
(doomsday) The Eschaton

(if u guys don't know what eschaton means it is a greek word that stands for the end of the world) One night the moon was dancing as graceful as a flower in the sky the clouds as its audience sways and applaudes and the lightning and thunder roleing and striking consistently in recognition. at that time a man that goes by the name jacob was sleeping just like the rest of humanity unbenownce to them the world as they know it was changeing rapidly growing and expanding about 10× its original size. the animals mutated into ferocious beasts and celestial beings from outer space set there eyes on the planet wasteing no time to try colonize the planet that had just evolved to there likeing. Will jacob and the rest of humanity survive and overcome this eschaton or will they faulter and lose the planet to the celestial beings and mutated animals? im useing this account to write then transfer it to my next account that is called doaistCbB6bR so go over there and give some support

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The eschaton

One night the moon was dancing as graceful as a flower in the sky the clouds as its audience sways and applaudes and the lightning and thunder roleing and striking consistently in recognition.

at that time a man that goes by the name jacob was sleeping just like the rest of humanity unbenownce to them the world as they know it was changeing rapidly growing and expanding about 10× its original size.

the animals mutated into ferocious beasts and celestial beings from outer space set there eyes on the planet wasteing no time to try colonize the planet that had just evolved to there likeing.

following those events the sky turned a crimson blood red hue and the moon that was once majestic like a flower that had just bloomed seemed to be laughing menouseingly at its spectators about 6 am when the sun should be riseing there was no sun in sight.

then like magic humanity started to wake up about 85% of humanity died and turned into zombies and 10% of those who servived gain powers some could control the elements of the world some could enhance there physics.

jacob woke up to the sound of roaring he looked outdide his window only to be met by a red sky and a laughing moon the next second four zombies broke through his door roaring at him.

adrenaline kicked in and he ran into his bathroom and locked the door he frantically look around for a weapon only to find a broken mop stick and on the door was peep hole at head hight he put the broken mp stick in and consecutively stabed out four times in an instant i heard four thumps rang out and blood spew out on the door my adrenalin finished and open the door to come out.

there was a disgusting sight to see the zombie blood spewed out on the floor it looked like someone polished the floor in blood red polish i instantly vomited at the sight but i know i have to adap if i want to survive in this newly evolved world then i saw a transparent blue screen infront of him and i heard a vioce that said.

puz puz u just kill a level 0 zombie activation of the eshaton system i am a world wide system for any one that kills a zombie i am a tool for humanity to grow and evolve so they can survive and combat the impending desaster if u want to know ur curent strength say status in his mind he said status


Name: jacob

Age: 24

Level: stage 0,level 0 [4/5xp]

strength: 5

dextarity: 6


4 xp gained

there was a tab that said ability lottery i press on it without a second thought


lottery tickets: 2 spin ( yes )or no

a big wheel appears and a lever attached to it and a screen that display how much tickets i have then i pull on it 2 times it started to spin slowly then exploded with speed then it stoped at space and time control i was so happy i jumped with enthusiasm then a loud voice said .

u have gained a special duel elements ability space and time control description u can make thing out of space element and slow down time to a certain extent it can be upgraded with xp to increase what can be made with the space element and increase the duration to slow down time.

since i got an ability i should go out and test out my ability and skavenge food from the near by supermarket i step out and right as should leave the apartment building i felt something grab me and hurdle me across the room.

as i was on the floor my mind was screaming to figure out what just happened but when i open my eyes i saw a big muscular man in front of me i got up and stealed myself for a fight first i start rushing infront of the muscular man as i reach close i activated my space ability and formed a dager then my time ability to slow down time but it only last one second but that was good enough i twist my acheing body to create force to slam my newly created space dager into the muscular man head but because my time ability was just to slow time down not stop it it grazed his nose but i quickly changed my stance and stabed my eager under his throat silenceing him for good the then i heard the system chimed in.

u gained 1 xp for killing a ordinary human.level up your now a stage 0,level 1 existence u gained 3 attribute point hidden quest completed u gained 5 xp


Name: jacob

Age: 24

level:stage 0,level 1

strength: 5+2=7

dexterity: 6

speed: 5+1=6

comment: your weak as a chicken a normal human has 8 in each actribute plz level up and gain actribute points and xp to upgrade ur actributes and level of existence.

ability's: space and time control level 1 [0/10xp]

the upgrade in level and the increase in my stats made me feel like i can kill him easier and the pain in my body calmed but not vanished i steped over the dead man and continued on my path to the supermarket to gain supplies so i can survive without worrying if im going to starve to death.