
(Dropped) Welcome To Tower Academy

(Series is paused) worlds, 13 different major races, 1 tower that resets every hundred years. But before one climb the tower, they must attend the Tower Academy. Tower and academies, the author sure is bold to use 2 different genres for one novel, well I'm the protagonist, Perseus Silver, so follow my life journey throughout this fictional story where 4th walls are broken and where I journey my way to conquer this tower and academy with my lovely female lead. And besides, apparently there are mythological figures who are actually real, man, this stuff sucks, but it's too late for regrets. So action, adventure, romance, comedy...I'm sure the author was lazy to write different novels so he just wrote all the genres into one...that dumb idiot better make me look good. P.S. Yes, there will be romance, but I can assure you that the mc will have no harem despite his wishes. Disclaimer: No copyright infringement is intended, I do not own the cover nor any rights to it, if the owner wants it removed, please contact me.

PerseusSilver · Fantasy
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183 Chs

Chapter 85: Found out?!

3rd person POV

It took quite a while and a lot calls and favors, but Struan managed to get the local law enforcements to give him the list he wanted. It would be easier if this situation is an official case that is public, but it's not, he doesn't have any warrant or permission slips to do investigation in his home world.

As soon as he got permission, he is led to a nearby barrack for the royal guards who are trained to protect the tree and the castle and other spots, it's not the biggest and best, but they possess the paper he wanted.

The barrack is loud and the ground shook inside the barrack which is normal since the guards are probably training with magic. but what's strange is the sound of constant screaming for help.

"Don't worry, it's students from the tower academy training." a guard told him

"Oh, what class? Is it the A class?" he asked since his sister is in one of the classes that have their trip here

"Yeah, you can go watch as wait there as I get the paper if you want, just don't wander anywhere else."

Struan then head to the class and can see the severely beaten students. Despite all of them supposedly being geniuses, none of them stood a chance to fight experienced veterans, who can even take several of them at once and fought without a sweat.

And sure enough, he saw his sister resting on a bench nearby with an icepack on her eye, she is out of mana for her to heal herself and has to rest with temporarily measures.

He knows that the instructors and nearby healers are not to heal them unless they suffer fatal injuries, this is to help healers learn better by healing themselves later and encourage teamwork as the healers amongst the students are the ones who will heal each other.

"Hey sis, you never looked better, Perseus will be so attracted to you now." Struan greeted

"Thanks, but unluckily for you, he kissed me before and it was on the lips." she stuck her tongue out

"Dammit, he's actually moving on my sister." he cursed

"To be fair, he will kiss any decent woman who asked...like the recent event."

"Don't say it, we'll seriously get executed, it's a scandal at this point." Greg advised as he was also resting on a nearby bench.

"He's popular, but not that sought after, you know." Struan responded "He's a nice and handsome man, but unless you're a raider or someone of really high status, unless they're an idiot like you, no girls would be sane enough to pursue him. His status as a top 13 raider is too high."

"You wouldn't even believe any of us even if we told you." Acacia grumbled as she walked by

"I'll tell you later, because if you knew, you would have caught on by now." Cordelia said as she rested


"You really are a member, you actually contacted the 3rd best raider and one of the successors of the orc king." Valentina commented

"Why the hell would I lie to you?"

"You said you weren't good last time, but we went all night last time." she teased

"Please shut up." I sighed

"Still weak to sexual jokes, huh." she giggled "Why are you ashamed? I loved it, you know."

The door to our room them exploded open. I took out my sword and felt relieved that I saw my sister just walked through casually holding the paper.

"I narrowed it down to 30 people." she reported "We're just waiting on Struan now."

"Why'd you blast the door wide open, you dumb bitch?! Don't you know how to knock?"

"Then why did you apply layers of magic to hide what you 2 were talking about? It means you got something to hide." she deduced "And this room already have tools to do all that for you, why extra protection?"

Shit, fucking hell, this bitch is too smart for her own good. And yes, I'm the only one in this novel who's allowed to call her a bitch to her face and sometimes get away with it.

"Surely you didn't spend those days after we left with the queen...right? And judging from the queen's shaky eyes of guilt, I'd say you're busted." she said

"Dammit, you make stupid jokes all the time and yet you can't put your face still."

"It's not my fault, you know how hard it is to keep up this queen's act all the time?!" she retorted.

Diana then used magic to fix the door back into place, used magic to lock us up in there and got out a spatial distortion tool so that I can't warp out.

"Tell me everything right now." she demanded "Or I'll force it out of both of you."

Not the cliché flashback scene. Well it's not bad to show a bit of the past in a while, though this one is pretty recent, cool transition effect, BOOM.

"Well this happened a couple months ago after my break up with Emma, you know, during the kid-"

"Oi dickhead, are we really going to start from the fucking beginning?!" My sister asked

"Yes, it's for the viewers!"

|Imagine a cool transition, wooo, transition.|



As I am laying around at home doing nothing, I got a text from my sister that is for summoning every members of the clan to gather back at the base.

We got there and she handed all handouts of a request sent by the queen of the nature spirits, she is hiring business partners and every possible raiders she can hire to find a certain group of raiders that kidnapped her daughter.

Our clan has accepted the request and has now been granted permission to enter the world of the nature spirits and have a short and quick audience with the queen who will tell us the quest in person.

"Oh we get to see the hot queen in person, this is so cool." Terra exclaimed which me and Bora then smacked her in the back of the head

"You know, you have a good reputation when you're quiet and serious, but the moment you open your mouth..." Bora trailed off

"Yeah, a first class degenerate like our readers." I agreed