
(Dropped) Welcome To Tower Academy

(Series is paused) worlds, 13 different major races, 1 tower that resets every hundred years. But before one climb the tower, they must attend the Tower Academy. Tower and academies, the author sure is bold to use 2 different genres for one novel, well I'm the protagonist, Perseus Silver, so follow my life journey throughout this fictional story where 4th walls are broken and where I journey my way to conquer this tower and academy with my lovely female lead. And besides, apparently there are mythological figures who are actually real, man, this stuff sucks, but it's too late for regrets. So action, adventure, romance, comedy...I'm sure the author was lazy to write different novels so he just wrote all the genres into one...that dumb idiot better make me look good. P.S. Yes, there will be romance, but I can assure you that the mc will have no harem despite his wishes. Disclaimer: No copyright infringement is intended, I do not own the cover nor any rights to it, if the owner wants it removed, please contact me.

PerseusSilver · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
183 Chs

Chapter 117: You seriously fucked up

Cordelia POV

The official first floor(11th floor) of the tower is simply amazing, the safe zone near the teleporter itself resembles a regular stereotypical market area in your cliché anime or whatever, but if you look upwards or walk to the edge of the first, there are floating pieces of land.

We look like as if we're in space as we're in this dark and sparkly sky, even though we can breathe normally, Perseus got his mask on but his outfit and his silver hair is already iconic at this point as everyone realized who he is, and unlike the academy no one dared even approaching us for an interview.

'Outside the safe zone, you can get killed, you can die, so don't make any enemies if you can help it.'

That was what Perseus advised me as we left. And that's why everyone try not to approach us, if they annoy Perseus in any wrong way, once they walk past the line, no one will be able to save them if Perseus kill them, no authorities will prosecute him even if they tried, at most, you'll be just looked down upon for your lack of morals and ethics.

"So how do we get from one floating island to another?"

"Well you can go to an npc and rent a this spaceship to get you from place to place, warp if you know spatial magic, or simply fly across with magic." Perseus answered "This 11th floor is more fun than the previous, last time it was themed as cities on top of this giant walking camel traveling across this red desert made of poisonous sand that can instantly kill you."

Oh yeah, there were many news articles talking about many group of people trying to pick it up using magic or other gadgets so that they can use it in higher floors, but people died from just getting close, the safe zone was like 50 degrees Celsius and outside the safe zone was even hotter.

But this time, it's cold, there's no sun or whatever, but it's only freezing temperature, the inside of the tower is truly fascinating, sometimes neither science nor regular magic theories can explain its phenomenon. I mean, we're breathing and there's no dome whatsoever to contain air.

"So how do you warp from one island to another? I thought you can only go to places that you've been to before."

"Oh I can warp to either places I've been to within the floor or dimension, so I can't just warp from Earth to the world of vampires or from one floor to another, but in many cases, as long as I can see it clearly within my vision range, I can warp there, so if I was a stalker, I can warp into a person's room if I can see the insides." he answered

Scary power. But as we then head to go out of the safe zone, my phone vibrated, I took it out and see a message from him.

'Act normal, we're being followed. And from their gaze, it's not a fan of my beauty or our status as the leads.'

He really is a bit of a narcissist sometimes.

"So did anything exciting happened to you while I was gone? Got yourself a boyfriend maybe?" He asked

"You're shit at this."

"Eh." he shrugged "Sounds like a lonely insecure and SINGLE person to me."

"Well 2 of your relationships didn't even went past a year, so I don't think you should be that arrogant."

As we bicker, Perseus then wrapped his arm around my waist and warped me to this floating piece of giant mechanical steel ball, it's smaller than the one from that particular series of sci fi movies. And the net minute a lightning bolt struck right in front of us with a muscular guy about 1.9 m tall jumping out swinging dual red blades.

"Disappointing." Perseus muttered and he snapped his fingers.

Chains made of black steel then started appearing all around us, the assassin starting slashing and cutting every chain around him as his body is now shrouded with crackling electricity.

But the chains were endless, he given up on defending himself and charged straight at me, I am much slower than him, but I raised my sword anyway to try to defend myself, but a very thick wall made of several layers of chains then appeared in front of me.

A crash and explosion noise were heard, I then turned my head upwards as I sensed some mana up there to see a warp gates appearing with people dropping from it, several more gates started to appear around us with more people rushing at us.

"Oh this mana isn't from you, you hired a spatial mage assassin, you weren't useless after all." Perseus chuckled as he then snapped his fingers again.

More chains started to swiftly come out of the ground, some moved so fast that it hit the assassin in the head and knocked them out of the spot and it then chained them.

I tried to help as I created ice shards in the air and shot them randomly around us to change their course of attack, some hit them but barely any damage, apart from either blunt force or cuts on their skin.

They're prioritizing speed as they don't have heaving armor.

"For a son of a god, you are very weak." Perseus mumbled as he disappeared within thin air and got behind the main assassin who he then punched hard in the back of the head.

The man flew and hit a very deep hole in the very thick walls of the giant mechanical ball. The man got out of the hole and then charged at me again, but Perseus is in front of me this time, he quickly grabbed the person's head and smashed it against the ground as his palm then have a small fiery explosion.

The now burnt assassin is no longer shrouded with electricity as he stopped moving.

"Now for the rest of you..." Perseus laughed as he stretched his back "You guys seriously fucked up."