
(Dropped) Welcome To Tower Academy

(Series is paused) worlds, 13 different major races, 1 tower that resets every hundred years. But before one climb the tower, they must attend the Tower Academy. Tower and academies, the author sure is bold to use 2 different genres for one novel, well I'm the protagonist, Perseus Silver, so follow my life journey throughout this fictional story where 4th walls are broken and where I journey my way to conquer this tower and academy with my lovely female lead. And besides, apparently there are mythological figures who are actually real, man, this stuff sucks, but it's too late for regrets. So action, adventure, romance, comedy...I'm sure the author was lazy to write different novels so he just wrote all the genres into one...that dumb idiot better make me look good. P.S. Yes, there will be romance, but I can assure you that the mc will have no harem despite his wishes. Disclaimer: No copyright infringement is intended, I do not own the cover nor any rights to it, if the owner wants it removed, please contact me.

PerseusSilver · Fantasy
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183 Chs

Chapter 128: Pressure is on

Perseus POV

After the meeting between leaders end, Valentina headed to her spot. Eleanor is hidden somewhere in the crowd alongside the most loyal of guards to act as her friends, her face is on full view but no one would know that she's a princess apart from a select few.

We then headed to this huge VIP box seat where it was large enough for Valentina, a couple members of my clan and a few of the royal guards, no cameras or any audio recording device, but in case of cases like murder or something, the admins are always keeping watch to make sure and can give their perspective or their recorded file to the academy when asked.

"Alright, you guys can stay by the queen and I'll go find a spot to slee-" my collar got grabbed by my sister on the out

"C'mon sis, you're here, you can just call me when trouble arises, a little sleep won't hurt anyone. You do realize that one of the reason why our clan was expensive to hire was because of you, right?" she replied "They pay for the service, so might as well stay awake for several event, your class is going 4th after all."

"C'mon, everyone is so slow, our mom can move faster than that, and she wear wooden sandals with a robe all the time like it's the edo period or something."

"You seriously wanna get cancelled on the internet or something? It's a part of her culture and she's an old fashion woman, she may be a jerk and a terrible mother, but at least respect our heritage." she retorted

"Why do you always have to be the one who put me down? I thought big sisters are supposed to be the one who spoil and defend their younger brother!"

"You little-"

3rd person POV

"Do they seriously fight like this all the time?" A royal guard asked

"Yes." Zach and Decker answered

"But please do not worry, when it comes to a fight, they are going to put your lives as priority and wouldn't fail their task." Decker reassured "We even written in the contract that you might have to witness them argue."

The 2 then continued arguing, luckily they weren't too loud and annoy their clients and instead gave them entertainment, and they used a device to make sure their voices don't leak out to anyone else.

But the fight didn't last long as they then kept a look out at the large crowd at this large colosseum housing thousands and thousands of people cheering and the entertainment set by the academy while the contestants are being led in and the others prepare.

Perseus and Diana were the ones who kept the look out the most, strange movements or anything that looked odd, but the tournament just go on as usual and it went on till the time arrives for the hyped up A class, the students whose potential and talents are deemed the best of the best.

Cordelia POV

When our class head out of our locker room(divided by gender with a neutral meeting area in the middle) and head out to the coliseum where we were greeted by the loud waves of spectators.

The pressure is now on, though the first year A class doesn't win often, we are at least expected to have a good showcase and tell everyone why we were the sole A class in the whole academy, why we are chosen as the top.

2nd years and 3rd years A class are different since they know how to deal with pressure, and that's why our class isn't expected to win it all. It is proven by the fact that many first years A class in the past failing to the crushing pressure and tanking everything in this tournament, we are expected to be the very best, and it's too much for us.

The previous years A classes were all small celebrities of sorts, Acacia and Alvin fall into this category, especially the former, the only reason why the rest of us are overlooked is the sole youngest ranker in our class, Perseus Silver, no one will bother to know our names when no one can match up to him. But we're here to also show why we're all going to be successful raiders of our own.

The cheer from the crowd though is deafening and if we turn to the giant TV broadcasting this whole thing, they occasionally change the camera angles and scenery throughout the whole coliseum ad we see recognizable raiders here as 'guards' and 'enforcers'.

But Perseus already told us their true goal, to scout and evaluate the talents of young raiders and it was true, based on the fact that they are more focus on us rather than watching the people and worrying about their safety.

I am chosen as one of the participants for our class today, there's only one round today, if we lose, we lose. My heart is beating lightning quick, I'm a nature spirit, a being known as closest to the gods due to our talent with mana. Even our weakest might show up other races in terms of mana and magic, this event test our senses and mana senses, if I lose the first round, I let myself down, my partner down and my race down.

Me, Acacia, Alvin, and 7 other classmates, most consist of fellow nature spirits were given these blindfold and then led inside the stage where we can feel where the barriers and ceiling are based on our mana sense.

"This is nerve wracking." I said but received no reply as they all stayed silent and quiet to focus on a surprise attack.

The announcer then introduced us and started the countdown.

"3...2...1...ready...go!" he shouted as I can then sensed a football(soccer ball for those who uses the Americanized term) size mana bomb thrown to the north of the barrier, as everyone head away, I took a different approach, i ran towards it.

'Exploit the rules, that's how you will survive the tower.'

That's the advice Perseus gave me, their clan uses this saying to get rich and I'm going to do the same to win. The bomb's cooldown would be shorter as time goes on and harder to sense too, but for now, it's possible, I ran towards the bomb and grabbed it.

Once I sense it was about to blow, i threw it at the mana signatures who aren't my classmates.

There's no rules against me using the bombs to attack instead of just running away from it at all times.