
(doomsday) The Eschaton

(if u guys don't know what eschaton means it is a greek word that stands for the end of the world) One night the moon was dancing as graceful as a flower in the sky the clouds as its audience sways and applaudes and the lightning and thunder roleing and striking consistently in recognition. at that time a man that goes by the name jacob was sleeping just like the rest of humanity unbenownce to them the world as they know it was changeing rapidly growing and expanding about 10× its original size. the animals mutated into ferocious beasts and celestial beings from outer space set there eyes on the planet wasteing no time to try colonize the planet that had just evolved to there likeing. Will jacob and the rest of humanity survive and overcome this eschaton or will they faulter and lose the planet to the celestial beings and mutated animals? im useing this account to write then transfer it to my next account that is called doaistCbB6bR so go over there and give some support

Mearchantcat · Fantasi
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On the road

that first experience of a fight made me more cautious but my adrenaline was still running.

when i arived at the supermarket then i remember that i didn't have a bag to collect resources i search for a bag on my I found a large camping bagpack then i start hoardeing resources.

when my backpack was about to be full i turned to leave but there was two zombies at the door a perfect way to train my ability i said then i created a dager and rushed in front of the zombies then slow down time and stabbed the the zombies in the head those kills brings my total amout of xp to 3 i called out status to check how much xp i need to level up my ability to level 2 .


NAME: jacob

Age: 24

Level: stage 0,level 1 [0/15xp]

strength: 7



comment: you are as weak as a chicken a regular human has 8 in each actribute plz level up and gain actribute points and xp to upgrade ur actributes and level of existence.

ability:space and time control level 1 [0/10xp]

7 more xp that should be easy to get i said while i steped out of the supermarket before i even take 5 step away from the supermarket.

i heard a girl with raged clothing and mud all over her face come over to me asking for a piece of bread my gut feeling told me not to stop but i did not head its warning and stoped put down the bag and take out a loaf of bread and gave her 2 slices.

I never thought this girl was buying time for her companions to ambus me from behind for my things i only felt two berly men hands grab onto each of my shoulders pressing me down while three more was loading my bag pack onto there bikes u can tel they were bad people before the eschaton i regretted helping this girl right then and there i promise myself to always follow my gut feelings about a person no matter how bad i feel.

I thought i was done for but god was on my side the next second the bearly men companions shouted to tell him they were ready to go but that was a fatal mistake as soon as they let go of me i instantly pushed my powers to its limit and formed two spatial dagers and amed at there heads killing them and dashed away.

But the mens companions were quick to act because the were ready and reved the bikes and set chased they did not take long for them to catch up.

I was laughing because i finally found sth again to trigger my adrenalin i activated my ability to slowe down time and throw the two dagers in my hands towards the chaseing men on bikes one hit the gas tank on one of the bike and the other completely missed and hit a car and its alarm went off.

A mutated wolf appeared suddenly i pick up speed but the bike that had its gas tank pierced started to catch on fire and exploded in the next second it propped me Into a food truck.

But because of me setting the bike on fire and it was used to detonate and kill 3 people and a mutated wolf i gained 5 xp which brings my total to 8 xp.

I Then got up and searched the food truck i landed at and realized it could drive and it was quiet when i started it perfect i said and its freezer was filled to the brim with meat at the side of the freezer was three large bag of rice and 6 10 galan water bottles and in the cupboards with rice cookers and pands,pot and plastic plates and utensiles.

I started it up drove it to the entrance of my apartment but there was 2 zombies eating the coarpse of theman that i killed i swiftly distbatch the 2 zombies and transfer all the things from the food truck into my living room which look like a small mountain of neatly packed food and water but the meat would not last long so i cooked a lot of it with small portion of rice at the side for my meal to regain my vigour once i finish eating my meal i called up the status window



Age: 24

level: stage 0,level 1 [0/15xp]

strength: 7



comment: you are as weak as a chicken a regular human has 8 in each actribute plz level up and gain actribute points and xp to upgrade ur actributes and level of existence.

ability: space and time control level 1 [10/10xp]

duration time after use for the function of space is 2 hrs and time duration after use is 12 hrs

you have levelled up ur space and time control ability to level 2 discription u can make ur weaponds that are made out of ur space element stronger and can make slightly larger things also you now slow down time for a longer duration of 2 seconds

space was not that big of an increase but is still better and more useful like last time i could only create 2 dagers now i can create 2 machetes or 4 dangers but time i could kill anything more efficiently with there slowed perseption of there sourounding but it had a major flaw people could still do thing but it gives me twice my agility in a sence for 2 seconds and speed buffs can not work because time itself is bring slowed down but i am exhausted from all the events that happen today i have to take a good nights nap.