
(Dropped) Welcome To Tower Academy

(Series is paused) worlds, 13 different major races, 1 tower that resets every hundred years. But before one climb the tower, they must attend the Tower Academy. Tower and academies, the author sure is bold to use 2 different genres for one novel, well I'm the protagonist, Perseus Silver, so follow my life journey throughout this fictional story where 4th walls are broken and where I journey my way to conquer this tower and academy with my lovely female lead. And besides, apparently there are mythological figures who are actually real, man, this stuff sucks, but it's too late for regrets. So action, adventure, romance, comedy...I'm sure the author was lazy to write different novels so he just wrote all the genres into one...that dumb idiot better make me look good. P.S. Yes, there will be romance, but I can assure you that the mc will have no harem despite his wishes. Disclaimer: No copyright infringement is intended, I do not own the cover nor any rights to it, if the owner wants it removed, please contact me.

PerseusSilver · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
183 Chs

Chapter 84: Soul contract

Perseus POV

"There you go, duke Silver." Valentina said as she hand me a document that lists people who are given permission to freely roam at the world tree and those who have entered recently.

"Thank you, your majesty."

Luckily Valentina caught on quick when I visit her near the world tree, she then got us into this room which we explored earlier and she ordered someone to bring the document to hand it to us. She didn't falter her regular queen act once.

"Diana Silver, are you sure you don't want a noble crest?" Valentina asked "Unlike your brother who is fun to tease, I will not give you one against your will."

"I would politely have to turn down your offer, your majesty. Just our clan working with you and us able to have conversations regularly is already good enough for me." Diana answered

She then took it and walked out of the room first to check it first. We shut the door and apply several layers of magic before we both breathe a sigh of relief.

"Phew, I hate acting like a noble, it's so mentally draining."

"Yeah, you have no idea, I was born and chosen by our deities as the next queen, I never wanted that." Valentina replied "It's a relief that I can act and talk like this in front of you and Eleanor, so no jade piece?"

"No, if I can't find it here, I'll move to the others while I'm here, but we need to thoroughly check the tree first before we move."

"If the law enforcements of the human world is so scared of whatever this is, why not tell it to everyone?"

"Then, we'll just lure out some people worse than the Mirage Legion, trust me, this clan has some goals that I do not like in the least, but they got standards to things, and what if by announcing it, we get some guy willing to wipe a whole race just to get a small piece of indestructible jade?"

"That's fair." she sighs "And how did you guys get such information anyway? How does the police commissioner get this kind of information?"

"You know what, I will tell you, and I'm questioning why I am going to tell you what I'm going to tell you, but you deserve to know."

I then told her almost everything about me, I told her about as much information as I tell Struan, I can trust her with my secret and as I precaution, I used magic to detect whether she is hostile or secretly hostile to me as I'm telling her.

Like how I'm a spy, but not how high of a status I am in the clan, just saying I'm an assistant or close to one of their executives. I also told her the true identities of my parents which only Marella and Cordelia knows amongst the Laguna family. But I hid about my true rank though, no one is allowed to know that one apart from that group on the hunting floor.

I have a pattern with sharing lots of information with girls, I should stop that.

"Wait wait wait...oh gods, no wonder you're so powerful." she said as she sat down and pinched her forehead

"You need to erase your memories?"

"No, I'm glad you told me, just...a lot to take in. Give me a soul contract please." she requested

"I'm sorry, what?"

"On the condition that I will not leak this or tell anyone about this unless you allow me to. So even under torture, I can keep this a secret." she explained "It's win-win situation for you, I get to know all of this and you get one more ally to help. Besides...I have heard of a treasure similar to this."


"I once overheard it from a conversion of the king of the faeries race and the lord of orcs, they have once mentioned a green indestructible stone that they never seen before, bu-"

"Then how does Etha not know of it?" I interrupted her

"Probably because the king doesn't trust his bodyguards with every information." she guessed "But even then, I only remembered it a while ago after you arrived."

We then initiated the soul contract, it's a unique contract between high level mana users. And even if you think of breaking it, no matter what, you can't, but to initiate such a contract, you need consent from both ends.

So even if you force someone to start the process, if they are being threaten, sometimes the process can't be completed due to them only doing it out of desperation. So you might need other type of contracts.

Our bodies glowed a little bit as there are then threads coming out of our body, with the longest ones from the middle of our chest connected and tied into a knot as we recited the condition of the contract.

As we finished, the threads tied into a knot and our bodies went back to normal symbolizing the completion of the process.

"Is there anything else you know about these fragments?"

"No." she shook her head "I only overheard them talking about it, the faeries plan on using it for something, as for the orcs, they plan on turning it into some sort of magic accessory."

"Do you mind me calling Ezio right now?"

"Go ahead, I'll stay quiet, pretend that this is your regular reports and that I'm not here."

I then took out my phone and contacted Ezio and also pulled Etha in as a group call. It took 3 calls till they both picked up at the same time.

"What do you need?" Ezio asked

"I got information, I have talked with the queen and she has said that she overheard a conversation between the 2 kings of the orcs and faeries race, they talked about some green piece of indestructible treasure."

"Was there anything else?"

"She only said the 2 kings have plans to use it, but it's mostly just a guess. I'm gonna report this to the Lagunas too, but they're only going to only go for the king of faeries, Etha has a much better chance of getting it from his king than any of them do."

"To think the king knew about this, I'll try my best, thanks Perseus." Etha then ended the call

"Well how is it on your end, Perseus?" Ezio asked

"Come on man, you guys have been trying here for months, I can't complete shit in a couple of days."

"I know, we never used all our resources because we're scared that it will get leaked, but good luck, you have more than enough authority to explore the whole world." he then ended the call