
(Dropped) Welcome To Tower Academy

(Series is paused) worlds, 13 different major races, 1 tower that resets every hundred years. But before one climb the tower, they must attend the Tower Academy. Tower and academies, the author sure is bold to use 2 different genres for one novel, well I'm the protagonist, Perseus Silver, so follow my life journey throughout this fictional story where 4th walls are broken and where I journey my way to conquer this tower and academy with my lovely female lead. And besides, apparently there are mythological figures who are actually real, man, this stuff sucks, but it's too late for regrets. So action, adventure, romance, comedy...I'm sure the author was lazy to write different novels so he just wrote all the genres into one...that dumb idiot better make me look good. P.S. Yes, there will be romance, but I can assure you that the mc will have no harem despite his wishes. Disclaimer: No copyright infringement is intended, I do not own the cover nor any rights to it, if the owner wants it removed, please contact me.

PerseusSilver · Fantasy
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183 Chs

Chapter 41: Identity (3)

Perseus POV

I still have to report most of the new things I learn to Brooke even when the draft is going on as usual now, though I left out like the information about the tower and some other small secrets, but he now knows about the upcoming mandatory meeting with the Mirage Legion.

"Good thing that you make it so far up in the ranks now, at least should should learn something this meeting, I want you to just get all the information you can."

"Yes sir."

"So that picture on the news...was that really your father?"

"Yes and no sir."

"Well it make sense, you can't really live on the streets from birth with just the 2 of you." he chuckled

We lived somewhere way worse, and some of the floors of the tower isn't actually a floor, but by traveling to that floor, that floor is a whole alternate dimension, or a whole new different planet even. One of them is definitely the pits of Tartarus, well that's where the top 3 strongest of all time reached, the official 91st floor, aka the 101st floor or...the deepest abyss of the torment, Tartarus.

In a way, we were fortunate that Tartarus actually warded away 101st floor leveled monsters, the weakest ones are at least the level of the 65th floor boss.

The one he sent our way were probably the spawns of severely weakened imprisoned monsters, they were strong, but lacked intelligence compared to everything else, those spawns were malnourished since they can't prey on anyone nor did they team up with anything else.

"Sir, by attending, you realize that I will have to leak a lot of information that might endanger many people for them to trust me."

"Well as long as you tell me what you plan on telling them, I'll personally try to minimize the risk." he replied "We can't tell a lot of people, even some of the higher ups doesn't know of this operation, so then having no loss seems to be almost impossible unless we want you outed that you're a double agent."

"Well I have to go now. People will get suspicious if I'm out for too long, Alice isn't in my shadow nor is anyone close to me right now, so unless our call got intervened and leaked, this shall continue to remain a secret unless you're actually one of the legion's spy."

"I swear on my children's life that I'm not, don't worry."


I got back to the room where the draft was finally happening, I'll be honest, I'm not interested in any of those recruits, I've definitely see more potential in some of my classmates to reach a better level. I can tell that the 13 gods will probably update the list of the top clans and top 100 raiders.

Draftees have been informed of all the clans policies and benefits, and definitely been told by the system of the list of the clans who wanted to recruit them, it has the pay, commissions and everything, on the day of the draft, it's when you can be told of what clan decided to draft you through the system and the raider association.

And if you want to join the clan, you have to immediately sign the contract on stage, if you want to wait for a trade, you don't have to, but it will look bad since all of the clans here are top and successful clans. But the moment you decide to be in the draft, you can't accept any direct contracts outside the clans who are participating in the draft, or you will have a heavy penalty placed by the tower.

The system may not forbid it, but the association would prevent any clans that has bad reputations to participates, won't prevent them trying to go personally recruit though.

"What do you need, Herald?"

"I heard that you offended my daughter saying that she has lesser talent than your classmates and saying that the only reason why she would be likely to be recruited is due to me." he replied

"Well, am I wrong? Do you seriously think that based on her performance so far that she's currently the best talent from this year's class? Greg over there only has several more years to live due to his short life span as a goblin, yet I can tell he'll leave a name for himself by then, while Acacia at where she's currently at, she's just going to be remembered as your daughter."

My words are harsh, but it's the truth, she's only now learning to be humble and trying, she is indeed talented, but compared to everyone else in the A class, as it is, she's average. Same for Lia, if she gets too conceited, she will fall.

"I apologize if my words are harsh, but you can just think of this my ways of pointing things out, she can prove me wrong though, she has the potential for that at least, to nurture your true talents, you need hard work. Though if you're an Asian parent, talent or not, nothing is going to be enough."

"And yet here you are, arrogant as ever." he commented

"Oh? That's because I have power to back it up, why? Wanna test it?"

He stepped back a bit in fear, I didn't even release my aura, didn't even glare, yet he backed away after I showed him my smile, is my smile that scary?

"Confidence is always good, besides, I'm the protagonist, I have every fucking right to be a tiny bit arrogant in this novel, cuz I will always have plot armor to save my ass. Now, tell me Herald, why did you come here?"

"I just wanted to see what a ranked feels like by staying in their vicinity." Herald answered "And I hope that you can keep watching over my daughter so that she can live to surpass being just my daughter."

"That's your job as a father and a top raider, I already have people to look out for and one of them is my beautiful and spoiled partner."