
(Dropped) Welcome To Tower Academy

(Series is paused) worlds, 13 different major races, 1 tower that resets every hundred years. But before one climb the tower, they must attend the Tower Academy. Tower and academies, the author sure is bold to use 2 different genres for one novel, well I'm the protagonist, Perseus Silver, so follow my life journey throughout this fictional story where 4th walls are broken and where I journey my way to conquer this tower and academy with my lovely female lead. And besides, apparently there are mythological figures who are actually real, man, this stuff sucks, but it's too late for regrets. So action, adventure, romance, comedy...I'm sure the author was lazy to write different novels so he just wrote all the genres into one...that dumb idiot better make me look good. P.S. Yes, there will be romance, but I can assure you that the mc will have no harem despite his wishes. Disclaimer: No copyright infringement is intended, I do not own the cover nor any rights to it, if the owner wants it removed, please contact me.

PerseusSilver · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
183 Chs

Chapter 40: Identity (2)

Perseus POV

Once I heard that, I used my mana sensing ability to detect the presence of life and sure enough...thank god, she was lying, but she did gather mana in her tummy and tried to pretend that she's trying to hide something, but luckily she's lying and there was nothing there.

"Are you trying to wake me up or give me a heart attack?! Geez...At least I don't have to get a new passport and immigrate to another country."

"Well glad to know I can count on you when it really counts."

"I was just joking, don't worry. If you need my help, I'll do my very best to help you raise the devil child."

I then just got a brief about what happened and walked to the balcony and stood there to hear Elliot talk, the appearance of the person who they assume to be 'Weaver of Calamity'. It was a very good drawing of a very familiar person, my dad.

We then heard another knock on the door, I can sense that it's Alice. Craig opened it and turned her away since he doesn't recognize her, her public photos are just her in armor or revealing clothes in a magazine, not elegant dress, Lia then told him who she was and she came inside.

"What do you want, Alice?"

"Judging from your face, I was right, that person is 'the Weaver of Calamity'." she commented

"No, you wish his identity was that easy to find, well it is, but that's not the point."

"Why are you trying to be defensive? I tried to shadow travel to you, but that person blocked me, no one, even my now deceased master, can do that." she questioned "Who is that person then?"

"Not the 'Weaver of calamity', that's for sure. Besides, even then, you're just trying to get it out of me even if you guys are wrong. The reporters will now fixate on that guy as the best raider, but the doubtful one will annoy the shit out of me till I spill it out."

"Then who is the identity of that man?" Alice asked "Your past is mostly relatively unknown, I even have some of my people to go interview the Laguna family. They only meet you by accident, you are totally a mystery."

I can then sense my sister arriving a moment later. She got into the room and head over the balcony and watch over Elliot answering questions.

"That's the picture of the fucking old man, how did you 2 get that?" Diana asked

"Oh, I always remember appearances well, and I can always hire a good artist to draw it exactly as I describe it." Alice answered "So that 'old man', who is he? Why is he more powerful than any of us? He can't be one of the 13 gods since I know what they look like."

"You better just stop investigating about the guy for your own good." Diana warned

Fuck that old man, he just had to pop up now, he knows that we don't like him and yet he still tries to be the good guy after just throwing us into the pits and making stupid excuses that he can't take care of us cuz it was against his rules, so then, just don't have anymore children.

"Then we just won't stop." Alice declared "Even if he isn't the highest ranked raider, why is he so strong and yet not even placed in the top 100, we know nothing about his goal or whether he's a threat or not. We just want to know is true identity and I promise that we'll make sure to stop anyone from 'annoying' you."

"Fine." Diana replied "We'll tell you who he is."

"Wait, sis, are you serious?"

"Yeah...that old man...he..." she was hesitating and everyone in the room got their ears perked up.

The draftees down there sure looked piss, this was their moment to shine and yet, all the attention has now been passed onto a very accurate drawing and representation of our fucking father.

"Sis, I don't care if I'm hounded by reporters, it's our privacy that they're invading, it's not our duty to tell em."

"Even if we don't tell them, they will find it out sooner or later." Diana replied "The truths of the tower will come out the higher someone climbs, and all the information will quickly spread, and you KNOW his identity will be revealed sooner or later."

"Fine, just don't tell the name and just tell them WHAT he is."

"I plan to. Well Alice, if you really want to know...he's our father." Diana said

Alice now have a smile on her face, she's incredibly greedy for knowledge, and now she thinks that she gotten a clue to get to know who and where we really came from, but that's not going to happen anytime soon since our father isn't on any records apart from old myths and characters that are based on him.

And even then, the current form of him was made to just appeal to us anyway, doesn't help that me and my sister barely look like him, demigods can sometimes be born looking vastly different from the godly parents, so it's not that uncommon.

"I thought you said that he died when you were younger." Lia pointed out

"He IS dead. Dead to me."

"What about the mother?" Alice asked

"We already told you more than enough, so just leave already." Diana demanded

Alice turned into a shadow and disappeared in a blink of an eye, even if people know that he is our father, people will probably still believe that he is the current strongest hunter acknowledged by the tower, Alice probably has that thought as well due to the record of the tower trying to hide the identities of certain raiders like me.

"Damn that guy, he just had to appear now. Why does the protagonist have to have stupid luck of stupid tings happening at stupid times?"

"I don't think anyone would love to admit out loud that they think they are a protagonist either." Diana responded "It's a bit narcissistic."

"But...I am the protagonist."

"Sure you are, honey."

And now she said that in a motherly and teasing tone, I am the THE protagonist, why can't people just believe me.