, The cast could be divided into distinct types. This is the conclusion I came to after closely studying the same people in different worlds.

The first kind was Daniel Radcliffe or Harry Potter, his life was completely identical to my world with only a few small changes like home address, School etc

Then came Rupert Grint or Ron Weasley his life was very different. His had shifted to the US when he was 5 and just recently returned to the UK

Then came completely original characters like Noah Carter or Christopher Willian, he was a child actor much like Daniel and was from the UK.

Then came the most special kind, Sarah Adams or Hermione Granger, this was a girl who looked completely identical to Emma Watson but was a completely different person, more so, she was the daughter of Harry Adams, the guy behind this whole movie in the first place.

From looking at this I just knew Morpheus was behind this. Who even was he, the man wanted to make Harry Potter in this world and when the cast did not exist, he created his own. I dont know if thats amazing or Fucked up but i was really curious about her.

 anyway then found the man of the day Harry Adams, he walked in the hall and everyone quieted down.He then walked up to the main cast and started talking to them, probably explaining the scean to them.

Then he walked to the side and soon he yelled " ACTION! "

Suddenly everyone quieted down, The main cast started to act and the children around me started to act as if talking to each other, some were just laughing and spewing gibberish. I was too focused on acting for the first time so I didn't focus on the main cast at all.


everyone sighed, then we were told we will be doing another take. After some time we started again, this time I looked at the cast acting. What I found fascinating was that the story was strangely modified to fit Chirs in for instance, the original scene was just Ron trying to fix his wand with tape, here the loophole of a 'wizard using tape' is fixed by making Chris give the tape and getting a reaction from Ron. 

From what I know, the Harry Potter books here were based on the movies of my world, now the movies in my world have a lot of differences from the books. One is making Ron dumb and giving his lines to Hermione. Now Director Harry Adams with his years of talent noticed this but he didn't fix Ron, he just made a new character called Chris to become like a smart Ron and a rival to Hermione.

"CUT !"

This then went on for 3 takes, What I observed was that Adams was very patient, he would go and explain every time to the cast as well as extras what they were doing wrong. Then after the 4th take, he stopped and started to discuss with his crew.

I leaned in to hear what they were saying.

Someone said, "That was a good take, I don't see the issue here ?"

to this Adams responded "No you don't get it, it's not about the acting, they are fine, what I think is the problem is that the students behind them do not feel authentic, they feel fake"

I listened to them talking and understood the problem. This was the same problem they faced in my world, fortunately, I knew the solution but should I say it? I thought.

Of course, this was a great opportunity to make an impression. For me, this man was no different from the God of HPU and if I can get close to him, I can watch Chris's yearly activity without waiting for the movie to release. And in the best case, even control it.

I got up from my seat and went to them talking, some extras tried to stop me but i didn't "Um... Excuse me"

 they looked at me, and the assistant director was ready to shoo me away when I started to speak "Sorry to eavesdrop but are the students looking too artificial? I may have a solution."

"Wait" Mr Adams stopped his assistant looked at me and said "Go on"

"Well, the casting director made us wear our robes and ties perfectly, but in real life, no student would ever wear them this way," I then proceeded to open my collar button, loosen up the tie and untuck my shirt "this is how most students would wear their clothes if teachers were not nearby, its more comfortable this way"

as soon as Adams saw my new look, it was as if something clicked, he quickly looked at his assistant director as well as the casting director who had just come to take me back to my seat. "this is it, go and make the changes" they quickly rushed back hearing this, Adams patted my shoulder and said "thanks kid" He then also went running to the main cast. I quietly went back to my seat, talking to the extras what just happened.

Then an announcement came to all extras to ware the robes just as you woulod ware your school uniforms. Everyone then started to change their looks, I looked at the main cast. Hermione still had the same perfect style while Ron and Harry had the loose ties.

This 5th take was the successful one, After which we were given a lunch break. I walked around the place while i had the time, I looked at Hagrids hut below a hill as well as a train station and the platform 9 and 3/4. every kind of architecture in the movies were recreated here.

what I found amazing was how they had made perfect recreations of places from Oxford University. In my world, they just went there to shoot a few sceans but here, they had built a full set with real stone no less.

I would have liked to explore more but then we were called for another Great Hall Scene, it was the ending scean of the movie, here we were instructed to clap on cue and then cheer Robbie Coltrane or Hagrid when he finishes his dialogues.

Here I saw all of the main cast sitting on the stage, i saw Albus Dumbledore or Michael Gambon. It was so strange seeing him now after personally meeting the real Dumbledore. Then there were the other actors, It seems the actor who is in most parts is the one to become real.

When I looked around and took in the atmosphere, even if only for a second, I felt like I was in Hogwarts as a student 'this was what my life was supposed to be like huh' I thought smileing. Then on cue, i started to clap, the extras next to me stood up on the table in excitement and also to make it on to the final film. I didnt, i wanted to keep my visit here a secret.

After the shooting was done and everyone were leaving, i called Wong to pick me up and so I quietly left.


[NewYork Sanctum]

I was again in my room working on my computer . Todays little adventure was really fruitful, I had not only found a way to not just befriend Mr Adams but also affect the script writeing, There was only one chance and i wanted to make it count.

When i was there on the set, something was very apprent, no one had read the books, this made sense as the books were hard to read. There was only the screenplay of the first movie that Mr. Adams released as a book that people had read.

So i decided to approch him with an offer to rewrite all the books one by one based on his new script. This will not only allow me to know his furture changes but also let me control some aspects of the story. And his casts and crew can learn more about the characters. So its a win-win.

But i could not contact him just yet, i needed to show him its worth. So i made a program that would upload chapters of the new reviced Harry Potter book online each week, After i return, i will go and meet him.

Now all i had to do was write a version of Harry Potter based on him screenplay, luckly i had done something simier before with the AI.