
(Dropped) Welcome To Tower Academy

(Series is paused) worlds, 13 different major races, 1 tower that resets every hundred years. But before one climb the tower, they must attend the Tower Academy. Tower and academies, the author sure is bold to use 2 different genres for one novel, well I'm the protagonist, Perseus Silver, so follow my life journey throughout this fictional story where 4th walls are broken and where I journey my way to conquer this tower and academy with my lovely female lead. And besides, apparently there are mythological figures who are actually real, man, this stuff sucks, but it's too late for regrets. So action, adventure, romance, comedy...I'm sure the author was lazy to write different novels so he just wrote all the genres into one...that dumb idiot better make me look good. P.S. Yes, there will be romance, but I can assure you that the mc will have no harem despite his wishes. Disclaimer: No copyright infringement is intended, I do not own the cover nor any rights to it, if the owner wants it removed, please contact me.

PerseusSilver · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
183 Chs

Chapter 129: She's totally not dumb

Cordelia POV

The mana bomb blew and disperses a circular thin veil of mana of 10 m of radius and it spread out quick, I can then here beeping sounds from 3 people who was then warped out of the barrier, meaning that they got eliminated.

"None of us got out, right?!" I shouted

"No!" all my classmates shouted back at the same time.

"No, but tell us beforehand next time, ya jerk, I ain't the smart goblin who can figure things out with a glance!" Alvis retorted as he came back to my side.

Wrong wording to use in this situation, you can't give a glance or anything since we're all blindfolded.

7 left, that's good, other classes are going to start copying me now, but at least I'll get credit for being the first one to do it, I can tell people were a bit bored for the last few games before us, everyone tried their best to dodge or grab an opponent in place to sacrifice themselves for the class win.

Not only do I credit for this, I'll probably earn extra credits for doing this too, some may call it cheating, but I just wanna win.

The second bomb came, but this one can only be heard as this one didn't send out any mana signals at all, it could just be a dud, but the opponent tried to do the same, only that this one blew quicker than the first one with the range of about 6-7m lighting up their jacket made a beeping sound was heard to eliminate them.

They already started randomizing them?! That's too quick. We could only heard the slight sound of when it was thrown and after that, nothing.

The 3rd one also gave out no mana signatures but this one was different, it was loud, it blasted this screeching sound the moment it went through the barrier, the soundwaves bounces of the wall and reflected in a way where we can't figure out where it is and have to only predict its course from where it entered and hoped it down blow big enough to eliminate us.

I used magic to fly to the top corner as far away from it as possible, but it blew the moment I did, the mana touched my leg but I was just in time to escape before it touched my jacket and eliminating me.

5 more is now out, 2 was from my own classmates.

Immediately another one was thrown, but this own was similar to the first one, Alvis dashed towards it and kicked it at my direction.

"Watch out!" he shouted

It hit the barrier and reflected to the opposite side where our opponents thought they were safe and got hit by the exploding mana bomb. It continued till we won with 6 people remaining whom are all from my class.

Perseus POV

"Hmm, smart girl. Her father wasn't wrong about her being smart after all."

"You actually expected her to be eliminated?" Diana as ked as she pinched my waist

"Well, I'll have a high chance of getting a date from a somewhat smart woman rather than a really smart woman, usually no girls is attracted to me."

"That's wrong." Zach chimed in "I checked the stats, you're highly sought after by high school girls and even middle school, they describe you as a very dreamy guy. It was even on the news."

"That might as well be zero, they're not legal nor am I attracted to that!"

"Can't be that hard to find an older woman who's into you, there's huge market for that after all." Decker joined in "I mean, you're technically of legal age now, some would love to go after you."

"Hah, as if some older women would be attracted by my young pretty face, they'd have to be stupid."

"Ahem, as funny as it is, please try to keep the topic as appropriate as possible please." Valentina requested as I can see a slight bulging vein on her forehead.

Oooohhh...right...she's one of the dumb ones, don't let her know I said that though, she'll kill me. Not in the physical and literal sense, but she has a very foul vocabulary when she wants to.

"To be fair, you'll definitely be popular in a men's prison." Diana commented as even the royal guards crack a small laugh before hiding it to not get fired.

I hate this sister of mine, why can't I get a very lovely anime sister who unconditionally loves her brother instead of saying these things to me, I've never been insulted with a 'you'll be popular in a male's prison.'.

"Anyway, you got past the first round, second round is easier, they'll be putting the entirety of the 2 classes into a battle royale." Dina said "Your class may be down 1 person, but they're good enough to compensate for that."

"Why can't they give me an event? I'm bored."

"You can always leave school and join us into climbing the tower, we can leave for another grind if you come along." Zach suggested "Could probably go for 20-30 floors if we want to, probably break the record while at it."

"Or I can stay behind and flirt with girls my age and create a harem."

"Ahem." Valentina cough

"Ah my queen, are you perhaps jealous?" I joked "Or are you uncomfortable because you are sick?"

She then smiled and got that look where she thought of a good reply, I think I just made a huge mistake.

"A bit of both, I've seen in this show from the human race where people feed someone else water in a very interesting way." she said "Would you want to soothe my cough by passing water...mouth to mouth?"

"Oh hell no."

"Very hygienic." Decker smirked "No wonder humans don't live long if those kind of shows really influence people to start it as a trend."

"Oh come on, Perseus, we've done things that were way worse than that and we enjoyed it, what's to say that this isn't the same." she continued with the evil smile

"Please stop teasing me, I would never lay a hand on you."

The looks that Zach, Decker, and the royal guards are giving me now are dangerous, she really wanna end me.